SEP IRAC Photometry: WPHOT vs. SAGE

IRAC photometry of SEP calibrators, as measured by WPHot and compared with SAGE extracted photometry. Note: WPRO photometry has been normalized (typically around 0.1 mag) to statistically match cWAPP, a necessary operation because WPRO does not capture the total flux of the source (see SEP Photometry).


ra dec name wpro1 cwapp1 SAGE1 pro-Sag1 cwap-Sag1 wpro2 cwapp2 SAGE2 pro-Sag2 cwap-Sag2 wpro3 cwapp3 SAGE3 pro-Sag3 cwap-Sag3 wpro4 cwapp4 SAGE4 pro-Sag4 cwap-Sag4
89.19897 -66.65139 HD270422** 8.521 9.318 7.355 1.166 1.963 7.939 8.366 7.331 0.608 1.035 7.430 7.375 7.330 0.100 0.045 7.575 7.280 7.342 0.233 -0.062
90.21281 -66.74432 06005105** 8.487 8.732 7.522 0.965 1.210 7.938 8.321 7.638 0.300 0.683 7.557 7.541 7.528 0.029 0.013 7.494 7.481 7.469 0.025 0.012
90.07755 -66.22433 HD41466 8.500 8.452 8.356 0.144 0.096 8.436 8.414 99.000 99.000 99.000 8.354 8.372 8.360 -0.006 0.012 8.298 8.350 99.000 99.000 99.000
89.55093 -66.33989 HD270467 8.998 8.934 8.801 0.197 0.133 8.893 8.815 8.793 0.100 0.022 8.860 8.816 8.775 0.085 0.041 8.796 8.786 8.811 -0.015 -0.025
90.22142 -66.93001 HD270485 9.246 9.487 9.277 -0.031 0.210 9.233 9.198 9.271 -0.038 -0.073 9.270 9.267 9.223 0.047 0.044 9.246 9.290 9.253 -0.007 0.037
90.40618 -66.58890 HD271776 9.644 9.669 9.632 0.012 0.037 9.664 9.671 9.605 0.059 0.066 9.649 9.656 9.647 0.002 0.009 9.670 9.651 9.632 0.038 0.019
89.56152 -66.32423 05581475 12.056 12.114 12.080 -0.024 0.034 12.243 12.078 12.065 0.178 0.013 12.110 12.074 12.077 0.033 -0.003 12.179 12.117 12.123 0.056 -0.006
90.61613 -66.79130 HD271791 12.714 12.715 12.742 -0.028 -0.027 12.727 12.702 12.654 0.073 0.048 12.684 12.758 12.636 0.048 0.122 12.750 12.749 12.798 -0.048 -0.049

** Saturated source, unreliable WPHot extractions

IRAC photometry of SEP calibrators, as measured by WPHot and SAGE, compared with BCD photometry using Jarrett IRAF photometry with standard aperture (R=10 pixels). Note: WPRO photometry has been normalized to statistically match cWAPP.

HD271776: Jarrett vs. WPHot (WPRO, WAPPco) vs SAGE

ra dec name irac1 pro-irac1 cwap-irac1SAGE-irac1irac2 pro-irac2 cwap-irac2SAGE-irac2irac3 pro-irac3 cwap-irac3SAGE-irac3irac4 pro-irac4 cwap-irac4SAGE-irac4
90.40618 -66.58890 HD271776 9.671 -0.027 -0.002 -0.039 9.645 0.019 0.026 -0.040 9.670 -0.021 -0.014 -0.023 9.665 0.005 -0.014 -0.033

Last update - [06 Apr 2009]
T.H. Jarrett (IPAC/SSC)