The NEOWISE single-exposure images are formatted in the Flexible Image Transport System (FITS). For information on file naming, see section III.1.a.
An extensive image header is added to the raw fits image data during the ingest process (IV.1.a.i). The header consists of two main sections: keywords extracted directly from the engineering housekeeping (H/K) data, and non-H/K keywords. H/K data are sampled at various rates and not synched with the acquisition of the image data. The H/K data file is downlinked and transferred to IPAC where all measurements are stored in a database. During the ingest process, this database is searched for the value of a particular keyword closest in time to the DATE_OBS mid-exposure image data acquisition time. Hence there is a time difference between DATE_OBS and the time the keyword was sampled. The header keywords HK_MINDT and HK_MAXDT (see table below) indicate the minimum and maximum time difference for all H/K-derived header values.
Times in the non-H/K section of the header are all computed from various ancillary files. The times saved in the image source packet headers are from the spacecraft (S/C) clock at the time the first data reach the MUB, which is within a few msecs of the end of the exposure. It will take another 1.1 sec for the last pixels to reach the MUB. During ingest, a constant offset of -4.853 sec (indicated by the header keyword FRMTOFF) is added to this time and saved as the frame time. This timestamp corresponds to the midpoint of the track followed by the boresight during the exposure.
Example of a NEOWISE single-exposure image header.
Field Name | Example Value | Units | Description |
Header Keywords Not Derived from H/K Data | |||
BITPIX | -32 | --- | -32 => 32-bit IEEE floating point data (number of bits per data pixel) |
NAXIS | 2 | --- | Number of data axes, always = 2 for two-dimensional image |
NAXIS1 | 1016 | --- | Number of columns in image, 1016 (1024 - 8 reference pixels, 4 on either side of the array) |
NAXIS2 | 1016 | --- | Number of lines in image, 1016 (1024 - 8 reference pixels, 4 each on top and bottom of the array) |
TELESCOP | 'WISE' | --- | observatory name |
BUNIT | 'DN' | --- | Units of image data [1] |
EQUINOX | 2000 | --- | Equinox for celestial coordinate system |
RADECSYS | 'FK5' | --- | astrometric reference system |
FILETYPE | 'intensity image frame' | --- | image type; options are 'intensity image frame', 'uncertainty image frame', 'bit-mask image' |
DATE_OBS | '2015-06-29T03:17:58.801' | --- | UTC of Observation midpoint (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSS) |
WAVELEN | 3.368 | micron | Effective wavelength of filter |
BAND | 1 | --- | Band number (1 or 2) |
SCAN | '05943a' | --- | Scan ID |
FRNUM | 166 | --- | Frame number in scan |
FRSETID | '05943a166' | --- | Frame set ID |
SCANSTRT | '2015-180T02:50:15.689' | --- | Scan UTC start time (YYYY-DDDTHH:MM:SS.SSS) |
SCANEND | '2015-180T03:26:07.924' | --- | Scan UTC end time (YYYY-DDDTHH:MM:SS.SSS) |
SCANGRP | '3a' | --- | Scan ID group |
FRMTOFF | -4.853 | sec | Offset applied to packet VTC |
VTC | 331053354.568888 | --- | Observation midpoint vehicle time code |
UNIXT | 1277781478.80099 | sec | Observation midpoint UNIX time |
EPHEMT | 331053544.985642 | sec | Observation midpoint TDT secs from J2000 |
UTC | '2015-180T03:17:58.801' | --- | Observation midpoint UTC date/time (YYYY-DDDTHH:MM:SS.SSS) |
DATIME | '2015-06-29T03:17:58.801' | --- | Observation midpoint calendar date/time (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSS) |
MJD_OBS | 55376.13748612 | days | Observation midpoint Modified Julian Day |
JD_OBS | 2455376.63748612 | days | Observation midpoint Julian Day |
HJD_OBS | 2455376.63770536 | days | Observation midpoint Heliocentric Julian Day |
DTANNEAL | 123456789309.12847042084 | sec | Time since last anneal: not applicable to W1 and W2 |
UTANNEAL | '2010-273T01:35:29.956' | --- | UTC of last anneal (YYYY-DDDTHH:MM:SS.SSS): not applicable to W1 and W2 |
DTTDRSND | '25377.1272785068' | sec | For internal WSDS use only: time since specially selected TDRSS pass to assist with artifact identification. |
UTTDRSND | '2015-049T03:44:23.044' | sec | For internal WSDS use only: time of specially selected TDRSS pass to assist with artifact identification. |
RAWFILE | 'none' | --- | Raw input file name; usually 'none' |
TLMFILE | '/wise/fops/ingest/delivs/10180/10180T040553/ WIS_HRP_PKT_FE1A_2015_1&80_04_05_53_CAT.bin' | --- | Source packet telemetry file name |
TLMSEQNO | 2531 | --- | Delivery image sequence number |
DELIVID | '10180T040553' | --- | Delivery ID |
CMPRSRAT | 0.351 | --- | Compression ratio |
INEVENTS | 'ASCE SCAN' | --- | Active orbit events [2] |
EVDATIME | '2015-049T21:31:13.567' | --- | UTC of Event file creation time (YYYY-DDDTHH:MM:SS.SSS) |
EV*** | 2424.80147141218 | sec | Time since orbit event start [2] |
L0FILE | '/wise/fops/l0/neowiser/3b/57333b/fr/206/57333b206-w1-int-0.fits.gz' | --- | Internal Level-0 (L0) filename |
CRPIX1 | 508.5 | --- | Center Reference pixel along Axis 1 |
CRPIX2 | 508.5 | --- | Center Reference pixel along Axis 2 |
CRVAL1 | 225.06994510454 | deg | Image center RA |
CRVAL2 | 51.4616534896619 | deg | Image center Dec |
CTYPE1 | 'RA---SIN-SIP' | --- | Projection type (with distortion) for axis 1 |
CTYPE2 | 'DEC--SIN-SIP' | --- | Projection type (with distortion) for axis 2 |
CD1_1 | 0.000599691208933248 | --- | WCS rotation matrix element |
CD1_2 | -0.000474126014661878 | --- | WCS rotation matrix element |
CD2_1 | -0.000477243794866344 | --- | WCS rotation matrix element |
CD2_2 | -0.000595773493501184 | --- | WCS rotation matrix element |
WCROTA2 | 141.486668244472 | deg | CCW rotation of RA at CRPIX1,2 |
PA | 218.513331755528 | deg | Rotation of +Y EofN at CRPIX1,2 |
WCDELT1 | -0.0007664145 | deg/pix | X-axis pixel scale |
WCDELT2 | 0.0007614076 | deg/pix | Y-axis pixel scale |
PXSCAL1 | -2.7590922 | arcsec/pix | X-axis pixel scale |
PXSCAL2 | 2.74106736 | arcsec/pix | Y-axis pixel scale |
CRDER1 | 1.70323323453294E-06 | deg | Apriori RA error |
CRDER2 | 1.67328588127058E-06 | deg | Apriori Dec error |
UNCRTPA | 0.000345836839111701 | deg | Apriori PA error |
CSDRADEC | -9.48754584403298E-09 | --- | Apriori RA/Dec cross-correlation |
UNCRTS1 | 2.3E-07 | deg/pix | Apriori X-axis scale error |
UNCRTS2 | 2.3E-07 | deg/pix | Apriori Y-axis scale error |
RA0 | 225.023518934015 | deg | Level-0 ADCS frame center RA |
DEC0 | 51.487461072027 | deg | Level-0 ADCS frame center Dec |
PA0 | 218.496397299452 | deg | Level-0 ADCS frame rot. of +Y EofN |
PA0_SC | 51.5036027005476 | deg | Level-0 ADCS raw rot. of S/C +Y EofN |
ELON0 | 191.917431021341 | deg | Level-0 ADCS frame center ecliptic lon |
ELAT0 | 63.2678660897687 | deg | Level-0 ADCS frame center ecliptic lat |
GLON0 | 86.9189600950138 | deg | Level-0 ADCS frame center galactic lon |
GLAT0 | 55.682531179842 | deg | Level-0 ADCS frame center galactic lat |
L0XFORM | '-1,0,0,1' | --- | Raw->L0 frame transformation |
L0B2BDX | -9999[3] | pixels | Raw->L0 band x offset |
L0B2BDY | -9999[3] | pixels | Raw->L0 band y offset |
L0B2BDPA | -9999[3] | deg | Raw->L0 band rotation offset |
SCRATEX | 0.00751621019319527 | arcmin/sec | Rot. rate about S/C CF X |
SCRATEY | 3.7681314772562 | arcmin/sec | Rot. rate about S/C CF Y |
SCRATEZ | -0.0420933044782987 | arcmin/sec | Rot. rate about S/C CF Z |
DISTSRC | 'B00312- ' | --- | internal distortion source reference code, disregard |
B2BSRC | 'NONE ' | --- | internal band-to-band delta source reference code, disregard |
EXPTIME | 7.7 | sec | Frame exposure time |
TSAMP | 1.1 | sec | Sample time |
FRINT | 11 | sec | Frame-to-frame interval |
DEBOFF | 1024 | --- | DEB offset |
DEBTRUNC | 3 | --- | Bits truncated by DEB |
SUN2SCX | 0.126651215420971 | AU | Sun-to-S/C vector X component, J2000 |
SUN2SCY | -0.925426475714631 | AU | Sun-to-S/C vector Y component, J2000 |
SUN2SCZ | -0.401159133272042 | AU | Sun-to-S/C vector Z component, J2000 |
SCVELX | 0.0205831831858303 | AU/day | SUN-to-S/C velocity vector X component |
SCVELY | 0.00246213836806783 | AU/day | SUN-to-S/C velocity vector Y component |
SCVELZ | 0.00295204616463046 | AU/day | SUN-to-S/C velocity vector Z component |
ERTH2SCX | -2.29174694575148E-05 | AU | Earth-to-S/C vector X component |
ERTH2SCY | 3.597251106522E-06 | AU | Earth-to-S/C vector Y component |
ERTH2SCZ | 3.98692265687137E-05 | AU | Earth-to-S/C vector Z component |
SUNSEP | 92.1422509176731 | deg | L0 FOV center to Sun angular separation |
SUNPA | 312.937278760484 | deg | Direction of Sun, east of north |
MOONSEP | 99.72247578063 | deg | L0 FOV center to Moon angular separation |
MOONPA | 105.150106604223 | deg | Direction of Moon, east of north |
MARSSEP | 66.2157771148338 | deg | L0 FOV center to Mars angular separation |
MARSPA | 252.001453760767 | deg | Direction of Mars, east of north |
JUPSEP | 117.597952271002 | deg | L0 FOV center to Jupiter angular separation |
JUPPA | 49.5449502989206 | deg | Direction of Jupiter, east of north |
SATSEP | 61.7550240770178 | deg | L0 FOV center to Saturn angular separation |
SATPA | 234.051565452609 | deg | Direction of Saturn, east of north |
GEOLON | 204.592419 | deg | S/C geographic longitude |
GEOLAT | 59.810269 | deg | S/C geographic latitude |
GEOALT | 538.361093 | km | S/C altitude |
GCD2SAA | 101.027318 | deg | Great circle angle to SAA boundary |
GEO_DT | 1.19867521524429 | sec | Time since ground track sample |
Header Keywords Derived from H/K Data | |||
SURCOEF1 | 0 | --- | Nominal static survey SUR coefficient #1 |
SURCOEF2 | -7 | --- | Nominal static survey SUR coefficient #2 |
SURCOEF3 | -5 | --- | Nominal static survey SUR coefficient #3 |
SURCOEF4 | -3 | --- | Nominal static survey SUR coefficient #4 |
SURCOEF5 | -1 | --- | Nominal static survey SUR coefficient #5 |
SURCOEF6 | 1 | --- | Nominal static survey SUR coefficient #6 |
SURCOEF7 | 3 | --- | Nominal static survey SUR coefficient #7 |
SURCOEF8 | 5 | --- | Nominal static survey SUR coefficient #8 |
SURCOEF9 | 7 | --- | Nominal static survey SUR coefficient #9 |
ATTEMGEN | 'false ' | --- | electromagnet control enable |
ATT_ADST | 'point ' | --- | current adcs state |
ATT_ERRX | 2.79873E-08 | --- | attitude error x |
ATT_ERRY | 3.36525E-06 | --- | attitude error y |
ATT_ERRZ | -7.25566E-06 | --- | attitude error z |
ATTUPDMT | 'three_ax_rt_att' | --- | attitude update method |
ATT_FAQ1 | 0.219713 | --- | inertial to control attitude x |
ATT_FAQ2 | -0.247251 | --- | inertial to control attitude y |
ATT_FAQ3 | 0.0534532 | --- | inertial to control attitude z |
ATT_FAQ4 | 0.942197 | --- | inertial to control attitude w |
ATT_FRTX | 1.93254E-06 | rad/sec | inertial to control rate x |
ATT_FRTY | 0.00109616 | rad/sec | inertial to control rate y |
ATT_FRTZ | -1.23647E-05 | rad/sec | inertial to control rate z |
ATT_METH | 'three_ax_rt_att' | --- | attitude determination method |
ATTCRCFG | 5 | --- | current config set |
ATTACCFG | 'w1234_sci' | --- | actuator config index |
GYRODTST | 'good' | --- | Overall status of the gyro data |
ICV_VLD | 'valid' | --- | icv valid |
IMU_PWR | 'on' | --- | imu power on |
MAG_PWR | 'on' | --- | mag power on |
MAGFDVST | 'good' | --- | mag field vector status |
MNVRDONE | 'true' | --- | maneuver done |
MSUN_VST | 'good' | --- | measured sun vector status |
MSUN_VX | 0.0672943 | --- | measured sun x |
MSUN_VY | 0.992695 | --- | measured sun y |
MSUN_VZ | -0.100137 | --- | measured sun z |
ORBSTVLD | 'valid' | --- | orbital state valid |
RATERRX | 1.70747E-06 | rad/sec | rate error x |
RATERRY | 8.55446E-06 | rad/sec | rate error y |
RATERRZ | 1.23647E-05 | rad/sec | rate error z |
WHL1_SPD | -141.949 | rad/sec | wheel 1 speed |
WHL2_SPD | -132.641 | rad/sec | wheel 2 speed |
WHL3_SPD | -101.226 | rad/sec | wheel 3 speed |
WHL4_SPD | -147.767 | rad/sec | wheel 4 speed |
SEL_SENS | 'st1_st2_rs' | --- | selected sensor |
INSHADOW | 'false' | --- | in shadow |
NMSUNUSD | 6 | --- | number of sun sensors used |
ST1_ASCT | 5 | --- | star tracker 1 att star count |
ST2_ASCT | 4 | --- | star tracker 2 att star count |
ST1_BGHI | 'ok' | --- | star tracker 1 background high |
ST2_BGHI | 'ok' | --- | star tracker 2 background high |
ST1STRID | 0 | --- | star tracker 1 star id mode |
ST2STRID | 0 | --- | star tracker 2 star id mode |
ST_ATTDQ | 'good' | --- | star tracker attitude data quality |
ST_RTEDQ | 'good' | --- | star tracker rate data quality |
ST_USED | 'both' | --- | star tracker used |
STVLDLCT | 'true' | --- | st valid last cycle |
TQROD1ST | 'off' | --- | torqrod1 current powered status |
TQROD2ST | 'off' | --- | torqrod2 current powered status |
TQROD3ST | 'off' | --- | torqrod3 current powered status |
MDSCMODE | 'operate ' | --- | Current spacecraft state |
APSHIMYT | 100.029 | K | Aperture Shade Inner Cone (-Y) Temperature |
APSHIPYT | 100.226 | K | Aperture Shade Inner Cone (+Y) Temperature |
APSHOMYT | 192.4 | K | Aperture Shade Outer Cone (-Y) Temperature |
APSHOPYT | 184.4 | K | Aperture Shade Outer Cone (+Y) Temperature |
B13NUMSA | 9 | --- | Bands 1&3 Number of Samples |
B1EOFERR | 'no' | --- | Band 1 End of Frame Error |
B1SCIFSE | 93 | --- | Band 1 Science Frames Sent |
B1MLPERR | 'no' | --- | Band 1 Missing Last Pixel Error |
B1SATDET | 'enabled' | --- | Band 1 Saturation Detection Enable |
B1COEFF1 | 0 | --- | Band 1 SUR Coefficient 1 |
B1COEFF2 | -7 | --- | Band 1 SUR Coefficient 2 |
B1COEFF3 | -5 | --- | Band 1 SUR Coefficient 3 |
B1COEFF4 | -3 | --- | Band 1 SUR Coefficient 4 |
B1COEFF5 | -1 | --- | Band 1 SUR Coefficient 5 |
B1COEFF6 | 1 | --- | Band 1 SUR Coefficient 6 |
B1COEFF7 | 3 | --- | Band 1 SUR Coefficient 7 |
B1COEFF8 | 5 | --- | Band 1 SUR Coefficient 8 |
B1COEFF9 | 7 | --- | Band 1 SUR Coefficient 9 |
B1SUROFF | 1024 | --- | Band 1 SUR Offset |
B1SSYERR | 'no' | --- | Band 1 Sample Sync Error |
B1PSATTH | 16000 | --- | Band 1 Pixel Saturation Threshold |
B1FPTERR | 'no' | --- | Band 1 Focal Plane Timeout Error |
B1TRBITS | 3 | --- | Band 1 Truncated Bits |
B24NUMSA | 9 | --- | Bands 2&4 Number of Samples |
B2EOFERR | 'no' | --- | Band 2 End of Frame Error |
B2SCIFSE | 93 | --- | Band 2 Science Frames Sent |
B2MLPERR | 'no' | --- | Band 2 Missing Last Pixel Error |
B2SATDET | 'enabled ' | --- | Band 2 Saturation Detection Enable |
B2COEFF1 | 0 | --- | Band 2 SUR Coefficient 1 |
B2COEFF2 | -7 | --- | Band 2 SUR Coefficient 2 |
B2COEFF3 | -5 | --- | Band 2 SUR Coefficient 3 |
B2COEFF4 | -3 | --- | Band 2 SUR Coefficient 4 |
B2COEFF5 | -1 | --- | Band 2 SUR Coefficient 5 |
B2COEFF6 | 1 | --- | Band 2 SUR Coefficient 6 |
B2COEFF7 | 3 | --- | Band 2 SUR Coefficient 7 |
B2COEFF8 | 5 | --- | Band 2 SUR Coefficient 8 |
B2COEFF9 | 7 | --- | Band 2 SUR Coefficient 9 |
B2SUROFF | 1024 | --- | Band 2 SUR Offset |
B2SSYERR | 'no' | --- | Band 2 Sample Sync Error |
B2PSATTH | 14500 | --- | Band 2 Pixel Saturation Threshold |
B2FPTERR | 'no' | --- | Band 2 Focal Plane Timeout Error |
B2TRBITS | 3 | --- | Band 2 Truncated Bits |
B3EOFERR | 'no' | --- | Band 3 End of Frame Error (relic keyword: not applicable to NEOWISE) |
B3SCIFSE | 93 | --- | Band 3 Science Frames Sent (relic keyword: not applicable to NEOWISE) |
B3MLPERR | 'no' | --- | Band 3 Missing Last Pixel Error (relic keyword: not applicable to NEOWISE) |
B3SATDET | 'enabled' | --- | Band 3 Saturation Detection Enable (relic keyword: not applicable to NEOWISE) |
B3COEFF1 | -4 | --- | Band 3 SUR Coefficient 1 (relic keyword: not applicable to NEOWISE) |
B3COEFF2 | -3 | --- | Band 3 SUR Coefficient 2 (relic keyword: not applicable to NEOWISE) |
B3COEFF3 | -2 | --- | Band 3 SUR Coefficient 3 (relic keyword: not applicable to NEOWISE) |
B3COEFF4 | -1 | --- | Band 3 SUR Coefficient 4 (relic keyword: not applicable to NEOWISE) |
B3COEFF5 | 0 | --- | Band 3 SUR Coefficient 5 (relic keyword: not applicable to NEOWISE) |
B3COEFF6 | 1 | --- | Band 3 SUR Coefficient 6 (relic keyword: not applicable to NEOWISE) |
B3COEFF7 | 2 | --- | Band 3 SUR Coefficient 7 (relic keyword: not applicable to NEOWISE) |
B3COEFF8 | 3 | --- | Band 3 SUR Coefficient 8 (relic keyword: not applicable to NEOWISE) |
B3COEFF9 | 4 | --- | Band 3 SUR Coefficient 9 (relic keyword: not applicable to NEOWISE) |
B3SUROFF | 1024 | --- | Band 3 SUR Offset (relic keyword: not applicable to NEOWISE) |
B3SSYERR | 'no' | --- | Band 3 Sample Sync Error (relic keyword: not applicable to NEOWISE) |
B3PSATTH | 16000 | --- | Band 3 Pixel Saturation Threshold (relic keyword: not applicable to NEOWISE) |
B3FPTERR | 'no' | --- | Band 3 Focal Plane Timeout Error (relic keyword: not applicable to NEOWISE) |
B3TRBITS | 2 | --- | Band 3 Truncated Bits (relic keyword: not applicable to NEOWISE) |
B4EOFERR | 'no' | --- | Band 4 End of Frame Error (relic keyword: not applicable to NEOWISE) |
B4SCIFSE | 93 | --- | Band 4 Science Frames Sent (relic keyword: not applicable to NEOWISE) |
B4MLPERR | 'no' | --- | Band 4 Missing Last Pixel Error (relic keyword: not applicable to NEOWISE) |
B4SATDET | 'enabled' | --- | Band 4 Saturation Detection Enable (relic keyword: not applicable to NEOWISE) |
B4COEFF1 | -4 | --- | Band 4 SUR Coefficient 1 (relic keyword: not applicable to NEOWISE) |
B4COEFF2 | -3 | --- | Band 4 SUR Coefficient 2 (relic keyword: not applicable to NEOWISE) |
B4COEFF3 | -2 | --- | Band 4 SUR Coefficient 3 (relic keyword: not applicable to NEOWISE) |
B4COEFF4 | -1 | --- | Band 4 SUR Coefficient 4 (relic keyword: not applicable to NEOWISE) |
B4COEFF5 | 0 | --- | Band 4 SUR Coefficient 5 (relic keyword: not applicable to NEOWISE) |
B4COEFF6 | 1 | --- | Band 4 SUR Coefficient 6 (relic keyword: not applicable to NEOWISE) |
B4COEFF7 | 2 | --- | Band 4 SUR Coefficient 7 (relic keyword: not applicable to NEOWISE) |
B4COEFF8 | 3 | --- | Band 4 SUR Coefficient 8 (relic keyword: not applicable to NEOWISE) |
B4COEFF9 | 4 | --- | Band 4 SUR Coefficient 9 (relic keyword: not applicable to NEOWISE) |
B4SUROFF | 1024 | --- | Band 4 SUR Offset (relic keyword: not applicable to NEOWISE) |
B4SSYERR | 'no' | --- | Band 4 Sample Sync Error (relic keyword: not applicable to NEOWISE) |
B4PSATTH | 16000 | --- | Band 4 Pixel Saturation Threshold (relic keyword: not applicable to NEOWISE) |
B4FPTERR | 'no' | --- | Band 4 Focal Plane Timeout Error (relic keyword: not applicable to NEOWISE) |
B4TRBITS | 2 | --- | Band 4 Truncated Bits (relic keyword: not applicable to NEOWISE) |
B3FPATEM | 7.35145 | K | Back of Band 3 FPA Temperature (relic keyword: not applicable to NEOWISE) |
B4FPATEM | 7.3758 | K | Back of Band 4 FPA Temperature (relic keyword: not applicable to NEOWISE) |
CHANAPSA | -4.7791 | arcmin | Channel A Position [A] [4] |
CHANAPSB | -2.95476 | arcmin | Channel A Position [B] [4] |
CHANBPSA | 0 | arcmin | Channel B Position [A] [4] |
CHANBPSB | -0.0012875 | arcmin | Channel B Position [B] [4] |
CURAMSAM | 4097 | --- | Current Ramp Samples |
LFOLERRA | 'no' | --- | Large Following Error [A] [4] |
LFOLERRB | 'no' | --- | Large Following Error [B] [4] |
B1FEBFT1 | 32.181 | K | FEB Band 1 FPA Temperature 1[7] |
B1FEBFT2 | 32.0457 | K | FEB Band 1 FPA Temperature 2[7] |
B1FEBOVO | 1.80394 | V | FEB Band 1 Offset Voltage |
B2FEBFT1 | 31.9447 | K | FEB Band 2 FPA Temperature 1[7] |
B2FEBFT2 | 31.6436 | K | FEB Band 2 FPA Temperature 2[7] |
B2FEBOVO | 1.84315 | V | FEB Band 2 Offset Voltage |
B3FEBFT1 | 7.13138 | K | FEB Band 3 FPA Temperature 1 (relic keyword: not applicable to NEOWISE) |
B3FEBFT2 | 7.20698 | K | FEB Band 3 FPA Temperature 2 (relic keyword: not applicable to NEOWISE) |
B3FEBOVO | 1.74511 | V | FEB Band 3 Offset Voltage (relic keyword: not applicable to NEOWISE) |
B4FEBFT1 | 7.13379 | K | FEB Band 4 FPA Temperature 1 (relic keyword: not applicable to NEOWISE) |
B4FEBFT2 | 7.19731 | K | FEB Band 4 FPA Temperature 2 (relic keyword: not applicable to NEOWISE) |
B4FEBOVO | 1.68629 | V | FEB Band 4 Offset Voltage (relic keyword: not applicable to NEOWISE) |
ANNHEA_A | 'disabled' | --- | Annealing Heater A Enabled |
ANNHEAPA | 'off' | --- | Annealing Heater A Power Indicator |
ANNHEA_B | 'disabled' | --- | Annealing Heater B Enabled |
ANNHEAPB | 'off' | --- | Annealing Heater B Power Indicator |
ANNHEA_T | 0 | sec | Annealing Heater Timer |
IVCSADOT | 62.934 | K | IVCS Aft Dome Temperature |
IVCSLHET | 60.7208 | K | IVCS LHe Cooling Loop Temperature |
OVCSAFDT | 111.711 | K | OVCS Aft Dome Temperature |
OVCSRART | 111.131 | K | OVCS Radiator Ring Temperature |
PRITBOTT | 7.40113 | K | Primary Tank Bottom Temperature |
PRITTOPT | 7.79561 | K | Primary Tank Top Temperature |
SCPOSMON | 'b' | --- | Scanner selected for position monitoring |
SCANVELA | 3.65 | arcmin/sec | Scan Velocity [A] [4] |
SCANVELB | 3.81 | arcmin/sec | Scan Velocity [B] [4] |
SECTBOTT | 11.851 | K | Secondary Tank Bottom Temperature |
SECTTOPT | 11.5333 | K | Secondary Tank Top Temperature |
PSEQEN_A | 'disabled' | --- | Position Sequencer Enabled [A] [4] |
PSEQEN_B | 'enabled ' | --- | Position Sequencer Enabled [B] [4] |
SERVEN_A | 'disabled' | --- | Servo Enabled [A] [4] |
SERVEN_B | 'enabled ' | --- | Servo Enabled [B] [4] |
BAFFRONT | 11.0915 | K | Baffle Front Temperature |
BSPLMOUT | 73.1459 | K | Beamsplitter Mount Temperature |
TELINTFT | 11.0454 | K | Telescope Interface Flange Temperature |
SCAMIRRT | 11.0148 | K | Scan Mirror Temperature |
SECMIRRT | 11.1069 | K | Secondary Mirror Temperature |
T12FPOIT | 109.778 | K | Tube 1/2 Fold Point Temperature |
T23FPOIT | 62.934 | K | Tube 2/3 Fold Point Temperature |
SHNDSPTE | 186.4 | K | Shell near Door Sep. Plane Temperature |
SHNPVETE | 190.4 | K | Shell near Primary Vent Temperature |
SHARDOTE | 192.1 | K | Shell at Rear Dome Temperature |
TLCURMOD | 'nominal' | --- | Current telemetry mode |
PLPAMPRT | 21.8691 | K | payload_preamp_redundant temperature |
PLPAMP_T | 20.1915 | K | payload_preamp temperature |
HK_MINDT | 0.199000358581543 | sec | Minimum H/K sample dt |
HK_MAXDT | -7.80099964141846 | sec | Maximum H/K sample dt |
Pipeline-Related Keywords | |||
INGSTREV | '$Id: ingestpipe 7741 2015-04-06 02:02:59Z tim $' | --- | Svn revision |
L0CREATE | '2015-06-29T09:15:40.347Z' | --- | Level-0 file creation date/time |
CAL01 | '/wise/fops/cal/ifr/wise-meta-ingest.tbl' | --- | processing input file |
CK01 | '/wise/fops/ref/mos/naif/10180/WISE_CK_2015_06_29_03_31_39.bc' | --- | processing input file |
CK02 | '/wise/fops/ref/mos/naif/10180/WISE_CK_2015_06_29_05_08_22.bc' | --- | processing input file |
CK03 | --- | input file | |
CK-PRE01 | '/wise/fops/ref/mos/naif/10174/ WIS_PGEN_1026_2AwSSF_2015_174_18_34_17.bc' | --- | processing input file |
HK01 | '/wise/fops/ref/mos/hk/hk.db' | --- | processing input file |
SCLK01 | 'WIS_SCLKSCET.00023.tsc' | --- | processing input file |
SPK01 | '/wise/fops/ref/mos/naif/10153/ WIS_NAV_SPK_WISEONLY_02Jun_RadarOD_2015_153_16_52_14.bsp' | --- | processing input file |
SPK02 | '/wise/fops/ref/mos/naif/10155/ WIS_NAV_SPK_WISEONLY_04Jun_RadarOD_2015_155_17_52_43.bsp' | --- | processing input file |
SPK03 | '/wise/fops/ref/mos/naif/10158/ WIS_NAV_SPK_WISEONLY_07Jun_RadarOD_2015_158_17_38_47.bsp' | --- | processing input file |
SPK04 | '/wise/fops/ref/mos/naif/10160/ WIS_NAV_SPK_WISEONLY_09Jun_RadarOD_2015_160_16_20_14.bsp' | --- | processing input file |
SPK05 | '/wise/fops/ref/mos/naif/10162/ WIS_NAV_SPK_WISEONLY_11Jun_RadarOD_2015_162_18_47_47.bsp' | --- | processing input file |
SPK06 | '/wise/fops/ref/mos/naif/10165/ WIS_NAV_SPK_WISEONLY_14Jun_RadarOD_2015_165_17_40_46.bsp' | --- | processing input file |
SPK07 | '/wise/fops/ref/mos/naif/10167/ WIS_NAV_SPK_WISEONLY_16Jun_RadarOD_2015_167_16_09_29.bsp' | --- | processing input file |
SPK08 | '/wise/fops/ref/mos/naif/10169/ WIS_NAV_SPK_WISEONLY_18Jun_RadarOD_2015_169_17_47_43.bsp' | --- | processing input file |
SPK09 | '/wise/fops/ref/mos/naif/10172/ WIS_NAV_SPK_WISEONLY_21Jun_RadarOD_2015_172_18_05_10.bsp' | --- | processing input file |
SPK10 | '/wise/fops/ref/mos/naif/10174/ WIS_NAV_SPK_WISEONLY_23Jun_RadarOD_2015_174_17_26_09.bsp' | --- | processing input file |
TLM01 | '/wise/fops/ingest/delivs/10180/ 10180T040553/WIS_HRP_PKT_FE1A_2015_180_04_05_53_CAT.bin' | --- | processing input file |
TLM02 | '/wise/fops/ingest/delivs/10180/ 10180T040553/WIS_HRP_PKT_FE1B_2015_180_04_05_53_CAT.bin' | --- | processing input file |
TLM03 | '/wise/fops/ingest/delivs/10180/ 10180T040553/WIS_HRP_PKT_FE1C_2015_180_04_05_53_CAT.bin' | --- | processing input file |
TLM04 | '/wise/fops/ingest/delivs/10180/ 10180T040553/WIS_HRP_PKT_FE1D_2015_180_04_05_53_CAT.bin' | --- | processing input file |
TRK01 | '/wise/fops/ref/mos/track/ WIS_NAV_WGT_21Jun_RadarOD_2015_172_18_05_10.txt ' | --- | processing input file |
TRK02 | '/wise/fops/ref/mos/track/ WIS_NAV_WGT_23Jun_RadarOD_2015_174_17_26_09.txt ' | --- | processing input file |
TRK03 | '/wise/fops/ref/mos/track/ WIS_NAV_WGT_25Jun_RadarOD_2015_176_17_40_56.txt ' | --- | processing input file |
TRK04 | '/wise/fops/ref/mos/track/ WIS_NAV_WGT_28Jun_RadarOD_2015_179_17_37_00.txt ' | --- | processing input file |
LONGSTRN | 'OGIP 1.0' | --- | FITS keyword indicating that strings longer than 68 characters are used in the header |
WRELEASE | 'release-v7.5' | --- | WSDS s/w release tag [5] |
ICALDIR | '/wise/fops/cal/ifr_t/55174b001-99999z999' | --- | directory containing time-dependent instrumental calibration files |
Distortion Coefficients | |||
A_0_0 | 0.7228039 | --- | distortion coefficient |
A_0_1 | -0.000124322 | --- | distortion coefficient |
A_0_2 | -7.793528E-06 | --- | distortion coefficient |
A_0_3 | -2.928111E-10 | --- | distortion coefficient |
A_0_4 | -6.270019E-13 | --- | distortion coefficient |
A_1_0 | -0.0007790246 | --- | distortion coefficient |
A_1_1 | 1.344445E-06 | --- | distortion coefficient |
A_1_2 | 1.228555E-09 | --- | distortion coefficient |
A_1_3 | -5.895443E-13 | --- | distortion coefficient |
A_2_0 | -1.629945E-06 | --- | distortion coefficient |
A_2_1 | -1.186318E-10 | --- | distortion coefficient |
A_2_2 | 1.503974E-12 | --- | distortion coefficient |
A_3_0 | 2.756392E-09 | --- | distortion coefficient |
A_3_1 | -4.586393E-13 | --- | distortion coefficient |
A_4_0 | 1.794526E-12 | --- | distortion coefficient |
A_DMAX | 2.046 | pixel | maximum correction |
A_ORDER | 4 | --- | polynomial order, Axis 1, detector to sky |
AP_0_0 | -0.7233219 | --- | distortion coefficient |
AP_0_1 | 0.0001261763 | --- | distortion coefficient |
AP_0_2 | 7.795772E-06 | --- | distortion coefficient |
AP_0_3 | 2.696271E-10 | --- | distortion coefficient |
AP_0_4 | 6.665114E-13 | --- | distortion coefficient |
AP_1_0 | 0.0007777227 | --- | distortion coefficient |
AP_1_1 | -1.342059E-06 | --- | distortion coefficient |
AP_1_2 | -1.159637E-09 | --- | distortion coefficient |
AP_1_3 | 6.084245E-13 | --- | distortion coefficient |
AP_2_0 | 1.636841E-06 | --- | distortion coefficient |
AP_2_1 | 1.107923E-10 | --- | distortion coefficient |
AP_2_2 | -1.580363E-12 | --- | distortion coefficient |
AP_3_0 | -2.759976E-09 | --- | distortion coefficient |
AP_3_1 | 4.712913E-13 | --- | distortion coefficient |
AP_4_0 | -1.804259E-12 | --- | distortion coefficient |
AP_ORDER | 4 | --- | polynomial order, Axis 1, sky to detector |
B_0_0 | -0.07946909 | --- | distortion coefficient |
B_0_1 | 0.0003218232 | --- | distortion coefficient |
B_0_2 | 1.165828E-06 | --- | distortion coefficient |
B_0_3 | -3.174803E-09 | --- | distortion coefficient |
B_0_4 | -8.545365E-13 | --- | distortion coefficient |
B_1_0 | -0.0002481941 | --- | distortion coefficient |
B_1_1 | -3.541684E-06 | --- | distortion coefficient |
B_1_2 | -4.987962E-10 | --- | distortion coefficient |
B_1_3 | 1.458031E-12 | --- | distortion coefficient |
B_2_0 | -6.590985E-08 | --- | distortion coefficient |
B_2_1 | -2.60016E-10 | --- | distortion coefficient |
B_2_2 | -2.594371E-13 | --- | distortion coefficient |
B_3_0 | -6.360093E-11 | --- | distortion coefficient |
B_3_1 | 7.028808E-13 | --- | distortion coefficient |
B_4_0 | 8.797685E-13 | --- | distortion coefficient |
B_DMAX | 1.066 | pixel | maximum correction |
B_ORDER | 4 | --- | polynomial order, Axis 2, detector to sky |
BP_0_0 | 0.07930997 | --- | distortion coefficient |
BP_0_1 | -0.0003239962 | --- | distortion coefficient |
BP_0_2 | -1.163635E-06 | --- | distortion coefficient |
BP_0_3 | 3.198763E-09 | --- | distortion coefficient |
BP_0_4 | 8.509823E-13 | --- | distortion coefficient |
BP_1_0 | 0.0002484437 | --- | distortion coefficient |
BP_1_1 | 3.542573E-06 | --- | distortion coefficient |
BP_1_2 | 4.895069E-10 | --- | distortion coefficient |
BP_1_3 | -1.423222E-12 | --- | distortion coefficient |
BP_2_0 | 6.524476E-08 | --- | distortion coefficient |
BP_2_1 | 2.734704E-10 | --- | distortion coefficient |
BP_2_2 | 2.664114E-13 | --- | distortion coefficient |
BP_3_0 | 6.293886E-11 | --- | distortion coefficient |
BP_3_1 | -7.164364E-13 | --- | distortion coefficient |
BP_4_0 | -8.708176E-13 | --- | distortion coefficient |
BP_ORDER | 4 | --- | polynomial order, Axis 2, sky to detector |
SKEW | 0. | deg | Y-axis shear |
DA_0_0 | 2.83675154E-08 | --- | Diff. aberration distortion delta |
DAP_0_0 | -2.83675154E-08 | --- | Diff. aberration distortion delta |
DA_0_1 | 1.04688809E-21 | --- | Diff. aberration distortion delta |
DAP_0_1 | -1.04688809E-21 | --- | Diff. aberration distortion delta |
DA_1_0 | 0.000100051084 | --- | Diff. aberration distortion delta |
DAP_1_0 | -0.000100051084 | --- | Diff. aberration distortion delta |
DB_0_0 | -2.14621788E-05 | --- | Diff. aberration distortion delta |
DBP_0_0 | 2.14621788E-05 | --- | Diff. aberration distortion delta |
DB_0_1 | 0.00010005027 | --- | Diff. aberration distortion delta |
DBP_0_1 | -0.00010005027 | --- | Diff. aberration distortion delta |
DB_1_0 | -4.21856976E-19 | --- | Diff. aberration distortion delta |
DBP_1_0 | 4.21856976E-19 | --- | Diff. aberration distortion delta |
DIFFABBR | 1 | --- | Distortion correction applied |
L1ACOSRC | 'L0' | --- | L1A position source |
DRA0_1B | -157.052633279759 | arcsec | L0 to L1B delta RA |
DDEC0_1B | -38.7031831109607 | arcsec | L0 to L1B delta Dec |
DPA0_1B | -117.986627518516 | arcsec | L0 to L1B delta PA |
Photometric Calibration | |||
MAGZP | 20.7603 | mag | Relative single exposure photometric zero point |
MAGZPUNC | -999 | mag | 1-sigma uncertainty in MAGZP (-999 = undefined)[6] |
[1] BUNIT is 'DN' for the intensity image (int) and uncertainty (unc) files, and 'null' for the mask (msk) files.
[2] Various event keywords only appear in the header if the data were taken during one of these possible events:
'SAA'= within pre-defined SAA boundary 'MOON'= within moon keepout zone 'MOM'= momentum dumping 'OCCULTED'= Sun is occulted 'IMCAL'= image calibration 'DESC'= we are in a descending scan 'SCAN'= yes, we are in a science scan (you should always see this) 'ASCE'= we are in an ascending scan 'NEP' = North ecliptic pole crossing 'SEP' = South ecliptic pole crossing '12PM', '6AM', '6PM', '12AM' = Orbit points
The events are listed in the header keyword INEVENTS. For each event, an additional header entry is created, starting with 'EV'. The keyword value corresponds to the time since the event began. For example, the events ASCE (or DESC) and SCAN occur as listed under INEVENTS. Hence, the additional keywords EVDESC and EVSCAN are added to the header of this particular image:
INEVENTS= 'SCAN DESC' / Active orbit events EVDESC = 2009.17127251625 / [sec] Time since orbit event start EVSCAN = 2061.64127248526 / [sec] Time since orbit event start
[3] -9999 or -999 indicate "no value" is available or could be computed.
[4] The payload has two redundant scan mirror assemblies, indicated by [A] and [B].
[5] This keyword contains the WISE Science Data System software release version.
[6] MAGZPUNC always = -999 in the NEOWISE single-exposure FITS headers. Software to compute this was not implemented.
[7] The temperatures reported by these keywords are not valid for NEOWISE. The Focal Plane Array sensors stopped operating following cryogen exhaustion. For approximate FPA temperatures during the NEOWISE survey, see the BSPLMOUT keyword.
Example of a NEOWISE single-exposure image header.
Last update: 25 September 2024