Bright stars produce a number of artifacts in the Post-Cryo single frame images that can trigger spurious source detections or contaminate measurements of real astrophysical sources. These artifacts include diffraction spikes, scattered-light halos, optical ghosts, persistence (latents), and glints. Source detections that are associated with image artifacts are identified by the cc_flags column in the Post-Cryo Single-Exposure Source Database. The methods used to identification and flagging of artifacts during Post-Cryo data processing was based closely upon single-frame artifact flagging algorithms used during processing of the full cryogenic mission data for the All-Sky Data Release, described in section IV.4.g.. In this section we summarize the how the parameters used for artifact flagging were updated to respond to the different characteristics of the Post-Cryo data.
The most significant difference between the artifact flagging in the Post-Cryo data processing and the flagging used in the Cryogenic data processing is the lack of the W3 and W4 bands. Other than the omission of the W3 and W4 artifact flagging, the algorithms used to identify and flag detections affected by artifacts in the Post-Cryo processing were generally the same as used for the full Cryo data processing. The parameters used to identify flag artifacts were retuned to reflect changes in the characteristics of the artifacts in the Post-Cryo data. For each type of artifact, we provide the updated parameters below, along with references to the appropriate Explanatory Supplement section that describes fully the methodology.
Artifact flagging in the second-pass processing of in this Post-Cryo that generated the products for the 2013 Post-Cryo Release improves upon the flagging that was done in the first-pass processing that generated the superseded Preliminary Post-Cryo Release. The improvements addressed primarily how artifacts from glints were tracked, and how adjustements were made in response to different single-exposure background levels.
Diffraction spikes are linear features caused by diffracted light from the telescope's secondary mirror support structure. In a single-exposure image, they extend from a bright source at angles of approximately 45, 135, 225, and 315 degrees, where 0 degrees is aligned with the positive y-axis. A description of flagging methodology for diffraction spikes in single-exposure images can be found in Section IV.4.g.i.1. Below we reprint the functional forms give the updated parameters used to flag diffraction spikes.
The functional form of the equation relating spike length (in arcsec), LS to parent magnitude, mp is:
The functional form of the equation relating spike width (in arcsec), WS to parent magnitude, mp is:
The values for the parameters are:
Band | aL | bL | mthr_d |
1 | -0.195 | 3.38 | 9.0 |
2 | -0.178 | 3.14 | 9.0 |
Band | aW | bW | cW | m1 | m2 |
1 | 25.0 | 20.0 | 10.0 | 2.0 | 5.0 |
2 | 25.0 | 20.0 | 10.0 | 2.0 | 5.0 |
For distinguishing between detections that are believed to be spurious and those that are believed to be real but contaminated by a diffraction spike, the function relating Δmspur_d to rparent is:
Band | aspur | bspur | cspur |
1 | 0.4 | 0.5 | 3.5 |
2 | 0.4 | 0.5 | 3.5 |
To correct for the background level in a single-exposure image, the background corrected diffraction spike length, LS_bg, is related to the original spike length, LS by the relation:
Band | cbg | dbg | Bmin | Bmax |
1 | -0.95 | 1.95 | 1.1 | 0.22 |
2 | -1.5 | 3.08 | 1.1 | 0.3 |
Bright sources are surrounded by a scattered-light "halo", essentially the outer wings of an object's point-spread function. This flux can produce spurious source extractions, and can, of course, also result in contaminated photometry for real nearby sources. A description of the scattered light halo flagging methodology can be found in Section IV.4.g.ii.1. Below we reprint the functional forms and parameters used to flag halos.
The function relating the halo radius, rh (in arcsec), and the
parent magnitude, mp
The values of the parameters are:
Band | a | b |
1 | -0.144 | 2.79 |
2 | -0.113 | 2.49 |
The function relating the determination of spurious vs. contaminated sources is given by:
Where 'a' and 'c' are the derived parameters. The values of the parameters are:
Band | a | c |
1 | 6.3 | -2.6 |
2 | 7.3 | -4.3 |
The size of the halos scales with the background level in the image by the relation:
where B is defined as:
The values cbg and dbg are:
Band | cbg | dbg | Bmin | Bmax |
1 | -0.35 | 1.35 | 0.01 | 1.0 |
2 | -0.57 | 1.78 | 0.01 | 1.0 |
Optical ghosts are the produced by internal reflections in the optical path of the telescope and camera. In the WISE images, ghosts manifest themselves as ring-like structures at a fixed position from a bright parent source. Since, for a given band, ghosts always manifest themselves in the same position (direction and distance) relative to the center of a bright parent star, flagging is performed using a purely positional approach. Sources are flagged inside a circular region located at a fixed distance and direction from the parent star's center. Although the ghosts themselves are not circular, a circular flagging region is a good first order approximation. The size of a ghost does not vary with the brightness of the parent star.
A description of the flagging methodology for optical ghosts can be found in Section IV.4.g.iv.1. The parameters used to flag ghosts in Post-Cryo second-pass processing are summarized below.
Table 8 contain the parameters used for flagging optical ghosts, including:
Δx and Δy, which define the positional offset (in pixels) of the
ghost from the parent source; Rghost, which defines the ghost size;
mthr_o, which is the parent brightness in each band at which
ghosts appear; and Δmspur_o, the threshold for real vs.
spurious detections.
Band | Δx | Δy | Rghost | mthr_o | Δmspur_o |
1 | 114.0 | 0.0 | 13.0 | 1.0 | 12.0 |
2 | 114.0 | 0.0 | 13.0 | 4.7 | 9.0 |
The following section contains information regarding the parameters used persistence (latent) artifact flagging during Post-Cryo second-pass processing. See Section IV.4.g.iv.1 for the characterization methodology and definition of the parameters.
Band | Δmspur | Parameter A | Parameter B | Scale Background | Decay Time (sec) |
1 | 8.4 | 0 | 2.0 | 15.0 | 1.5 |
2 | 7.8 | 0 | 2.0 | 30.0 | 1.5 |
Glints are artifacts on single-exposure images that occur when a bright source just off-frame produces reflected light onto the detector. A description of glint types and their flagging methodology can be found in Section IV.4.g.v.1. Below we give the parameters used to flag glints in second-pass Post-Cryo processing.
Band | x (above; below) | y (above; below) | FR(above; below) | FRΔx (above; below) | mp range (above; below) |
1 | 400-1024; 0-1024 | 200-412; 801-830 | 1306x435; 413x110 | -69.0; -13.8 | <4.75; 3.4-6.4 |
2 | 400-1024; N/A | 200-400; N/A | 1169x358; N/A | -69.0; N/A | <3.65; N/A |
Parent Location | x | y | FR | FRΔx | mp range |
above | 0-1024 | 120-205 | 1500x420 | -99.0 | <3.4 |
below | 0-1024 | 795-890 | 1500x420 | -99.0 | <3.4 |
Band | x (above; below) | y (above; below) | FR(above; below) | FRΔx (above; below) | mp range (above; below) |
1 | 0-400; N/A | 200-400; N/A | 825x80; N/A | 0.0; N/A | <4.25; N/A |
2 | 0-400; N/A | 200-400; N/A | 825x138; N/A | 0.0; N/A | <3.0; N/A |
The Post-Cryo Preliminary Data Release was generated using first-pass processing of the WISE Post-Cryo survey data. This processing used parameters that were adapted from the Cryo survey data processing and were not necessarily optimized for the characteristics of the Post-Cryo data. Post-Cryo Preliminary Release Single-Exposure Source Database entries that may be spurious extraction of or contaminated by artifacts produced by bright stars are identified by the cc_flags database column. Flagging of sources affect by artifacts in Post-Cryo first-pass processing was based closely on the method used for the first-pass processing of the Cryogenic data, and is described in section IV.3.f. of the Preliminary Data Release Explanatory Supplement. In this section we summarize important characteristics which distinguish flagging in the Preliminary Post-Cryo Release from subsequent processing used to produce the WISE All-Sky Data Release, the 3-Band Cryo Data Release and the 2013 Post Cryo Release.
Some things to keep in mind about artifact flagging in the Post-Cryo Preliminary Data Release:
The cautionary notes from the preliminary processing are also applicable to post-cryo preminimary processing. They are listed again here for your convenience. Read them!
In preliminary processing, diffraction spikes and halos are treated together as a single artifact. Please read section IV.3.f.i. of the Explanatory Supplement to the WISE Preliminary Data Release for a description.
Cautionary notes:
Please read section IV.3.f.ii. of the Explanatory Supplement to the WISE Preliminary Data Release for a description.
Please read section IV.3.f.iii. of the Explanatory Supplement to the WISE Preliminary Data Release for a description.
Cautionary Note:
Glints are not flagged in first-pass Post-Cryo processing.
Last Update: 2013 April 18