Thomas H. Jarrett
IPAC/CALTECH, mail code: 100-22
Pasadena, CA 91125
(626) 395-1844
URL: Jarrett Homepage
updated: 2012
Personal Data
Educational Background
1985 Pomona College B.A. (Physics)
1992 University of Massachusetts Ph.D. (Astrophysics)
Postdoctoral Experience:
1992 - 1994 NRC Research Associate, working with Dr. Charles Beichman, Infrared Processing and Analysis Center, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
Professional Employment
9/06-present | IPAC/Caltech | Software Engineer for WISE | Cognizant scientist for the WISE photometry system, WPHOT |
1/04-present | Spitzer/IPAC/Caltech | Support Scientist for Spitzer-IRAC: | Provide data analysis expertise to the IRAC instrument team of the Spitzer Science Center. |
1/05-1/08 | Spitzer/IPAC/Caltech | Spitzer Legacy Archive Scientist: | Liaison between the SSC and the Spitzer Legacy Projects. |
10/02-12/04 | IPAC/Caltech | Project Scientist for the Infrared Science Archive | Provide the science vision and leadership for the continuing development of the science archive. |
1/95-present | IPAC/Caltech | Staff Scientist, Member of the Professional Staff | Support scientist for the NASA- Two Micron All Sky Survey. Primary support scientist for the Palomar Prime Focus Infrared Camera. Support scientist for the SIRTF Nearby Galaxy Survey. Conducting independent research in astrophysics. |
12/98-present |
Adjunct Professor |
Astronomy 3 course "Life in the Universe" |
1/94 - 1/95 |
Computer Sciences Corporation |
JPL Contracting Consultant |
Systems Analyst for the NASA- Two Micron All Sky Survey |
1/92 - 1/94 |
JPL/IPAC/Caltech |
NRC Research Associate |
Conducted independent research in optical and infrared astronomy. |
9/85 - 1/92 |
Physics and Astronomy Department, Univ. of Massachusetts |
Research Assistant & Teaching Assistant |
Conducted astronomical research. Developed data reduction software for IRAS images. Assistant/primary teaching duties with undergraduate astronomy courses. |
9/91 - 1/92 |
Physics and Astronomy Department, Univ. of Massachusetts |
Vax System Manager; Sun Sparcstation Manager |
Maintained Vax/VMS mainframe computer; maintained Sun Sparcstation network. |
9/85 - 5/86 |
Physics and Astronomy Department, Univ. of Massachusetts |
Teaching Assistant |
Taught Intr. Observational Astronomy Course; taught Astronomy Computer Lab. |
Summer |
Logicon Inc. |
Systems Engineer |
Developed software for aerospace applications. |
9/83 - 5/84 |
Pomona College |
Laboratory Assistant |
Taught freshman physics lab.; assisted junior electronics lab. |
Summer |
Pomona College |
Research Assistant |
Conducted research in solid-state physics with Dr. C. Mitescu. |
Current Work/Interests
As a staff scientist at the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center (IPAC), Spitzer Science Center, and the California Institute of Technology my primary responsibilities are to support the WISE data reduction pipeline development and the IRAC (Spitzer) instrument development, and provide direction and assistance to the Spitzer Legacy science teams. Secondarily, I provide expert software and technical support for the 2MASS extended source catalog (XSC), as the lead cognizant scientist for the extended source and galaxy sub-systems of the data reduction pipeline for the Two Micron All Sky Survey, a NASA mission. Finally, 20% of my time is devoted to independent scientific research using facilities ranging from the Australia (AAO and Parkes) to Palomar in California. I belong to the 6dF Galaxy Survey science team, which is mapping the redshift distribution of the entire southern hemisphere. I am a science member of the SPITZER Nearby Galaxy Survey (SINGS) and SWIRE teams, as well as the WISE (aka NGSS) science team. My field of interest includes star formation in local Universe galaxies, massive star formation in "starburst" and active galaxies, galaxy clustering and large-scale structure, and the IMF corresponding to the lowest mass stars. My collaborators include Renee Kraan-Korteweg (UCT), Barbel Korilbalski (ATNF), Matthew Colless (ANU), Will Saunders (ANO), John Huchra (Harvard), Steve Schneider (UMASS), Jim Condon (NRAO), Terry Herter and Gordon Stacey (Cornell), Kelsey Johnson (Virginia), George Helou, Roc Cutri, Steve Lord, & Phil Appleton (IPAC) and Dave Van Buren (JPL), Dave Block (U. of Witwatersrand), Chas Beichman and Nick Gautier (JPL).
Brackett Prize: Astronomy, Pomona College, 1985
Employee of the first Quarter- Navy Systems Support (with Computer Sciences Corporation), 1994
NASA Group Achievement Award for the 2MASS Team
The Maria and Eric Muhlmann Award (2006) for Mike Skrutskie and the 2MASS Team
American Astronomical Society
International Astronomical Union
Planetary Society
Sigma XI
Field Experience
Optical/IR Telescopes: NASA/Table Mountain 24" and Pomona College 1-m;
University of Toronto 60-cm and 1-m at Cerro Las Campanas, Chile;
KPNO 0.9-m, 1.3-m, and 4-m; Palomar 60" and 200".
SSO/AAO: UK Schmidt 1.2-m; AAT 3.9-m
Infrared Telescopes: University of Wyoming Infrared Observatory (WIRO) 2.3-m;
NASA Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF) 3-m.
Radio Telescopes: FCRAO 13.7-m.
Parkes 64-m
Science Teams
Teaching Experience & Outreach
Ask an Astronomer: How Can We See A Blackhole?"
Ask an Astronomer: What is a Redshift?"
Annual tour of the Palomar Observatory for San Diego area secondary schools.
Conducted a seminar on the "career of an astronomer" at the Career Day program of the Huntington School of San Marino (junior high school kids)
An Infrared Looking Glass: Peering Through the Milky Way Galaxy
Advisor to the Pasadena City College Astronomy & Physics Department's "Scientists Mentoring Astrophysics Research Teams of Tomorrow" program with the Jet Propulsion Lab and the SIRTF great observatory.
Mentored the Pomona College student Luke Johnson, during the Summer of 2000 and Spring of 2001, focusing on the infrared properties of galaxies seen behind the Milky Way.
Mentored the Pomona College student Lane Johnson, during the Summer of 1999, primarily focusing on the 2MASS Galaxy Cluster catalog.
Instructor, Pomona College, 1999 to present.
Course: Life in the Universe.
Teaching Assistant, University of Massachusetts, 1986 - 1990. Classes include:
Introductory Astronomy (assistant teacher)
Observational Astronomy Laboratory (primary teacher)
Invited Talks/Presentations
San Marino High School (May 2010), Science Lunch Seminar,
S. Africa, June (2004; in absentia), Penetrating Bars through Masks of Cosmic Dust
Caltech, Jan (2004), IPAC Astronomy Lunch Seminars,
"1.5 Million Galaxies Revealed", Astronomy Magazine, March 2008 issue: graphics (poster fold-out) and text.
"Discovering the First Galaxies", National Geographic, Feb 2003 issue: graphics and editorial comment.
All Sky images of the Milky Way & Universe in various publications (e.g., Discover Mag).
2MASS Press Release featuring the Extended Source Catalog of galaxies.
Symposium Poster, featured at the IAU Symposium 216 (2003, Sydney Australia) on "Maps of the Cosmos".
"The Science of Aliens", London Science Museum exposition. Here is a link to the backdrop used for this exhibit.
Webcast (podcast) on SWIRE and the Tadpole Galaxy; here is the link to the web/podcast. Here is a link to the press release.
136. Mid-infrared Selection of Active Galactic Nuclei with the Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer. I. Characterizing WISE-selected Active Galactic Nuclei in COSMOS Stern, D., et al., 2012, ApJ, 753, 30.
135. Detection of Powerful Mid-IR H2 Emission in the Bridge between the Taffy Galaxies Peterson, B., et al., 2012, ApJ, 751, 11.
134. Variability Flagging in the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer Preliminary Data Release Hoffman, D., et al., 2012, 143, 118.
133. The 2MASS Redshift Survey-Description and Data Release Huchra, J.P., et al., 2012, ApJS, 199, 26.
132. Origin of 12 #m Emission across Galaxy Populations from WISE and SDSS Surveys Donoso, E., et al., 2012, ApJ, 748, 80.
131. Explanatory Supplement to the WISE All-Sky Data Release Products Cutri, R., et al., 2012, WISE Report, 1.
130. Direct Evidence for Termination of Obscured Star Formation by Radiatively Driven Outflows in Reddened QSOs Farrah, D., et al., 20121, ApJ, 745, 178.
129. Optical Spectroscopic Survey of High-latitude WISE-selected Sources, Lake, S. E.; Wright, E. L.; Petty, S.; Assef, R. J.; Jarrett, T. H.; Stanford, S. A.; Stern, D.; Tsai, C.-W., 2011, AJ, 143, 7.
128. Spitzer IRS Spectral Mapping of the Toomre Sequence: Spatial Variations of PAH, Gas, and Dust Properties in nearby Major Mergers, Haan, S. et al., 2011, ApJS, 197, 27.
127. A WISE View of Star Formation in Local Galaxy Clusters, Chung, Sun Mi; Eisenhardt, Peter R.; Gonzalez, Anthony H.; Stanford, Spencer A.; Brodwin, Mark; Stern, Daniel; Jarrett, Thomas, 2011, ApJ, 743, 34.
126. Is the Two Micron All Sky Survey Clustering Dipole Convergent? Bilicki, Maciej; Chodorowski, M.; Jarrett, Thomas; Mamon, Gary A., 2011, ApJ, 741, 31.
125. WISE Discovery of Low-metallicity Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxies, Griffith, R. et al., 2011, ApJ, 736, L22.
124. THE SPITZER-WISE SURVEY OF THE ECLIPTIC POLES, Jarrett et al. 2011, ApJ, 735, 112.
123. The First Ultra-cool Brown Dwarf Discovered by the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer, Mainzer, et al., 2011, ApJ, 726, 30.
122. The Spitzer Survey of Stellar Structure in Galaxies ( S4 G ), Sheth, K., et al., 2010, PASP, 122, 1397.
121. Active Disk Building in a Local H I-massive LIRG: The Synergy Between Gas, Dust, and Star Formation, Cluver, M., Jarrett, T., et al., 2010, ApJ, 725, 1550.
120. The Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE): Mission Description and Initial On-orbit Performance, Wright, E., et al., 2010, AJ, 140, 1868.
119. Mid-infrared Evidence for Accelerated Evolution in Compact Group Galaxies, Walker, L., et al., 2010, AJ, 140, 1254.
118. Young stars and protostellar cores near NGC 2023, Mookerjea, B., Sandell, G.,, Jarrett, T., McMullin, J., 2010, A&A, 507, 1485.
117. The 6dF Galaxy Survey: final redshift release (DR3) and southern large-scale structures, Jones, D.H., et al., 2009, MNRAS, 399, 683.
116. Properties of dusty tori in active galactic nuclei - II. Type 2 AGN, Hatziminaoglou, E.; Fritz, J.; Jarrett, T. H., 2009, MNRAS, 399, 1206.
115. Young stars and protostellar cores near NGC 2023, Mookerjea, B.; Sandell, G.; Jarrett, T. H.; McMullin, J. P., 2009, A&A, 507, 1485.
114. 2MASS/SDSS Close Major-Merger Galaxy Pairs, Domingue, Donovan L.; Xu, C. K.; Jarrett, T. H.; Cheng, Y., 2009, ApJ, 695, 1559.
113. Carbon Monoxide in the Cassiopeia a Supernova Remnant, Rho, J.; Jarrett, T. H.; Reach, W. T.; Gomez, H.; Andersen, M., 2009, ApJ, 693L, 39.
112. The Spitzer Infrared Nearby Galaxies Survey: A High-Resolution Spectroscopy Anthology, Dale, D. A.; Smith, J. D. T.; Schlawin, E. A.; Armus, L.; Buckalew, B. A.; Cohen, S. A.; Helou, G.; Jarrett, T. H.; Johnson, L. C.; Moustakas, J.; Murphy, E. J.; Roussel, H.; Sheth, K.; Staudaher, S.; Bot, C.; Calzetti, D.; Engelbracht, C. W.; Gordon, K. D.; Hollenbach, D. J.; Kennicutt, R. C.; Malhotra, S., 2009, ApJ, 693, 1821.
111. Powerful H2 Emission and Star Formation on the Interacting Galaxy System Arp 143: Observations with Spitzer and Galex, Beirão, P.; Appleton, P. N.; Brandl, B. R.; Seibert, M.; Jarrett, T.; Houck, J. R., 2009, ApJ, 693, 1650.
110. The Impact and Fate of the ISM in Compact Groups of Galaxies,, Jarrett, T.; Johnson, K.; Hibbard, J.; Gallagher, S.; Charlton, J.; Hornschemeier, A, 2009, in The Evolving ISM in the Milky Way & Nearby Galaxies, 10J.
Properties of Protostars in the Elephant Trunk in the Globule IC 1396A,
Reach, William T.; Faied, Dohy; Rho, Jeonghee; Boogert, Adwin; Tappe, Achim; Jarrett, Thomas H.; Morris, Patrick; Cambrésy, Laurent; Palla, Francesco; Valdettaro, Riccardo, 2009, ApJ, 690, 683.
The hidden HI-massive LIRG HIZOA J0836-43: Inside-out galaxy formation,
Cluver, Jarrett, et al., 2008, ApJ, 686, L17.
The luminosity-halo mass relation for brightest cluster galaxies,
Brough, S.; Couch, W. J.; Collins, C. A.; Jarrett, T.; Burke, D. J.; Mann, R. G.,
2008, MNRAS, 385, 103.
Spectral Mapping Reconstruction of Extended Sources,
Smith, J. D., et al., 2007, PASP, 119, 1133.
The Incidence of Highly Obscured Star-forming Regions in SINGS Galaxies,
Prescott, Moire, et al.,
2007, ApJ, 668, 182.
Gaps in the Cloud Cover? Comparing Extinction Measures in Spiral Disks,
Holwerda, B., et al., 2007, AJ, 134, 1655.
The Infrared Properties of Hickson Compact Groups,
Johnson, K., et al.,
2007, AJ, 134, 1522.
Chandra Observations of SN 2004et and the X-Ray Emission of Type II-P Supernovae,
Rho, J., Jarrett, T. H., Chugai, N. N., Chevalier, R. A. 2007,
ApJ, 666, 1108.
The Calibration of Mid-Infrared Star Formation Rate Indicators,
Calzetti, D., et al., 2007, ApJ, 666, 870.
100. The Spitzer c2d Survey of Large, Nearby, Interstellar Clouds. VI. Perseus Observed with MIPS, Rebull, L., et al.,
2007, ApJS, 171, 447.
Keck spectroscopy and Spitzer space telescope analysis of the outer disk of the Triangulum spiral galaxy M33, Block, D. et al.,
2007, A&A, 471, 467.
Specific Star Formation Rate Profiles in Nearby Spiral Galaxies: Quantifying the Inside-Out Formation of Disks,
Muoz-Mateos, J. C., Gil de Paz, A., Boissier, S., Zamorano, J., Jarrett, T., Gallego, J., Madore, B. F.,
2007, ApJ, 658, 1006.
A Near-Infrared Study of 2MASS Bars in Local Galaxies: An Anchor for High-Redshift Studies,
Menndez-Delmestre, K., Sheth, K., Schinnerer, E., Jarrett, T.H., Scoville, N., 2007,
ApJ, 657, 790.
96. "SUPERNOVA 2004et IN NGC 6946", 2007, J. Rho, T. H.
Jarrett and R. Chevalier, IAU Circular (CBET 810). See also the page on
X-Ray supernovae.
An Ultraviolet-to-Radio Broadband Spectral Atlas of Nearby Galaxies,
Dale, D., et al., 2007,ApJ, 655, 863.
Groups of Galaxies in the Two Micron All Sky Redshift Survey
Crook, Aidan C., Huchra, John P., Martimbeau, Nathalie, Masters, Karen L., Jarrett, Tom, Macri, Lucas M.,
2007,ApJ, 655, 790.
Discovery of Two Galaxies Deeply Embedded in the Great Attractor Wall,
Jarrett et al. 2007, AJ, 133, 979.
92. A Near-Infrared and X-Ray Study of W49 B: A Wind Cavity Explosion,
Keohane, J.W., Reach, W., Rho, J. & Jarrett, T.H., 2007, ApJ, 654, 938.
91. The Nature of Infrared Emission in the Local Group Dwarf Galaxy NGC 6822 as Revealed by Spitzer,
Cannon, et al., 2006, ApJ, 652, 1170.
Infrared Properties of Close Pairs of Galaxies,
Geller, Konyon, Barton, Jarrett, Kewley, 2006, AJ, 132, 2243.
Reconstructed density and velocity fields from the 2MASS Redshift Survey,
Erdogdu et al, 2006, MNRAS.
Ultraviolet through Far-Infrared Spatially Resolved Analysis of the Recent Star Formation in M81 (NGC 3031), Perez-Gonzalez et al. 2006, ApJ, 648, 987.
First Evidence of a Precessing Jet Excavating a Protostellar Envelope,
Ybarra et al. 2006, ApJ, 647, 159.
Warm Dust and Spatially Variable Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Emission in the Dwarf Starburst Galaxy NGC 1705,
Cannon et al. 2006, ApJ, 647, 293.
Mid-Infrared Spectral Diagnostics of Nuclear and Extranuclear Regions in Nearby Galaxies, Dale et al. 2006, ApJ, 646, 161.
Parametric Modelling of the 3.6um to 8um Colour Distributions of
Galaxies in the SWIRE Survey, Davoodi, P. et al. 2006, AJ, 132, 1818.
83. The dipole anisotropy of the 2 Micron All-Sky Redshift Survey,
Erdogdu, P., et al., 2006, MNRAS, 368, 151.
82. The ESO-Spitzer Imaging extragalactic Survey (ESIS). I. WFIB, V, R deep observations of ELAIS-S1 and comparison to Spitzer and GALEX data,
Berta, S. et al., 2006, A&A, 451, 881.
81. Chandra and Spitzer Unveil Heavily Obscured Quasars in the Chandra/SWIRE Survey, Polleta, M., et al.,
2006, ApJ, 642, 673.
80. Nearby Spiral Globular Cluster Systems. I. Luminosity Functions,
Nantais, J., Huchra, J, Barmby, P., Olson, K., Jarrett, T. 2006, AJ, 131, 141.
79. An Initial Look at the Far-IR-Radio Correlation within Nearby Star Forming Galaxies using Spitzer, Murphy, E., et al. 2006, ApJ, 638, 157.
Two Micron All Sky Survey, Skrutskie, M. et al. 2006, AJ, 131, 1163.
Remarkable Disk and Off-nuclear Starburst Activity in the
"Tadpole Galaxy" as revealed by the Spitzer Space Telescope
Jarrett, T.H., et al, 2006,
AJ, 131, 261.
"Morphological Studies of the SWIRE survey galaxy population in the UGC10214 Huble Space Telescope/Advanced Camerage for Surveys Field";
Hatziminaoglou, E. et al. 2005, MNRAS, 364, 47.
"Infrared Spectral Energy Distributions of Nearby Galaxies";
D. Dale, et al, 2005, ApJ, 633, 857.
6dFGS DR2,
Jones, H. et al, 2005, PASA, 22, 277.
A Complete Multiwavelength Characterization of Faint Chandra X-Ray Sources Seen in the Spitzer Wide-Area Infrared Extragalactic (SWIRE) Survey
Franceschini, A., et al. 2005, ApJ, 129, 2074.
Large-scale variations of the dust optical properties in the Galaxy
Cambre'sy, L.; Jarrett, T. H.; Beichman, C. A., 2005, A&A, 435, 131.
Shocked Molecular Gas in the Supernova Remnants W28 and W44: Near-Infrared and Millimeter-Wave Observations,
Reach, W., Rho, J., Jarrett, T. H.
2005, ApJ, 618, 297.
The 6dF Galaxy Survey,
Jones, H., Saunders, W., et al. 2004, MNRAS, 355, 747.
68. Large Scale Structure in the Local Universe,
Jarrett, T.H. 2004, PASA, 21, 396.
Very luminous carbon stars in the outer disk of the Triangulum spiral galaxy,
Block, D. L.; Freeman, K. C.; Jarrett, T. H.; Puerari, I.; Worthey, G.; Combes, F.; Groess, R.,
2004, A&A...425L..37.
Protostars in the Elephant Trunk Nebula, Reach, et al., 2004, ApJS..154..385.
65. 10 Micron Imaging of Seyfert Galaxies from the 12 Micron Sample,
Gorjian, V.; Werner, M. W.; Jarrett, T. H.; Cole, D. M.; Ressler, M. E., 2004, ApJ, 605, 156.
64. SINGS: The SIRTF Nearby Galaxies Survey, Kennicutt, et al., 2003, AAS...203.9010K.
63. Overdensities of Extremely Red Objects in the Fields of High-Redshift Radio-Loud Quasars, Wold, M.; Armus, L.; Neugebauer, G.; Jarrett, T. H.; Lehnert, M. D., 2003, AJ, 126, 1776.
62. LSB galaxies in near-infrared. III, Monnier Ragaigne, D.; van Driel, W.; Schneider, S. E.; Balkowski, C.; Jarrett, T. H., 2003, A&A, 408, 465.
61. LSB galaxies in near-infrared. II. , Monnier-Ragaigne, D.; van Driel, W.; O'Neil, K.; Schneider, S. E.; Balkowski, C.; Jarrett, T. H., 2003, A&A, 408, 67.
SWIRE: The SIRTF Wide-Area Infrared Extragalactic Survey, Lonsdale et al., 2003, PASP, 115, 897.
SINGS: The SIRTF Nearby Galaxies Survey, Kennicutt et al., 2003, PASP, 115, 928.
A search for Low Surface Brightness galaxies in the near-infrared. I. Selection of the sample,
Monnier Ragaigne, D.; van Driel, W.;
Schneider, S. E.; Jarrett, T. H.;
Balkowski, C,
2003, A&A, 405, 99.
Near-Infrared Synchrotron Emission from Cassiopeia A,
Rho, Jeonghee; Reynolds, Stephen P.;
Reach, William T.; Jarrett, Tom H.;
Allen, Glenn E.; Wilson, John C.,
2003, ApJ, 592, 299.
56. 2MASS Explanatory Supplement,
Cutri, R., et al., 2003.
Infrared Emission of Normal Galaxies from 2.5 to 12 Micron:
Infrared Space Observatory Spectra, Near-Infrared Continuum, and Mid-Infrared Emission Features,
Lu, Nanyao; Helou, George; Werner, Michael W.; Dinerstein, Harriet L.; Dale, Daniel A.; Silbermann, Nancy A.;
Malhotra, Sangeeta; Beichman, Charles A.; Jarrett, Thomas H. 2003, ApJ, 588, 199.
A Deep 2MASS Survey of the Lockman Hole, Beichman, C. A.; Cutri, R.; Jarrett, T.; Stiening, R.; Skrutskie, M.,
2003, AJ, 124, 2521.
Spectroscopy and Photometry of the Earth Grazer 2002 NY40,
Rivkin, A. S.; Howell, E. S.; Bus, S. J.; Hicks, M.; Reach, W. T.; Jarrett, T. H.; Binzel, R. P. 2003, LPI....34.1722R.
See also
A Close Encounter with Asteroid 2002 NY40
"Clusters of Galaxies in the Local Universe", Kochanek, C. S., White, Martin, Huchra, J., Macri, L., Jarrett, T. H., Schneider, S. E., Mader, J. 2003, ApJ, 585, 161.
"Azimuthal and Kinematic Segregation of Neutral and Molecular Gas in Arp 118: The Yin-Yang
Galaxy NGC 1144", P. N. Appleton, V. Charmandaris, Yu Gao, Tom Jarrett, and M. A. Bransford,
2003, ApJ, 586, 112.
49. " Study of 2MASS Low Surface Brightness Galaxies", Monnier Ragaigne, D.; van Driel, W.;
Balkowski, C.; Schneider, S. E.;
Jarrett, T. H.; O'Neil, K. 2002, ApSS, 281, 145.
48. "The 2MASS Tully-Fisher relation for flat edge-on galaxies", Karachentsev, I.D., Mitronova, S.N., Karachentseva, V.E., Kudrya, Y.N. & Jarrett, T. H., 2002,
AA, 396, 431.
47. A Second "Taffy" Galaxy Pair, Condon, J.J., Helou, G. and Jarrett, T. H. 2002, AJ, 123, 1881.
"Extinction in the North American Nebula",
Cambresy, L., Beichman, C.A., Jarrett, T.H., Cutri, R.M.,
2002, AJ, 123, 2559.
"Infrared Mass-to-Light Profile Throughout the Infall Region of the Coma Cluster",
K. Rines, M.J. Geller, M.J. Kurtz, A. Diaferio, T.H. Jarrett, J.P. Huchra,
2001, ApJ, 561, 41.
44. "The K-Band Galaxy Luminosity Function",
Kochanek, C. S., Pahre, M. A., Falco, E. E., Huchra, J. P., Mader, J.,
Jarrett, T. H., Chester, T., Cutri, R., Schneider, S.E.,
ApJ, 560, 566.
"Molecular and Ionic shocks in the Supernova Remnant 3C391",
William T. Reach, Jeonghee Rho, T. H. Jarrett, Pierre-Olivier Lagage,
2002, ApJ, 564, 302.
"The Cosmic Infrared Background at 1.25 microns and 2.2 microns using DIRBE and 2MASS: a contribution not due to galaxies ?", L. Cambresy, W.T. Reach, C.A. Beichman, T.H. Jarrett,
2001, ApJ, 555, 563.
2MASS Extragalactic Science, T.H. Jarrett, 2001, invited talk at the 198th AAS.
2MASS Large Galaxy Atlas, T.H. Jarrett,
S. Van Dyk & T. Chester, 2001, poster at the 198th AAS.
39. 2MASS Galaxies in the Zone of Avoidance,
L. Johnson & T. Jarrett, 2001, poster at the 198th AAS
Near-Infrared Imaging and [O I] Spectroscopy of IC 443 using 2MASS and ISO, Rho, J., Jarrett, T.H., Cutri, R.M., & Reach, W.T., 2001, ApJ, 547, 885. 18. Magnetic Field Structure in Monoceros R2. Jarrett, T. H., Novak, G., Xie, T., and Goldsmith, P.F., Ap. J., 430, 743. 17. Optical Study of the Stellar Luminosity Function. Jarrett, T. H., Dickman, R. L., and Herbst, W., Ap. J., 424, 852 (1994). 16. Star Formation in Taurus: Preliminary Results from 2MASS, Beichman, C.A., and Jarrett, T.H., Ap&SS, (1994). 15. Brackett-g and Ha Line Emission Maps of Four Galaxies. Jarrett, T.H., Helou, G., and Beichman, C.A., A. J., in prep. 14. A K Band Search for Starburst Supernovae, Van Buren, D., Jarrett, T.H., and Beichman, C.A. Proceeedings of the UCLA Conference on Infrared Astronomy with Arrays, ,Ed. I.S. McLeean (Dordrecht: Kluwer), (1994). 13. Palomar Prime-Focus Infrared Camera. Jarrett, T.H., Beichman, T.H., Van Buren, D., Jorquera, C., and Bruce, C., Proceeedings of the UCLA Conference on Infrared Astronomy with Arrays, , Ed. I.S. McLeean (Dordrecht: Kluwer), (1994). 12. Brackett-g Line Emission Maps of Four Galaxies. Jarrett, T.H., Helou, G., and Beichman, C.A., Proceeedings of the UCLA Conference on Infrared Astronomy with Arrays, Proceeedings of the UCLA Conference on Infrared Astronomy with Arrays, Ed. I.S. McLeean (Dordrecht: Kluwer), (1994). 11. Magnetic Field Structure in Mon R2. Jarrett, T. H., Novak, G., Xie, T., and Goldsmith, P.F., B.A.A.S., 25 (1993). 10. A Simple Technique for Accurate Stellar Polarimetry using CCD Cameras. Novak, G., and Jarrett, T. H., Journal for Applied Optics, (1994). 9. Lord Rosse's Y: The Nature of the Dark Regions in the Globular Cluster M13. Dickman, R. L., Jarrett, T. H., and Horvath, M. A., A. J., (1993). 8. An Optical Study of the Stellar Luminosity Function. Jarrett, T. H., Ph.D. Thesis, University of Massachusetts (1992). 7. Infrared Emission in the r Ophiuchi Region: Comparison with Molecular Gas Emission and Visual Extinction. Jarrett, T. H., Dickman, R. L., and Herbst, W., Ap. J., 345, 881 (1989). 6. Molecular Gas, Infrared Emission and Visual Extinction in Heiles' Cloud 2. Jarrett, T. H., Dickman, R. L., and Herbst, W., B.A.A.S., 20, 1060 (1988). 5. Probing the Lower Main Sequence with Molecular Clouds. Dickman, R. L., Jarrett, T. H., and Herbst, W., Proceedings of Kona Conference on Millimeter and Sum-millimeter Astronomy. (Doredrecht: Kluwer), (1988). 4. Far Infrared Radiation from the r Ophiuchi Region: Two Grain Component Non-Correlated Grain Emission? Jarrett, T. H., Dickman, R. L., and Herbst, W., B.A.A.S., 19, 1056 (1987). 3. Far Infrared Emission Associated with Outflows from Low Luminosity Young Stellar Objects. Jarrett, T. H., Edwards, S., Strom, S. E., Strom, K. M., and Snell, R. L., B.A.A.S., 18, 1021 (1986). 2.
50. 2MASS Large Galaxy Atlas,
Jarrett, T.H, Chester, T., Cutri, R., Schneider, S. & Huchra, J.
2003, AJ, 125, 525.
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