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For /wise/base/deliv/dev/bin/getfix
  Run on Thu May 20 15:30:03 2010
Reported on Thu May 20 16:25:21 2010

Statements Executed40
Total Time0.00972 seconds

Subroutines — ordered by exclusive time
Calls P F Exclusive

1#! /usr/bin/env perl
3#BEGIN { $Exporter::Verbose=1 }
5package WISE::FITSIO;
735.0e-51.7e-5use WISE::Env (cfglib=>'/wise/base/deliv/dev/lib/perl',import=>[qw/$basedir/]);
# spent 593µs making 1 call to WISE::Env::import, max recursion depth 1
932.6e-58.7e-6use strict;
# spent 8µs making 1 call to strict::import
1033.1e-51.0e-5use warnings;
# spent 24µs making 1 call to warnings::import
1233.3e-51.1e-5use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK %EXPORT_TAGS);
# spent 72µs making 1 call to vars::import
1435.0e-51.7e-5use Carp qw(croak carp confess cluck);
# spent 54µs making 1 call to Exporter::import
1611.0e-61.0e-6$VERSION = 1.00;
1833.1e-51.0e-5use Exporter;
# spent 30µs making 1 call to Exporter::import
1930.000570.00019use FITSIO qw(/.*/); # Import everything
# spent 295µs making 1 call to Exporter::import
2133.0e-51.0e-5use WISE::Release;
# spent 5µs making 1 call to import
2230.000730.00024use WISE::Dumper;
# spent 49µs making 1 call to Exporter::import
2430.008130.00271use File::Basename;
# spent 61µs making 1 call to Exporter::import
2611.0e-61.0e-6my $version = '$Id: FITSIO.pm 5619 2009-08-21 20:30:50Z tim $ ';
2811.1e-51.1e-5@ISA = qw(FITSIO Exporter);
3011.0e-61.0e-6@EXPORT = @FITSIO::EXPORT;
3114.0e-64.0e-6@EXPORT_OK = @FITSIO::EXPORT_OK;
36# Override constructor and HDU initialization to add a release header card
38sub new {
39 my $class = shift;
40 my $this = $class->SUPER::new(@_) or return;
41 my $hdunum = $this->currhdu();
43 if($this->writeable() &&
44 ($this->numhdus()||0) > 0 &&
45 ! $this->key("WRELEASE",{hdunum=>1}) ) {
46 $this->key([[
47 WRELEASE=>(WISE::Release->new()->release() // 'NONE').
48 " / WSDS s/w release tag"
49 ]],
50 {hdunum=>1});
51 $this->hdunum($hdunum) if $hdunum;;
52 }
54 return $this;
57sub newhdu {
58 my $this = shift;
59 my $rc = $this->SUPER::newhdu(@_) or return;
60 my $hdunum = $this->currhdu();
62 if($this->writeable() &&
63 ($this->numhdus()||0) > 0 &&
64 ! $this->key("WRELEASE",{hdunum=>1}) ) {
65 $this->key([[
66 WRELEASE=>(WISE::Release->new()->release() // 'NONE').
67 " / WSDS s/w release tag"
68 ]],
69 {hdunum=>1});
70 $this->hdunum($hdunum) if $hdunum;;
71 }
73 return $rc;
79# Do the canonical transformatiom from a sextractor output catalog to
80# the WISE standard catalog format
81sub sex_to_std {
82 my $this = shift;
83 my $sxcat = shift;
84 my $stdcat = shift;
85 my $opts = shift || {};
86 my $specfile= $opts->{specfile};
87 $specfile = "$basedir/params/cat_reform_specs/sex_to_std.txt"
88 if ! defined $specfile;
89 my %spec;
90 if($specfile) {
91 print "Opening spec file '$specfile' ...\n" if $opts->{verbose};
92 %spec = _parse_reform_spec_file($specfile,$opts)
93 }
94 if(! $stdcat) {
95 $stdcat = WISE::Utils::pathcomp($sxcat,
96 {type=>$opts->{stdtype} ||
97 'stdcat'});
98 }
99 print "Reforming '$sxcat' to '$stdcat' ...\n" if $opts->{verbose};
100 my $fileband = ( WISE::Utils::pathdecomp($sxcat) || {} )->{band};
101 my %info = (
102 band => WISE::Utils::bandnum($opts->{band} || $fileband),
103 );
104 my $stdfits = WISE::FITSIO->reform_tbl($sxcat,$stdcat,
105 {%spec,
106 info=>\%info,
107 %$opts});
108 return $stdfits;
111sub _parse_reform_spec_file {
112 my $specfile = shift;
113 my $opts = shift || {};
114 my $verbose = $opts->{verbose};
115 my $err = "*** $0/PARSESPEC";
116 my %spec;
118 open(my $specfh, "<$specfile")
119 or die "$err: Cannot open spec file '$specfile; $!.\n";
120 my $spectxt;
121 $spectxt = join("", grep { ! /^\s*[#;]/ } <$specfh>);
122 # Parse remove-column list
123 if($spectxt =~ /^ \s* remove \s* \{/smx) {
124 my ($rm) = $spectxt =~ /^ \s* remove \s* \{ \s* ( [^}]+ ) \s* \}/smx;
125 die "$err: Bad spec file format in remove definition.\n"
126 if ! defined $rm || $rm =~ /[=<>`'"]/;
127 $spec{rm} = [ split /[\s,]+/, $rm ] if $rm;
128 }
129 # Parse new=old rename-column list
130 if($spectxt =~ /^ \s* rename \s* \{/smx) {
131 my ($mv) = $spectxt =~/^ \s* rename \s* \{
132 \s* ( (?: [^=}\s,]+ \s* = \s* [^=}\s,]+ \s* ,
133 \s* )*
134 (?: [^=}\s,]+ \s* = \s* [^=}\s,]+ )?
135 ) \s*
136 \}/smx;
137 die "$err: Bad spec file format in rename definition.\n"
138 if ! defined $mv || $mv =~ /[<>`'"]/;
139 my @mv = split /\s*,\s*/, $mv if $mv;
140 my %mv;
141 while(@mv) {
142 my($k,$v) = split /\s*=\s*/, shift(@mv);
143 $mv{$k} = $v;
144 }
145 $spec{mv} = \%mv;
146 }
147 # Parse new=expression or new1,new2,new3=expression add-column list
148 if($spectxt =~ /^ \s* add \s* \{/smx) {
149 my ($add)= $spectxt =~/^ \s* add \s* \{
150 \s* ( \s* [^}]* \s* ) \s*
151 \}/smx;
153 die "$err: Bad spec file format in add definition.\n"
154 if ! defined $add;
155 my @add;
156 if($add) {
157 while($add =~ /\s* ([^=}\s]+ \s* = \s* [^=}\s]+) \s* /smxg) {
158 my($k,$v,$o) = split /\s*=\s*/, $1, 3;
159 die "$err: Bad spec file format at '$k' in add definition.\n"
160 if ! $k || ! defined $v || ! length $v || defined $o;
161 $v =~ s/,\s*$//;
162 push @add, $k, $v;
163 }
164 }
165 $spec{add} = \@add;
166 }
168 #print Dumper \%spec;
170 return %spec;
176# Concatenate FITS tables into a new file
178sub fits_cat {
179 check_sig('$$;$',\@_) or confess;
180 my ($this,$opts,@args) = FITSIO::get_std_args(@_);
181 my $newfits = shift @args;
182 my $fitslist= shift @args;
183 my $like = $opts->{like} || @{ $fitslist || [] }[0];
184 my $cols = $opts->{cols} || '*';
185 my $hdunum = $opts->{hdunum} || 2;
186 my $select = $opts->{select} || '';
187 my $dupras = $opts->{dupr} || 5;
188 my $loncol = $opts->{loncol} || 'ra';
189 my $latcol = $opts->{latcol} || 'dec';
190 my $xcol = $opts->{xcol} || 'x';
191 my $ycol = $opts->{ycol} || 'y';
192 my $rownums = $opts->{rownums};
193 my $rows_in = $opts->{rows};
194 my $addinfo = $opts->{addinfo};
195 my $verbose = $opts->{verbose}|| 0;
196 my $nsides = $opts->{nsides};
197 my $nodups = $opts->{nodups};
198 my $extant = $opts->{extant};
199 my $sameisdup=$opts->{sameisdup};
200 my $saverows= $opts->{saverows};
201 my @tracepos= @{ $opts->{trace} || [] };
202 my $dupr = $dupras/3600;
204 $| = 1;
206 $rows_in = undef if $rows_in && ! @$rows_in;
207 $rownums = undef if $rownums && ! @$rownums;
208 $nodups = 1 if ! $newfits;
210 confess "*** $0/FITSCAT: FITS file list is not an array ref.\n"
211 if $fitslist && ref($fitslist) !~ /array/i;
213 print "Concatenating HDU #$hdunum of ".@$fitslist." FITS tables ...\n"
214 if $verbose;
216 if($nodups) {
217 my $side = ($dupr*2 >= 30 ? $dupr*2 : 30) / 3600;
218 print " Cohort resolution initialization for ".
219 "radius = $dupras\" (side=$side deg) ...\n"
220 if $verbose;
221 require WISE::CHealPix;
222 WISE::CHealPix->import('neighbors_ring','side2nsides_deg',
223 'nsides2side_deg', 'ang2pix_ring');
224 require WISE::CoUtils;
225 WISE::CoUtils->import('angdist');
226 $nsides ||= side2nsides_deg($side);
227 print " ... HealPix size is ",nsides2side_deg($nsides)*60,
228 "' for nsides=$nsides.\n"
229 if $verbose;
230 }
232 confess "*** $0/FITSCAT: No model FITS file defined.\n"
233 if $newfits && ! $extant && ! $like;
235 print " Opening FITS output file '$newfits' ...\n"
236 if $verbose && $newfits;
238 if(($newfits || $addinfo) && $like) {
239 if( ! ref $like) {
240 my $fits = WISE::FITSIO->new($like) or return;
241 $like = $fits;
242 }
243 } else {
244 # Don't need model
245 $like = undef;
246 }
248 if($like && $addinfo) {
249 # Add columns to hold input file info
250 my $model = $like->file();
251 print " Re-opening model '$model' as virtual ".
252 "to add info columns ...\n"
253 if $verbose;
254 my $addcols = "";
255 $addcols = "[".($hdunum-1)."]".
256 "[col FILENUM(J)=0 ; FILENAME(80A)='none' ; *]";
257 $like->end;
258 $like = WISE::FITSIO->new($model.$addcols,{lc=>1})
259 or return;
260 }
262 my ($cen,$width,$no_rep_select);
263 if($nodups && $like) {
264 $cen = $like->key("CRPIX1",{hdunum=>1}) or return;
265 $width = ($cen - 0.5)*2;
266 print " Found pixel center,width ($cen,$width).\n"
267 if $verbose > 1;
268 } else {
269 # Since we can't get image details, we must not care about
270 # selecting the best representative from the dups
271 $no_rep_select = 1;
272 }
274 my ($fitsout,$atrow);
275 if($newfits) {
276 $fitsout = WISE::FITSIO->new($newfits,
277 {
278 mode=>$extant?'rw':'new',
279 like=>$extant?undef:$like,
280 })
281 or return;
283 $fitsout->hdunum($hdunum);
284 $atrow = $extant ? $fitsout->size() + 1 : 1;
285 print " Appending at record $atrow ...\n"
286 if $verbose && $atrow>1;
287 } else {
288 $atrow = 1;
289 }
291 return $fitsout if ! $fitslist || ! @$fitslist; # No input; stop here
294 if($select) {
295 $select = "[".($hdunum-1)."][$select]";
296 print " Using select text '$select'.\n" if $verbose;
297 }
299 my $nrowsread = 0;
300 my $nrowsproc = 0;
301 my $filenum = 1;
302 my (@saved_rows,@saved_fits);
303 my (@saved_refs,%pixs); # For dup removal
304 print " Beginning file I/O ...\n" if $verbose;
305 FILE: for my $file (@$fitslist) {
306 my $fits;
307 my $infile;
308 if(! ref $file) {
309 print " Opening input FITS file '$file' (#$filenum) ...\n"
310 if $verbose > 2;
311 $fits = WISE::FITSIO->new($file.$select,{lc=>1}) or return;
312 } else {
313 # Already opened
314 $fits = $file;
315 }
316 $infile = $fits->file();
317 $fits->hdunum($hdunum);
318 my $nrows = $fits->size();
319 my $rows;
320 if(! $rows_in) {
321 print " Reading input FITS file '$file' (#$filenum) ...\n"
322 if $verbose > 1;
323 $rows = $fits->readcols($cols);
324 print " ... read $nrows rows ...\n"
325 if $verbose > 1;
326 return if ! defined $rows;
327 next FILE if $nrows == 0;
328 if($addinfo) {
329 #print join(",",keys%$rows),"\n";
330 $rows->{FILENUM} = [];
331 $rows->{FILENUM}[$_] = $filenum for 0..$nrows-1;
332 my $filebase = basename($infile);
333 $rows->{FILENAME}= [];
334 $rows->{FILENAME}[$_] = $filebase for 0..$nrows-1;
335 }
336 } else {
337 $rows = $rows_in->[$filenum-1];
338 #print "--- ".@{$rows->{$loncol}}.", ".
339 # join(",",keys%{$rownums->[$filenum-1]})."\n";
340 }
341 confess "*** $0/FITSCAT: Table missing one or more positional ".
342 "rows $loncol $latcol, $xcol, $ycol.\n"
343 if grep { ! $rows->{$_} } ($loncol, $latcol, $xcol, $ycol);
344 push @saved_rows, $rows if $saverows;
345 push @saved_fits, $fits if $saverows;
346 if($rownums && ! $rownums->[$filenum-1]) {
347 print" Skipping file $filenum since no rows were requested.\n"
348 if $verbose;
349 next FILE ;
350 }
351 if($fitsout) {
352 $fitsout->writecols($rows,{row=>!$nrowsread?$atrow:undef})
353 or return;
354 }
355 if($nodups) {
356 ROWS: for my $i (0..$nrows-1) {
357 next ROWS if $rownums && $rownums->[$filenum-1] &&
358 ! $rownums->[$filenum-1]{$i+1};
359 ++$nrowsproc;
360 my $outrow = $atrow + $nrowsread + $i;
361 my $pix = ang2pix_ring($nsides,
362 $rows->{$loncol}[$i],
363 $rows->{$latcol}[$i]);
364 my $inland;
365 if(! $no_rep_select) {
366 my $xin = ($rows->{$xcol}[$i] < $cen
367 ? $rows->{$xcol}[$i] - 0.5
368 : $width - $rows->{$xcol}[$i] + 0.5);
369 my $yin = ($rows->{$ycol}[$i] < $cen
370 ? $rows->{$ycol}[$i] - 0.5
371 : $width - $rows->{$ycol}[$i] + 0.5);
372 $inland = $xin < $yin ? $xin : $yin;
373 }
374 my $ref = {lon => $rows->{$loncol}[$i],
375 lat => $rows->{$latcol}[$i],
376 inland => $inland,
377 rownum => $outrow,
378 filerow => $i+1,
379 filenum => $filenum,
380 pix => $pix,
381 dups => undef};
382 # Save info for stepping through sequentially later
383 push @saved_refs, $ref;
384 # Index for later retrieval in dup look-up
385 my @pixs = ($pix,neighbors_ring($nsides,$pix));
386 print "--- Pixels for $outrow : ".
387 "$rows->{$loncol}[$i],$rows->{$latcol}[$i] : @pixs\n"
388 if @tracepos &&
389 angdist($rows->{$loncol}[$i],$rows->{$latcol}[$i],
390 @tracepos)*3600<$dupras;
391 push @{ $pixs{$_}||=[] }, $ref for @pixs;
392 } # ROWS
393 } # $noups
394 $nrowsread += $nrows;
395 print " ... through with file $filenum; ".
396 "$nrowsread rows read and processed $nrowsproc so far.\n"
397 if $verbose>1;
398 } continue {
399 ++$filenum;
400 } # FILE
403 print "Concatenation complete. Read $nrowsread rows and ".
404 "processed $nrowsproc from ".@$fitslist." files.\n".
405 ($atrow>1
406 ?"Output file now has ".($nrowsread+$atrow-1)." rows.\n":"")
407 if $verbose;
409 if($nodups) {
410 print " Looking for dups ...\n" if $verbose;
411 for my $ref (@saved_refs) {
412 # Look up spatial index
413 my @cands = @{ $pixs{$ref->{pix}} || [] };
414 my @dups;
415 my $trace = @tracepos &&
416 grep {angdist(@{$_}{'lon','lat'},@tracepos)*3600
417 <$dupras}
418 @cands;
419 print "--- Candidates of $ref->{rownum} @{$ref}{'lon','lat'}: ".
420 join(",",map{"$_->{rownum}"}@cands)."\n"
421 if $trace;
422 # Step through candidates
423 for my $cand (@cands) {
424 # Ignore self
425 next if $ref->{lon}==$cand->{lon} && $ref->{lat}==$cand->{lat};
426 # Match to radius
427 my $r = angdist(@{$ref}{'lon','lat'},
428 @{$cand}{'lon','lat'});
429 print "--- $cand->{rownum}: @{$cand}{'lon','lat'} = ".
430 "$r <= $dupr\n"
431 if $trace;
432 next if $r > $dupr;
433 # Found a dup
434 print "--- ADD $cand->{rownum}\n" if $trace;
435 push @dups, $cand;
436 }
437 $ref->{dups} = \@dups;
438 print "--- Dups: ". join(",",map{"$_->{rownum}"}@dups)."\n"
439 if $trace;
440 }
441 print " Creating dup cohorts ...\n" if $verbose;
442 for my $ref (@saved_refs) {
443 next if $ref->{alldups}; # Already done
444 next if ! @{$ref->{dups}}; # Nothing to do
445 print "--- $ref->{rownum} @{$ref}{'lon','lat'}: ".
446 join(",",map{"$_->{rownum}/$_->{inland}"}
447 @{$ref->{dups}})."\n"
448 if @tracepos &&
449 angdist(@{$ref}{'lon','lat'},@tracepos)*3600<$dupras;
450 my (%toadd,%alldups);
451 @toadd{@{$ref->{dups}}} = @{$ref->{dups}};
452 # Iteratively add the dup lists from all dups, and dups of dups ...
453 COHORTS: while(1) {
454 my @toadd = grep {$_} values %toadd;
455 #print "--- @toadd\n";
456 last COHORTS if ! @toadd;
457 for my $cand (@toadd) {
458 $alldups{$cand} = $cand;
459 my @add = grep {! exists $toadd{$_}} @{ $cand->{dups} };
460 @toadd{@add} = @add;
461 $toadd{$cand} = 0; # Mark as done
462 }
463 }
464 my @alldups = values %alldups;
465 $_->{alldups} = \@alldups for @alldups;
466 print "--- $ref->{rownum} @{$ref}{'lon','lat'}: ".
467 join(",",map{"$_->{rownum}/$_->{inland}"}
468 @alldups)."\n"
469 if @tracepos &&
470 angdist(@{$ref}{'lon','lat'},@tracepos)*3600<$dupras;
471 }
472 my @duprows;
473 if(! $no_rep_select) {
474 print " Selecting best dup from cohorts ...\n" if $verbose;
475 my %duprows;
476 for my $ref (@saved_refs) {
477 next if ! $ref->{alldups}; # No dups, or cohort already done
478 my $maxref;
479 my @alldups = @{$ref->{alldups}};
480 print "--- Cohort:\n\t".
481 join("\n\t",map{"$_->{rownum}:$_->{lon},$_->{lat}"}
482 @alldups).
483 "\n"
484 if @tracepos &&
485 angdist(@{$ref}{'lon','lat'},@tracepos)*3600<$dupras;
486 for my $cand (@alldups) {
487 $maxref = ! $maxref || $cand->{inland}>$maxref->{inland}
488 ? $cand : $maxref;
489 delete $cand->{alldups}; # Remove so it's processed once
490 $duprows{$cand->{rownum}} = $cand->{rownum}; # Mark for rm
491 print "--- removing $cand->{rownum} ($cand->{inland})\n"
492 if @tracepos &&
493 angdist(@{$cand}{'lon','lat'},@tracepos)
494 *3600<$dupras;
495 }
496 # Allow winner to survive
497 delete $duprows{$maxref->{rownum}};
498 print "--- resurrecting $maxref->{rownum}".
499 #"; ".join(",",sort {$a<=>$b} keys %duprows).
500 "\n"
501 if @tracepos &&
502 angdist(@{$ref}{'lon','lat'},@tracepos)*3600<$dupras;
503 if(! $sameisdup) {
504 # Also rescue those on the same image
505 delete $duprows{$_->{rownum}}
506 for grep {exists $duprows{$_->{rownum}} &&
507 $maxref->{filenum}==$_->{filenum}} @alldups;
508 }
509 }
510 @duprows = sort {$a<=>$b} keys %duprows;
511 print " Found ".@duprows." duplicate rows.\n"
512 if $verbose;
513 } # rep selection
514 if(@duprows && $fitsout) {
515 print " Deleting duplicate rows ...\n"
516 if $verbose;
517 # Close and reopen
518 $fitsout->end();
519 $fitsout = WISE::FITSIO->new($newfits, {mode=>'rw'})
520 or return;
521 @duprows = sort {$a <=> $b} @duprows;
522 $fitsout->rmrows(\@duprows,{hdunum=>$hdunum})
523 or return;
524 }
525 } # nodups
527 if($fitsout) {
528 print "Final output file has ".$fitsout->size()." rows.\n"
529 if $verbose;
530 return wantarray ? ($fitsout, \@saved_refs, \@saved_rows, @saved_fits,
531 \%pixs, $nsides)
532 : $fitsout;
533 } else {
534 # No output file requested, so just return the data,
535 # including dup cohort data and index
536 return wantarray ? (\@saved_refs, \@saved_rows, \@saved_fits,
537 \%pixs, $nsides)
538 : \@saved_refs;
539 }
543# Front-end for above that just wants the dup cohort list
545sub find_spatial_cohorts {
546 check_sig('$;$',\@_) or confess;
547 my ($this,$opts,@args) = FITSIO::get_std_args(@_);
548 my $fitslist= shift @args;
549 $opts->{dupr} = $opts->{r} if $opts && $opts->{r};
550 $fitslist = [ $fitslist ] if ! ref $fitslist;
551 return $this->fits_cat(0,$fitslist,$opts);
554sub band_merge_simple {
555 check_sig('$;$',\@_) or confess;
556 my ($this,$opts,@args) = FITSIO::get_std_args(@_);
557 my $fitslist= shift @args;
558 $opts->{loncol} ||= 'ra';
559 $opts->{latcol} ||= 'dec';
560 $opts->{xcol} ||= 'x';
561 $opts->{ycol} ||= 'y';
562 print "Simple band merge ...\n" if $opts->{verbose};
563 # Assume files represent bands (one per) we wish to merge
564 # Get all cohorts
565 my $nit = 1;
566 my (@bandnums,@merges, $cohorts, $rows, $fits, @redo_rows, $svrows);
567 push @bandnums, WISE::Utils::bandnum(
568 WISE::Utils::pathdecomp($_)->{band})
569 for @$fitslist;
570 my %bandfile = map { ($bandnums[$_] => $_) } 0..$#bandnums;
571 my %fileband = reverse %bandfile;
572 COHORTS: { # Outer loop to iterate as necessary to process leftovers
573 print " Building cohorts ($nit) ...\n" if $opts->{verbose};
574 ($cohorts, $rows, $fits) =
575 $this->find_spatial_cohorts($fitslist,
576 {saverows=>1,
577 rows=>$svrows,
578 rownums=>\@redo_rows,
579 %$opts,
580 verbose=>$opts->{verbose} ? 2 : 0,
581 })
582 or return;
583 @redo_rows = ();
584 my $nreproc = 0;
585 # Step through cohorts and build merge list, breaking ambiguities where
586 # necessary.
587 print " Merging ...\n" if $opts->{verbose};
588 for my $cohort (@$cohorts) {
589 next if $cohort->{done}; # Already in another merge item
590 # Remove superfluous structure element
591 $cohort->{dups}=undef;
592 push(@merges, [$cohort]), next # Trivial merge; no dups
593 if ! $cohort->{alldups};
594 # Trivial merge; self only
595 $cohort->{alldups}=undef, push(@merges, [$cohort]), next
596 if @{$cohort->{alldups}}==0 ||
597 (@{$cohort->{alldups}}==1 && $cohort->{alldups}[0]==$cohort);
598 # There is a non-trivial cohort list.
599 $cohort = $cohort->{alldups}; # Save a redirection
600 $_->{dups}=$_->{alldups}=undef for @$cohort; # Avoid self-pointing
601 $_->{done} = 1 for @$cohort; # Mark as done
602 # Classify by file of origin.
603 my %byfile;
604 push @{ $byfile{$_->{filenum}} }, $_ for @$cohort;
605 # If all members come from different files, we're good
606 push(@merges, $cohort), next
607 if grep(@{$byfile{$_->{filenum}}}==1, @$cohort) == keys %byfile;
608 # If only one band is involved, just split them into individual
609 # cohorts and move on
610 if(keys(%byfile) == 1) {
611 $_->{ambiguous} = -1 for @$cohort; # Mark as ambiguous
612 push @merges, [$_] for @$cohort;
613 next;
614 }
615 # We have a complex situation
616 $_->{ambiguous} = -2 for @$cohort; # Mark as even more ambiguous
617 # Break ambiguity for bands/files with multiple matches
618 # Count number of files/bands with multiple cohort members since this
619 # may (eventually) determine how we break up the group
620 my @multfiles = grep { @{ $byfile{$_} } > 1 } keys %byfile;
621 my @rm;
622 # Step through first source from each file with multiple members
623 for my $src (map { $byfile{$_}[0] } @multfiles) {
624 my @infile = @{ $byfile{$src->{filenum}} }; # All srcs in this file
625 # Stupid tie-breaking rule: Get the average distance from
626 # each source in the band to the other sources in the
627 # cohort one with the smallest average distance
628 my ($minaver,$mindup);
629 for my $dup ( @infile ) { # Step through others in same file/band
630 $dup->{ambiguous} = 1+@infile;
631 my $aver = 0;
632 my $n = 0;
633 for my $src2 (@$cohort) {
634 next if $src2 == $dup; # Not self
635 # If it's a real cluster fsck (ALL bands have
636 # multiple members in the cohort), all we can do
637 # (with this simple algorithm) is compare to all
638 # cohort members. But if any files/bands are
639 # singlette, just compare to them.
640 next if @multfiles < keys %byfile && # singlettes exist
641 @{ $byfile{$src2->{filenum}} } > 1; # we're not one
642 $aver += angdist(@{$dup}{'lon','lat'},
643 @{$src2}{'lon','lat'} )*3600;
644 ++$n;
645 }
646 $aver /= $n;
647 $dup->{aver} = $aver;
648 if(! defined $minaver || $aver <= $minaver) {
649 $minaver = $aver;
650 $mindup = $dup;
651 }
652 }
653 # Now $mindup is the "best" representative for this band
654 # Break off the other dups into single-band "floaters" and
655 # either a) remember their rows to reprocess them if
656 # multiple bands had multiple cohort members, or b) just
657 # make them into cohorts of their own if not.
658 for my $dup ( @infile ) {
659 next if $mindup == $dup; # Skip the chosen one
660 if(@multfiles < 2) {
661 # Add as a new, single-member cohort
662 $dup->{ambiguous} = -3;
663 push @merges,[$dup];
664 } else {
665 # Breal off and reprocess on a subsequent iteration
666 $redo_rows[$dup->{filenum}-1] ||= {};
667 $redo_rows[$dup->{filenum}-1]{$dup->{filerow}+0} = 1;
668 ++$nreproc;
669 }
670 push @rm, $dup; # Mark for removal from cohort
671 }
672 }
673 # Remove dups we cut loose from the herd
674 for my $rm (@rm) {
675 # Find index in cohort list
676 my ($ix) = grep {$cohort->[$_] == $rm} 0..$#$cohort;
677 # Remove it from the cohort
678 splice @$cohort,$ix,1;
679 }
680 # Push final resolved cohort
681 push @merges, $cohort;
682 }
683 if($opts->{verbose}) { # Print stats
684 my $nbandsrcs;
685 my %nbands;
686 my %nbandcombos;
687 my %nambig;
688 for my $mrg (@merges) {
689 $nbandsrcs += @$mrg;
690 ++$nbands{@$mrg};
691 my $combo = "";
692 $combo = join "", sort map {$fileband{$_->{filenum}-1}} @$mrg;
693 ++$nbandcombos{$combo};
694 ++$nambig{$_->{ambiguous}||0} for @$mrg;
695 }
696 print " Total mergers = ".@merges." representing $nbandsrcs ".
697 "detections; Will reprocess $nreproc.\n";
698 print " Band count hist: ".join(", ",
699 map {"$_:$nbands{$_}" }
700 sort keys %nbands)."\n";
701 print " Band combo hist: ".join(", ",
702 map {"$_:$nbandcombos{$_}" }
703 sort keys %nbandcombos)."\n";
704 print " Ambiguity hist : ".join(", ",
705 map {"$_:$nambig{$_}" }
706 sort {$a<=>$b} keys %nambig)."\n";
707 }
708 if(@redo_rows) {
709 # Rerun cohort finding on reduced set of rows to resolve sticky wickets
710 print "Reprocessing ".
711 join(", ",map {scalar(keys %{$redo_rows[$_]})." rows from file ".
712 ($_+1)}
713 grep {$redo_rows[$_]} 0..$#redo_rows)."\n"
714 if $opts->{verbose};
715 $fitslist = $fits; # Avoid reopening
716 $svrows = $rows; # Avoid rereading
717 ++$nit;
718 redo COHORTS;
719 }
721 } # COHORT
722 print "Merging complete.\n" if $opts->{verbose};
723 return wantarray ? (\@merges, $rows, $fits) : \@merges;
726sub write_bandmerge_file {
727 check_sig('$$;$',\@_) or confess;
728 my ($this,$opts,@args) = FITSIO::get_std_args(@_);
729 my $mergefile = shift @args;
730 my $filelist = shift @args;
731 my $mergecols = $opts->{mergecols}
732 || [qw/ra dec flux sigflux mag x y sigx sigy snr src/];
733 my $xycols = $opts->{xycols}
734 || [qw/x y/];
735 my $bands = $opts->{bands};
736 my $bandwcs = $opts->{wcs};
737 my $merges = $opts->{merges};
738 my $rows = $opts->{rowdata};
739 my $fits = $opts->{fitsobjects};
740 my $debug = $opts->{debug};
741 my %xycols = map { (lc $_ => 1) } @$xycols;
742 if(! $bands) {
743 $bands = [];
744 for my $file (@$filelist) {
745 push @$bands, WISE::Utils::bandstr(
746 WISE::Utils::pathdecomp($file)->{band});
747 }
748 }
749 my @bandnums = map { WISE::Utils::bandnum($_) or die; } @$bands;
750 my %bandfile = map { ($bandnums[$_] => $_) } 0..$#bandnums;
752 if($bandwcs) {
753 require Astro::WCS::LibWCS;
754 }
756 #print "--- /@$bands/ /@bandnums/ /@bandnums/\n";
757 print "Writing columns '@$mergecols' from ".(@$filelist).
758 " band files for bands @bandnums to merge file '$mergefile' ...\n"
759 if $opts->{verbose};
760 if(! $merges) {
761 print " Performing merge ...\n" if $opts->{verbose};
762 ($merges,$rows,$fits) = $this->band_merge_simple($filelist,$opts)
763 or return;
764 }
765 warn("*** $0/WRTMERGE: Missing row data or FITS objects.\n"), return
766 if ! $rows || ! $fits;
767 warn("*** $0/WRTMERGE: Incorrect row data or FITS object count compared ".
768 "to supplied file list.\n"), return
769 if @$rows != @$filelist || @$fits != @$filelist;
770 print " Contructing new records for merge file ...\n"
771 if $opts->{verbose};
772 my $colinfo = $fits->[0]->colinfo('*',{hdunum=>2});
773 $colinfo->{lc $_} = $colinfo->{$_} for keys %$colinfo;
774 #print Dumper $colinfo;
775 my $data;
776 my $mrgnum = 0;
777 for my $mrg (@$merges) {
778 my %gotband;
779 # Add some overall band info
780 ++$mrgnum;
781 my $nbands = @$mrg;
782 my $combonums = join "", sort map { $bandnums[$_->{filenum}-1] } @$mrg;
783 my $combobits = 0;
784 $combobits |= $_-1 for sort map { $bandnums[$_->{filenum}-1] } @$mrg;
785 push @{ $data->{"merge_id"} }, $mrgnum;
786 push @{ $data->{"nbands"} }, $nbands;
787 push @{ $data->{"bandbits"} }, $combobits;
788 push @{ $data->{"bandnums"} }, $combonums;
789 my $ambig = 0;
790 abs($_->{ambiguous}||0)>abs($ambig) and $ambig=$_->{ambiguous}
791 for @$mrg;
792 push @{ $data->{"ambig"} }, $ambig;
793 # Get representative position; use lowest detection present
794 my $repmrg = (sort {$a->{filenum} <=> $b->{filenum}} @$mrg)[0];
795 my $repfilenum = $repmrg->{filenum};
796 my $reprows = $rows->[$repfilenum-1];
797 my $rownum = $repmrg->{filerow};
798 my ($ra,$dec) = ($reprows->{ra}[$rownum-1],
799 $reprows->{dec}[$rownum-1]);
800 my (@x, @y);
801 if($bandwcs) {
802 my $off = 0;
803 for my $bix (0..$#$bands) {
804 my $b = $bandnums[$bix];
805 my $wcs = $bandwcs->[$bix];
806 $wcs->wcs2pix($ra,$dec,$x[$b-1],$y[$b-1],$off);
807 }
808 #print "x//y = @x // @y\n";
809 }
810 push @{$data->{"ra"} }, $ra;
811 push @{$data->{"dec"}}, $dec;
812 for my $src (@$mrg) {
813 my $fileix = $src->{filenum}-1;
814 my $filerows= $rows->[$fileix];
815 my $bandnum = $bandnums[$fileix];
816 my $rownum = $src->{filerow};
817 #print "/$fileix/$bandnum/$rownum/\n";
818 $gotband{$bandnum} = $fileix;
819 for my $col (@$mergecols) {
820 $data->{"${col}_$bandnum"} ||= [];
821 push @{ $data->{"${col}_$bandnum"} },
822 $filerows->{$col}[$rownum-1];
823 }
824 push @{ $data->{"rownum_$bandnum"} }, $rownum;
825 push @{ $data->{"filenum_$bandnum"} }, $fileix+1;
826 }
827 # Fill other bands
828 for my $bix (0..$#$bands) {
829 my $bandnum = $bandnums[$bix];
830 #print "------- $bandnum /$gotband{$bandnum}/\n";
831 next if defined $gotband{$bandnum};
832 #print "------- adding blanks for $bandnum /@$mergecols/\n";
833 for my $col (@$mergecols) {
834 $data->{"${col}_$bandnum"} ||= [];
835 my $blank = $colinfo->{lc $col}{type} eq 'A' ? '' : -9999;
836 my $val;
837 if(! $bandwcs || ! $xycols{lc $col}) {
838 $val = $blank;
839 } else {
840 # X/Y column and we can generate a value because we
841 # have wcs info
842 $val = $col =~ /x/i ? $x[$bandnum-1] : $y[$bandnum-1];
843 }
844 push @{ $data->{"${col}_$bandnum"} }, $val;
845 #print "------- /$bandnum/$col/$colinfo->{lc $col}{type}".
846 # "/$val/".@{$data->{"${col}_$bandnum"}}."/\n";
847 }
848 push @{ $data->{"rownum_$bandnum"} }, -9999;
849 }
850 #print join(",", map { "$_=>/".$data->{$_}[-1]."/" }
852 # (map {my$b=$_; (map{"${_}_$b"} qw(ROW ELON ELAT FLUX))}
853 # @freqstrs))
854 # ),"\n";
855 }
856 print " Open new merge file '$mergefile' ...\n" if $opts->{verbose};
857 # Set up new HDU def. with columns in band number order
858 my @hdudefs;
859 my $colnum = 0;
860 # New global columns
861 my %newtypes = qw(
862 ambig 1J
863 merge_id 1J nbands 1J bandbits 1J bandnums 10A rownum 1J
864 ra 1D dec 1D filenum 1J
865 );
866 for my $new (qw(merge_id nbands bandbits bandnums ambig ra dec)) {
867 ++$colnum;
868 die "*** $0/WRTMERGE: Never heard of column '$new'.\n"
869 if ! $newtypes{lc $new};
870 push @hdudefs, {name => "TTYPE$colnum",
871 value=> $new,
872 type => "C"},
873 {name => "TFORM$colnum",
874 value=> $newtypes{lc $new},
875 type => "C"};
876 }
877 for my $bandnum (sort {$a<=>$b} @bandnums) {
878 my $fileix = $bandfile{$bandnum};
879 my $bandnum = $bandnums[$fileix];
880 # New per-band cols
881 for my $new (qw(rownum filenum)) {
882 ++$colnum;
883 die "*** $0/WRTMERGE: Never heard of column '$new' ($bandnum).\n"
884 if ! $newtypes{lc $new};
885 push @hdudefs, {name => "TTYPE$colnum",
886 value=> "${new}_$bandnum",
887 type => "C"},
888 {name => "TFORM$colnum",
889 value=> $newtypes{lc $new},
890 type => "C"};
891 }
892 # Old per band cols
893 for my $col (@$mergecols) {
894 ++$colnum;
895 die "*** $0/WRTMERGE: Never heard of column '$col' ($bandnum).\n"
896 if ! $colinfo->{lc$col};
897 push @hdudefs, {name => "TTYPE$colnum",
898 value=> "${col}_$bandnum",
899 type => "C"},
900 {name => "TFORM$colnum",
901 value=> $colinfo->{lc$col}{repeat}.
902 $colinfo->{lc$col}{type},
903 type => "C"};
904 }
905 }
906 print " ... adding $colnum column defs ...\n"
907 if $opts->{verbose};
908 #print Dumper \@hdudefs;
909 my $mrgfits = WISE::FITSIO->new($mergefile,
910 {
911 mode => 'write',
912 hdudefs => [
913 # HDU#1
914 [
915 @{ $fits->[0]->gethdu(1) },
916 map {
917 {name=>'INFILE'.($_+1),
918 value=>$filelist->[$_],
919 type=>'C',
920 }
921 } 0..$#$filelist,
922 ],
923 # HDU#2
924 [
925 {name => 'XTENSION',
926 value=> 'BINTABLE',
927 type => 'C'},
928 @hdudefs,
929 ],
930 ],
931 })
932 or return;
933 print " ... writing new columns.\n"
934 if $opts->{verbose};
935 if($debug) {
936 print "----- ";
937 print $_," => ",WISE::Utils::undefize($data->{$_}[0]),", "
938 for sort keys %$data;
939 print "\n";
940 }
941 $mrgfits->writecols($data,{hdunum=>2}) or return;
942 print "Band merge file written.\n" if $opts->{verbose};
943 return wantarray ? ($merges,$data,$rows,$fits) : $merges;
949# Update the first HDU data structure in $hdu0 to accumulate info from
950# the header info in the FITS file object $fits using the accumulation
951# rules in $rules.
952# Form of the rules is a hash of pairs like:
953# NAME=><instructions>
954# where NAME is the FITS header card name
955# and <instructions can be
956# 1 = use the value from the first header
957# 2 = use the value from the last header
958# 3 = add the values
959# 4 = average the values
960# XXX@@@ = keep all by adding cards named XXX followed by a number with
961# as many digits as there are @'s.
962# [<number>,XXX@@@] writing = do both a number rule and a '@' rule.
963# $rule can also be a list of strings in the above form OR a macro
964# like '@1' which says look up macro one in %stdrules.
966sub accumhdr {
967 check_sig('$$$;$',\@_) or confess;
968 my ($this,$opts,@args) = FITSIO::get_std_args(@_);
969 my $n = shift @args; # Sequential file number
970 my $rules = shift(@args) || {}; # Header card update rules
971 my $accum = shift(@args) || {}; # Accumulating header info (also returned)
972 my $debug = $opts->{debug} || 0;
973 my $verbose = $opts->{verbose};
974 my %stdrules = %{ $opts->{stdrules} || {} };
975 my @minkeep = @{ $opts->{keep} || [] };
976 my $hdunum = $opts->{hdunum} || 1;
977 my $blank = $opts->{blank};
978 my $add = $opts->{add};
979 my ($hdu,@blank);
981 # Initialize the blank value to something impossible to match if it
982 # wasn't passed by the caller. This makes some logic below easier.
983 $blank = "\0" if ! defined $blank; # NULL should never be in a FITS header.
984 @blank = ref $blank ? (grep {defined $_} @$blank) : ($blank);
986 print "Blank(s) = /",join("/",@blank),"/\n" if $debug =~ /h/;
988 if($debug =~ /h/) { require Data::Dumper; Data::Dumper->import(); }
990 # If $rules is a string, It comes (more or less) straight
991 # from the command line; parse it into a hash.
992 if($rules && ! ref $rules) {
993 # Process which header cards to accumulate.
994 # Most often this will be a default set defined by the %stdrules hash.
995 # Look for '@whatever' macros and expand them.
996 while($rules =~ /(?:^|,)\s*(@[^,]+)/g) {
997 print "Looking at rules macro $1 ...\n" if $verbose;
998 confess "*** $0/accumhdr: Standard card set '$1' not recognized.\n"
999 if ! $stdrules{$1};
1000 my $sub = ref($stdrules{$1}) ? join(",",@{$stdrules{$1}})
1001 : $stdrules{$1};
1002 substr($rules, $-[1], $+[1] - $-[1]) = $sub;
1003 print "... rules now '$rules'\n" if $debug;
1004 }
1005 # Evaluate the full hash in a safe compartment
1006 my %rules = eval "($rules)";
1007 confess "*** $0/accumhdr: Could not interpret rules parameter:\n".
1008 " rules='$rules'.\n $@"
1009 if $@;
1010 #print "rules =\n",Dumper(\%rules) if $debug && %rules;
1012 $rules = 0 if ! %rules;
1013 $rules = \%rules if %rules;
1015 }
1017 confess "*** $0/accumhdr: No accumulation rules defined.\n"
1018 if ! $rules;
1020 # Read current HDU from file
1021 $hdu = $this->gethdu($hdunum);
1023 # Add in new info
1024 if($add && @$add) {
1025 my @add = @$add;
1026 while(@add) {
1027 push @$hdu,{name=>shift(@add),value=>shift(@add)};
1028 }
1029 }
1031 #print "n=$n, new=".($accum||"").", HDU=$hdu\n"
1032 # if $debug =~ /h/;
1034 #print "New HDU =\n",Dumper($hdu) if $debug =~ /hh/;
1036 # Step through all current FITS HDU #1 header cards.
1037 for my $r (@$hdu) {
1038 my $k = $r->{name}; # Get the key name
1039 my $newname = $k; # Changed in rule add-to-array action
1040 next if ! defined $rules->{$k}; # Do we update key $k?
1041 print "\t\tAdding $k with code $rules->{$k} ".
1042 "and value '$r->{value}' ...\n"
1043 if $debug =~ /h/;
1044 my $accum_is_blank = ! defined $accum->{$k} ||
1045 ! defined $accum->{$k}{value} ||
1046 grep($accum->{$k}{value} eq $_, @blank);
1047 my $this_is_blank = ! defined $r->{value} ||
1048 grep($r->{value} eq $_, @blank);
1049 # If the rule action is an array ref, do all. The user must make sure
1050 # the actions will result in different header card names, which pretty
1051 # much means only 1 of the actions may have a 1-3 value, all others
1052 # must be 'XXX@@@@@' type rules.
1053 my @actions;
1054 if(ref $rules->{$k}) {
1055 @actions = @{$rules->{$k}};
1056 } else {
1057 @actions = ($rules->{$k});
1058 }
1059 for my $action (@actions) {
1060 if ($action eq '1') { # Keep first non-blank
1061 if($accum_is_blank) {
1062 $accum->{$k}{value} = $r->{value};
1063 }
1064 } elsif($action eq '2') { # Keep last non-blank
1065 if($accum_is_blank || ! $this_is_blank) {
1066 $accum->{$k}{value} = $r->{value};
1067 }
1068 } elsif($action eq '3') { # Add non-blanks
1069 if(! $this_is_blank) {
1070 $accum->{$k}{value} += $r->{value};
1071 # Make the type *always* be double so we don't
1072 # get problems with precision truncating things that
1073 # look vaguely int-like. (The auto-typer in the
1074 # FITSIO module is limited in the magic it can perform.)
1075 $accum->{$k}{type} = 'F';
1076 #print "$k: new=$r->{value}, sum=".
1077 # sprintf("%22.16g",$accum->{$k}{value})."\n";
1078 }
1079 } elsif($action eq '4') { # Running avg of non-blanks
1080 if(! $this_is_blank) {
1081 ++$accum->{$k}{_num};
1082 $accum->{$k}{value} +=
1083 ($r->{value} - ($accum->{$k}{value}||0)) /
1084 $accum->{$k}{_num};
1085 # See comment above
1086 $accum->{$k}{type} = 'F';
1087 }
1088 } elsif($action =~ /^([^\@]+)(\@+)$/) { # Append to array
1089 my ($keybase,$digs) = ($1,$2);
1090 # Construct a key name from the rule.
1091 # 'base@@@@' means make an array like base0001, base002, etc.
1092 $newname = sprintf "$keybase%0".length($digs)."d",$n;
1093 $accum->{$newname}{value} = $r->{value};
1094 $accum->{$newname}{name} = $newname;
1095 } else {
1096 confess "$0/accumhdr: Add-key code '$action' for key '$k' ".
1097 "not recognized.";
1098 }
1099 } # Actions
1100 }
1102 if(! @minkeep) {
1107 }
1109 print "NEW =\n",Dumper($accum) if $debug =~ /hh/;
1111 # Establish what header cards to keep.
1112 my %keep;
1113 # Add explicitely added cards. Do it using a hash to avoid duplicates
1114 @keep{keys %$accum} = ();
1115 # Add defaults.
1116 @keep{@minkeep} = ();
1117 # Array-ize.
1118 my @keep = sort keys %keep;
1120 print "Accum HDU =\n",Dumper($accum) if $debug =~ /hh/;
1122 return wantarray ? ($accum,$rules,\@keep) : $accum;
1125# Package to hold helper routines for reform_tbl
1127package FITSIO::reform;
112911.0e-61.0e-6my $PI = atan2(1.0,1.0) * 4.0;
113011.0e-61.0e-6my $R2D = 180.0 / $PI;
113111.0e-61.0e-6my $S2 = sqrt(2.0);
1133sub ecl2gal {
1134 my ($rows,$rowix,$info,@cols) = @_;
1135 require WISE::CoUtils;
1136 my @res = WISE::CoUtils::cconv('ecl',
1137 $rows->{$cols[0]||'ELON'}[$rowix],
1138 $rows->{$cols[1]||'ELAT'}[$rowix],
1139 'gal')
1140 or return;
1141 return @res[0,1];
1144sub ecl2equ {
1145 my ($rows,$rowix,$info,@cols) = @_;
1146 require WISE::CoUtils;
1147 my @res = WISE::CoUtils::cconv('ecl',
1148 $rows->{$cols[0]||'ELON'}[$rowix],
1149 $rows->{$cols[1]||'ELAT'}[$rowix],
1150 'equ')
1151 or return;
1152 return @res[0,1];
1155sub poserr_deg {
1156 my ($rows,$rowix,$info,@cols) = @_;
1157 my $lonerr2 = ($rows->{$cols[0]}[$rowix]*
1158 cos($rows->{$cols[2]}[$rowix]/$R2D))**2 +
1159 ($rows->{$cols[1]}[$rowix]*
1160 sin($rows->{$cols[2]}[$rowix]/$R2D))**2;
1161 my $laterr2 = ($rows->{$cols[0]}[$rowix]*
1162 sin($rows->{$cols[2]}[$rowix]/$R2D))**2 +
1163 ($rows->{$cols[1]}[$rowix]*
1164 cos($rows->{$cols[2]}[$rowix]/$R2D))**2;
1165 return (sqrt($lonerr2), sqrt($laterr2));
1168sub inrownum {
1169 my ($rows,$rowix,$info,@cols) = @_;
1170 return $rowix+1;
1173sub rownum {
1174 my ($rows,$rowix,$info,@cols) = @_;
1175 return $info->{rownum};
1178sub bandnum {
1179 my ($rows,$rowix,$info,@cols) = @_;
1180 return WISE::Utils::bandnum($info->{band}) || -1;
1183sub bandstr {
1184 my ($rows,$rowix,$info,@cols) = @_;
1185 return WISE::Utils::bandstr($info->{band}) || '';
1188sub area_beams {
1189 my ($rows,$rowix,$info,@cols) = @_;
1190 my $beam_as = WISE::Utils::bandfwhm($info->{band}) || -3600;
1191 return $rows->{$cols[0]}[$rowix]*3600*3600/$beam_as**2
1194sub sex2flux {
1195 my ($rows,$rowix,$info,@cols) = @_;
1196 my $pixsz = $info->{fitshdr}{CDELT1} || $info->{fitshdr}{PXSCAL1}/3600;
1197 $pixsz = abs($pixsz)*3600 if $pixsz;
1198 my $conv = WISE::Utils::band_jy_pix_ta($info->{band},$pixsz)
1199 or return -999;
1200 #use WISE::Dumper;
1201 #print Dumper $info;
1202 #print "$info->{band},$pixsz,$rows->{$cols[0]}[$rowix],$conv\n";
1203 return $rows->{$cols[0]}[$rowix] * $conv * 1000; # mJy