Infrared Astronomy at Palomar Observatory
Using the Prime Focus Infrared Camera (PFIRCAM)

In a joint effort between engineers and scientists at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the California Institute of Technology, a near-infrared (1.0 - 2.6 microns) direct imaging system has been developed and integrated into the Caltech Palomar Observatory detector series; see Palomar Observatory: 200-inch Instruments . The camera system has been tested and operated in a science mode at the prime-focus (f/3.3) of the Hale 5-m (200") Telescope. The array has 256 X 256 pixels with 0.494 arcsec per pixel scale, providing a total of 2.1' x 2.1" field of view.

Hale 200" Telescope

Some examples of the science that has been carried out with PFIRCAM through the years is given at the end.

Current projects:

For Additional Information, email:

List of Available Filters with Specs

Manual and Detail Setup Instructions

PFIRCAM Specifications and Discussion on Pixel-Response Linearity

Image Gallery

Narrow band Br-Gamma (2.17 microns) image of Comet Hale-Bopp, taken with the Hale 200" telescope March 02, 1997.

Narrow band images of the Orion Trapezium

Narrow band (1%) images of the planet Saturn

Irregular NGC 2537
Starburst NGC 3683
NGC 4800
Young Stellar Object R Mon
Planet Uranus
Ring Nebula
Egg Nebula

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