The XSC, like any large catalog, is contaminated with anomalies that include false (artifact) sources, mis-measurements and mysterious features. Although these anomalies are quite rare in number (~1% of the total), the user should be aware of their presence. One should first refer to the XSC Cautionary Notes of the 2MASS Explanatory Supplement.
Visual inspection of the XSC reveals a small fraction (less than 1% of the total) of sources that may be classified as artifact in nature -- usually associated with bright stars. These "sources" are often possessed with unusual photometry or size attributes. Be wary of sources with unusual colors or other "outlier" attributes. In addition to bright stars, other kinds of artifact inducing phenomena include "airglow" (particularly at H-band), transients (e.g., meteor streaks) and image edges. We have made every effort to minimize these contaminents to the XSC.
TABLE of Known or Suspected Artifacts in the XSC
With projection effects, close groupings of stars come in every permutation imaginable. These "double" and "triple" stars represent a small contaminent to the XSC, mostly confined to the Plane of the Galaxy. Since these sources are stellar in nature, they tend to have blue colors, J-Ks < 1 mag, with respect to galaxies. Refer to the XSC FAQ: Reliability: What is a Star Doing in the XSC?".
TABLE of Suspected Stars and Other Non-Extended Objects in the XSC
Duplicate sources are very rare, but do live within the XSC. The (usual) phenomenon arises from scan-to-scan overlap observations (some 10-15% of the scan), where the same source in two different scans may have slightly (~few arcsec) different centroids. The differing centroids are usually associated with low S/N sources (or nuclei), where noise fluctuations may induce the difference. Another source of mis-measurement of the centroid is the scan edge itself, which might (under certain circumstances) disrupt the source characterization process. Be wary of any two XSC sources that are within a few arcsec of each other in coordinate space. Refer to the XSC FAQ: Duplicity: Why Do Some Galaxies Appear to be Duplicates".
"Null" values arise from either (1) corruptions in the source characterization process, or (2) Signal-to-Noise limitations. The source characterization process is corrupted (or interrupted) by a variety of circumstances, including the deleterious presence of bright star artifacts, scan edges, high-frequency background gradients ("airglow"), and source confusion. While very faint sources may (for example) prove to be too formless to adequately measure the isophotal shape or flux. Hence, you will often find "null" attributes for sources in confused regions and for faint (low S/N) sources. "Null" photometry (or corrupted photometry) may result in bizarre, unphysical associations (e.g., strange colors). Refer to the XSC FAQ: Why Do Some Galaxies Appear to Have Unphysical Colors or Brightnesses?.
There is another class of XSC object that is rife with "null" attributes. These are "sources" associated with very large galaxies, and are believed to be (for the most part) unreliable "junk" spawned by the parent galaxy. They may be real (e.g., H II regions), or they may be bogus (e.g., noise bump on top of the large galaxy), but either way their source characterization is seriously compromised by the confused environment. For this reason, these sources have been identified and their photometry and source attributes artificially "nulled". The only useful information in the XSC is the coordinate position of the object itself. Read more about it in: "Sources in close proximity to large galaxies".
The close presence of foreground stars to an XSC galaxy (i.e., confusion) will on occasion induce (1) poor central positions (i.e., astrometry) and/or (2) poor integrated fluxes (e.g., see below "Wacky Measurements"). The user should beware of stellar confusion.
TABLE of source with poor positions due to stellar confusion
In the same vein as corrupted photometry and their resultant strange colors, the occasional source characterization mis-measurement may result in totally unphysical attributes, such as angular size. These measurement gaffes typically arise from image problems (e.g., capricious background variations inherent to ground-based observations) or disorder from source confusion. (See above discussion)
The 2MASS survey design did not cater to the needs of large angular extent objects. Not only are these objects clipped by the edges of scans, but the background removal process itself is compromised by the small size of the survey images with respect to nearby (zero redshift) galaxies. The Large Galaxy Atlas (LGA) was created to rectify this problem. The XSC now includes the ~500 largest galaxies in sky. The LGA is a still a work in progress, however. A number of moderate to large (non-LGA) galaxies in the XSC are clipped by scan edges, due to the unfortunate proximity within a survey scan. These galaxies can be expected to have underestimated integrated fluxes, as well as compromised large-scale attributes (e.g., isophotal radii). In time the LGA will include these XSC galaxies, and the fluxes and source characterization will be recovered. Here is an example of an XSC galaxy in close proximity to a scan edge:
A very small fraction of the XSC sources are pieces of larger objects, including galaxies and clusters.
The Large Galaxy Atlas is, as the name suggests, comprised of large angular-extent galaxies. It was created to fill a large gap in the XSC where these sources were either unmeasureable or mis-measured in the 2MASS pipeline. However, due to rather obtuse circumstances (usually related to the author's interest in these special galaxies), a handful of small galaxies have found their way into the LGA. They were created and processed using the LGA pipeline. As such, their photometry and source characterization is perfectly valid. Their only outstanding quality is that they are much smaller than nearby galaxies, and in fact they are small in comparison to typical XSC galaxies. An example is MRK 897. Refer to the XSC FAQ: Why Are Some "Large" Galaxies in Fact Barely Resolved?"
The only way to properly recover the flux of these complex objects is to treat them with an optimized pipeline (such as the Large Galaxy Atlas pipeline). This in fact has been carried out for the Tarantula Nebula in the LMC.
TABLE of interesting XSC galaxies and other notable sources
2MASX J05511219+2546033 falls within a small group of Galactic
HII regions, but does not seem to correspond to any of them.
nice HII region near anti-center (l=183.35,b=-0.573)
2MASX J06130651+1758545 falls within the boundaries of
Sharpless 255, a Galactic HII region.
beautiful blue and red HII region near anti-center (l=193,b=0)
2MASX J06190436+0309321 has diameters and magnitudes that
make it a probable match to LEDA 086285 = IRAS 06164+0311,
but the position is well off the galaxy on a stellar image.
piece of galaxy near scan edge; peaked up on star
2MASX J06323890+1009067 falls within the boundaries of NGC
2245, a Galactic reflection nebula.
nebulosity; peaked up on foreground star
2MASX J06404224+0946080 falls within the boundaries of the
NGC 2264, an HII region associated with an open cluster.
see above
2MASX J06471340+0026072. There are only faint stars near this
position on DSS and DSS2 -- nothing around matching the size
of the source (1.1 x 0.6 arcmin).
incredibly red object, looks like a galaxy in shape,
but so red that it is more likely an HII region; here is an JHKs image of this
amazing object: 2MASXJ06471340+0026072
*2MASX J10505297+1325197 lies in the outskirts of NGC 3412,
well off the nucleus. There is nothing obvious at the 2MASX
piece of NGC3412, which is near a scan edge
(and a coadd edge); there is a better XSC source for the galaxy
itself: 2MASXJ10505331+1324437, but this object really needs proper
treatment via the Large Galaxy Atlas.
*2MASX J12260374+1306432. Ditto, but with the west end of NGC
4402. Nothing obvious at the 2MASX position.
this is either an edge-on galaxy cut-off by a scan
edge, or a bright star edge flare. If Harold is correct, this object needs proper
treatment via the Large Galaxy Atlas.
*2MASX J12265891+1502197. Ditto, but with NGC 4419. Nothing
obvious at the 2MASX position.
piece of NGC4419; there is a better XSC
source: 2MASXJ12265643+1502507, which properly frames the galaxy
*2MASX J12285683+0334183. Ditto, but with NGC 4457. Again,
there is a faint star or knot here, but the data seem to
refer to the entire galaxy.
piece of ngc4457; peaked up on a small star
to the west; there is a better XSC
source: 2MASXJ12285901+0334141, which properly frames the galaxy
*2MASX J12363409+2556109. Ditto, but with the southeastern end
of NGC 4565. This may just be the southeastern arm(s).
piece of ngc4565; this is a *huge* LGA galaxy:
*2MASX J21183114+2626297 lies in the southwestern outskirts of
NGC 7052. Nothing obvious at the 2MASX position.
piece of ngc7052; there is a better XSC source
that properly frames the galaxy: 2MASXJ21183304+2626486;
note to NED: here is another bogus piece of the galaxy: 2MASXJ21182860+2626377
The following sources all have r_k20fe = 120.0 (and usually b/a = 1.00) and an excessively bright j_m_k20fe.
2MASX J01041756+1359201
faint little galaxy; appears to be corrupted by a bright star
horizontal streak
2MASX J02343012+1935176
unknown; faint and possibly fuzzy; isophotal mags are bogus
2MASX J03372681+0336579
faint little galaxy; isophotal mags are probably bogus
2MASX J08055980+2621177
unknown; faint and possibly fuzzy; corrupted by nearby bright star and assoc. artifacts
2MASX J11531302+1251426
unknown; faint and possibly fuzzy; isophotal mags are probably bogus
2MASX J16013398+2614511
faint little galaxy; isophotal mags are probably bogus
2MASX J20260766+0050440
fuzzy red blobs, nature known; isophotal mags are probably bogus
2MASX J21340823+0600366
unknown; faint and possibly fuzzy; isophotal mags are probably bogus
2MASX J00075432+3042118: only a small, faint galaxy here in the optical. Is this the nucleus of something? K_s diameter is 1.07 arcmin.
2MASX J00511217+1201312 and 2MASX J00511189+1201272. Are there one or two sources here? The galaxy looks pretty lumpy on DSS.
2MASX J01010771+6254430 is something interesting. It is faint and fuzzy on the DSS.
2MASX J01081146+5404529: only three small, faint galaxies here in the optical. Is this the nucleus of something? K_s diameter is 1.06 arcmin.
2MASX J01151672+2357283 and 2MASX J01151632+2357285. Are there one or two sources here? The galaxy looks lumpy on DSS.
2MASX J01244565+0959356 seems to be a part of NGC 0522 = 2MASX J01244585+0959406
2MASX J01281012+6313517: only a small, faint galaxy here in the optical. Is this the nucleus of something? K_s diameter is 1.30 arcmin.
2MASX J02224353+4225299 is the north end of NGC 891, centered on a faint star.
2MASX J02502374+4002381: only a small, faint galaxy here in the optical. Is this the nucleus of something? K_s diameter is 1.13 arcmin.
2MASX J03011222+4454285 falls about 0.7 arcmin from NGC 1161, and 2MASX J03011363+4453125 falls about 0.6 arcmin from NGC 1161. There are two pretty bright stars just west of the galaxy.
2MASX J03052496+4250246 is the west end of NGC 1174.
2MASX J03080341+2806557 and 2MASX J03080380+2806544. One or two sources here? On DSS, the galaxy looks like it might have a faint companion attached just east.
2MASX J03195228+3202017: nothing obvious here but a faint stellar image just west of the position. K_s diameter is 1.64 arcmin.
2MASX J03232047+4150485: only a small, faint galaxy with a brighter star here in the optical. K_s diameter is 2.68 arcmin.
2MASX J03274465+5847049: only a small, faint galaxy here in the optical. Is this the nucleus of something? K_s diameter is 1.13 arcmin.
2MASX J03290896+3121323 is a Galactic HII region or reflection neb.
2MASX J03303543+7603371: only a small, faint double galaxy here in the optical. Is this the nucleus of something? K_s diameter is 1.29 arcmin.
2MASX J03342260+5730303 has K_s diameter of 4.0 arcmin.
2MASX J04213095+2955128 and 2MASX J04213070+2955090. One or two sources here? The galaxy looks pretty smooth on DSS.
2MASX J04341298+7200034: only a small, faint galaxy here in the optical. Is this the nucleus of something? K_s diameter is 2.43 arcmin.
2MASX J05232418+4813289 looks like the core of a rich cluster of galaxies on DSS and DSS2R. K_s diameter is 1.44 arcmin.
2MASX J05382214+3438109: only a faint galaxy or galaxy pair here on the DSS. K_s diameter is 1.47 arcmin.
2MASX J05382758+3551202 is the western part of Sharpless 233, an HII region.
2MASX J05485859+5036355: only a faint galaxy here on DSS. K_s diameter is 1.17 arcmin.
2MASX J06170320+5630557: only a faint galaxy here on DSS. K_s diameter is 1.13 arcmin.
2MASX J06181070+7822337 is the northwestern part of NGC 2146.
2MASX J06324212+6108240: only a faint double galaxy here on DSS, with a companion just east. K_s diameter is 2.04 arcmin.
2MASX J06503512+6911544: only a faint double galaxy here on DSS, with a neighboring star perhaps involved. K_s diameter is 1.52 arcmin.
2MASX J07121687+4516173: only a faint galaxy here on DSS. K_s diameter is 1.11 arcmin.
2MASX J07251301+4918009: only a faint galaxy here on DSS. K_s diameter is 1.41 arcmin.
2MASX J07372016+3524106: only a faint galaxy here on DSS, with a brighter star just south. K_s diameter is 2.50 arcmin.
2MASX J07480433+6552027: only a faint galaxy here on DSS. K_s diameter is 1.21 arcmin.
2MASX J07493232+8356013: empty optical field.
2MASX J08192941+7043221 is part of Holmberg II = DDO 50.
2MASX J09011874+5817507 may be part of a group of galaxies, but the K_s diameter is 4.00 arcmin.
2MASX J09111803+6000148: only a faint galaxy here on DSS, southwest of NGC 2768. K_s diameter is 1.06 arcmin.
2MASX J09111950+6001188 is part of NGC 2768, centered on a faint galaxy.
2MASX J09135114+7629035 is the northeastern end of NGC 2748.
2MASX J09151672+5333121: only a faint galaxy here on DSS. K_s diameter is 1.07 arcmin.
2MASX J09194108+8021351: only a faint galaxy here on DSS. K_s diameter is 2.91 arcmin.
2MASX J09433768+6405117: only a faint double galaxy here on DSS. K_s diameter is 2.28 arcmin.
2MASX J09501303+7949149: only a faint galaxy here on DSS, with a companion to the southwest. K_s diameter is 4.00 arcmin.
2MASX J09535731+4358165: only a faint double galaxy here on DSS. K_s diameter is 1.45 arcmin.
2MASX J09551726+6939132 is part of the southwestern end of M82.
2MASX J09592483+5612263: only a faint galaxy here on DSS. K_s diameter is 2.84 arcmin.
2MASX J10042871+3157541 probably has a nearby star included. K_s diameter is 1.10 arcmin.
2MASX J11112561+5544358 is a faint galaxy with a fainter companion. J mag is 12.19, and K_s diameter is 2.80 arcmin. The object is a few arcmin north of NGC 3556.
2MASX J11244075+5218078 is a faint galaxy with a K_s diameter of 4.00 arcmin.
2MASX J11302473+5858572 is a faint triple system. The K_s diameter is 1.61 arcmin.
2MASX J11393585+5555286 is a faint galaxy with a K_s diameter of 3.69 arcmin.
2MASX J11435865+5600295 is a faint galaxy with a K_s diameter of 3.25 arcmin.
2MASX J11481140+4329414 is a faint galaxy with a fainter companion 25 arcsec west. The K_s diameter is 1.04 arcmin.
2MASX J11564096+3201334 is the western end of NGC 3966.
2MASX J12501062+7252561 is a northeastern piece of NGC 4750.
2MASX J13124844+4840541 is a faint galaxy with a K_s diameter of 1.22 arcmin.
2MASX J13153932+4205386 is a small galaxy that apparently includes part of M63.
2MASX J13181799+5650506 appears to be a faint double or triple system. K_s diameter is 2.30 arcmin.
2MASX J13295118+5753568: J magnitude is 83.89, and K_s diameter is 4.00.
2MASX J13331968+6403090 is a faint galaxy with a K_s diameter of 4.00 arcmin.
2MASX J13462220+4607116 is the northwestern end of NGC 5301.
2MASX J13484748+3834046 is a faint galaxy, but the K_s diameter is 1.93 arcmin.
2MASX J13594914+3811206 is the northwestern end of NGC 5403.
2MASX J14133236+3003504 is a faint galaxy with a fainter companion about 20 arcsec ene. The K_s diameter is 1.94 arcmin.
2MASX J16072475+3114279 is a faint galaxy with a K_s diameter of 1.90 arcmin.
2MASX J17025816+3330284 is a pair of faint galaxies with a K_s diameter of 4.00 arcmin.
2MASX J17441970+7430344 is a faint galaxy with a K_s diameter of 1.60
2MASX J18195106+5710469 is apparently a chain of faint galaxies with a K_s diameter of 1.60 arcmin.
2MASX J18205551+3259271 is a faint galaxy with a K_s diameter of 4.00 arcmin.
2MASX J18533096+5509021 is a pair of faint galaxies with a K_s diameter of 2.61 arcmin.
2MASX J20022818+4934006 has two brighter superposed stars (or companions?). Data contaminated?
2MASX J20141998+3732490. Only faint stars near this place. Dense Milky Way field, highly obscured? K_s diameter is 1.03 arcmin, no J magnitude.
2MASX J20363702+4647294. No obvious optical counterpart. Faint optical "cirrus" in the field. No J magnitude.
2MASX J20491597+5119089. In the optical, there is a faint whisp of stuff here in a pretty rich Milky Way star field. J magnitude is 8.42, and K_s diameter is 1.30 arcmin.
2MASX J20494713+5206261 is optically faint. Highly obscured?
2MASX J20550635+4603460. Centered near a star, but no obvious optical counterpart. Optical "cirrus" in the field. No J magnitude.
2MASX J20573213+4548173. Part of a Galactic HII region (?). Dark nebulae in field, too. No J magnitude.
2MASX J20581676+4615252. Faint double star or galaxy plus star? K_s diameter is 0.61 arcmin, no J magnitude.
2MASX J21064766+4302585 is seen through optical "cirrus"; contaminated?
2MASX J21092943+5222359: the position is on a faint galaxy with a considerably fainter companion. There is a brighter galaxy 35 arcsec southwest. The K_s diameter is 1.15 arcmin.
2MASX J21132528+4956168. No obvious optical counterpart. No J magnitude.
2MASX J21255239+4423193: possibly Galactic? There is other faint Galacitc "cirrus" in the area.
2MASX J21284884+3726052 looks like a faint galaxy with a brighter star superposed. The K_s diameter is 1.17 arcmin.
2MASX J21572289+4345225 is very faint optically. K_s diameter is 1.59 arcmin.
2MASX J21581205+7713514 is a very faint galaxy. K_s diameter is 1.15 arcmin.
2MASX J22075609+3121129 is the eastern side of NGC 7217.
2MASX J22115166+4712537 appears to be a very faint star. K_s diameter is 3.02 arcmin.
2MASX J22252814+5122144 is one or two very faint galaxies. K_s diameter is 1.33 arcmin.
2MASX J22323829+5743483: Galactic reflection nebula? There is a much brighter star superposed 15 arcsec WSW.
2MASX J22561302+6202424 is part of a Galactic reflection nebula. No J magnitude.
2MASX J22571921+6155398 is part of a Galactic reflection nebula. The star is an arcminute or so northwest. Both are near, but not coincident with, 2MASXi J2257107+615554.
2MASX J23381393+5958488 looks like part of a Galactic nebulosity.
2MASX J23570363+6524449. Not quite centered on a star. There is a splash of very low surface brightness nebulosity about 40 arcsec north. K_s diameter is 3.10 arcmin, no J magnitude.
2MASX J23584286+6625445. Part of a Galactic reflection nebula, but not centered on the star. No J magnitude.
00019+0534 00 04 29.2 05 50 44 3118 1
000428.8+055049 000428.8+05504912.66
2MASXJ00042881+0550499; LSB gal; 2MASS position a few arc to the east
00053+2008 00 07 54.3 20 24 42 7855 54
000754.8+202438 000754.8+20243811.76
2MASXJ00075479+2024389; box-peanut gal; 2MASS position is well offcenter
00081+3535 00 10 41.9 35 51 06 6179 19
001041.8+355057 001041.8+35505712.85
2MASXJ00104182+355057; very faint LSB; 2MASS position is centered on a foreground star?
00257+3032 00 28 15.4 30 48 06 6267 32
002814.9+304811 002814.9+30481110.56
2MASXJ00281490+3048117; nice gal; 2MASS position a few arc to the east
00257+2707 00 28 21.2 27 22 08 9619 20
002821.5+272223 002821.5+27222312.57
2MASXJ00282153+2722231; faint and flocculent; 2MASS position a few arc to the south
N 147 00 33 12.7 48 30 33 -188 45
03312.1+483031 003312.1+483031 8.02
2MASXJ00331212+4830314; very faint (SB) 2MASS LGA galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
00333+3136 00 35 55.8 31 52 12 6444 61
003554.5+315223 003554.5+31522311.09
2MASXJ00355445+3152236; nice gal; 2MASS position to the southeast
00359+0142 00 38 26.9 01 58 36 4424 38
003827.8+015843 003827.8+01584312.16
2MASXJ00382777+0158432; faint LSB gal; 2MASS position centered on a foreground star to the east
00368+2459 00 39 25.3 25 15 11 4638 37
003925.7+251521 003925.7+25152112.84
2MASXJ00392571+2515212; faint blue LSB; 2MASS position a few arc to the west
00423+1949N 00 44 50.5 20 06 41 36126 34
004450.0+200631 004450.0+20063111.07
2MASXJ00444998+2006316; nice gal; 2MASS position looks good
J0049582+214303 ; faint gal; 2MASS position to the NE
J0057417+434733 ; 2MASXJ0057417+434733; bright double galaxy; 2MASS position to the W
J0112333+163250 ; 2MASXJ01123332+1632501; 2MASS position looks good
J0114379+011048 ; 2MASXJ01143787+0110487; faint LSB gal; 2MASS position peaked on foreground star to the E
J0115376+330403 ; 2MASXJ01153760+3304035; nice galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J0120327+293653 ; 2MASXJ01203268+2936535; flocculent gal; 2MASS position to the NE
J0122090+005643 ; 2MASXJ01220898+0056432; big edge-on galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J0124351+034732 ; 2MASXJ01243507+0347326; NGC 520; this is an odd LGA galaxy
J0124385+332821 ; 2MASXJ01243853+3328214; bright barred galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J0125207+340130 ; 2MASXJ01252074+3401305; disturbed galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J0127075+021548 ; 2MASXJ01270753+0215482; nice galaxy; 2MASS position to the N
J0130085+191011 ; 2MASXJ01300853+1910113; strange galaxy; 2MASS position a few arcsec t to the W
J0133423+033235 ; 2MASXJ01334230+0332353; faint edge-on galaxy; 2MASS position a few arcsec to the N
J0133509+303935 ; 2MASXJ01335090+3039357; M33 LGA galaxy; 2MASS position is good
J0134495+340205 ; 2MASXJ01344945+3402052; nice double galaxy; 2MASS position centered on fainter nucleus?
J0143023+133844 ; 2MASXJ01430234+1338444; NGC660 LGA galaxy; 2MASS position is good
J0147320+271931 ; 2MASXJ01473200+2719315; very fiant LSB gal; 2MASS position to the SE
J0149324+323510 ; 2MASXJ01493236+3235104; gal? point-like, but red like a galaxy; 2MASS position is good
J0150140+273844 ; 2MASXJ01501400+2738444; beautiful edge-on gal; 2MASS position is good
J0151299+130754 ; 2MASXJ01512991+1307543; LSG gal; 2MASS position is good
J0152400+360828 ; 2MASXJ01524001+3608282; small galaxy next to big edge-on; 2MASS position is good
J0152459+363709 ; 2MASXJ01524590+3637095; nice face-on galaxy; 2MASS position is good
J0154588+352521 ; 2MASXJ01545876+3525219; barred galaxy; 2MASS position well offcenter to the W near a foreground star
J0155469+521639 ; 2MASXJ01554687+5216397; blobby galaxy confused by stars; 2MASS position peaked on a foreground star
J0156053+360744 ; 2MASXJ01560532+3607447; nice edge-on box peanut gal; 2MASS position to the NW slightly
J0156277+364819 ; 2MASXJ01562773+3648192; bright blobby galaxy; 2MASS position to the SE
J0206515+443422 ; 2MASXJ02065149+4434224; nice LGA galaxy; 2MASS position is good
J0211117+384527 ; 2MASXJ02111174+3845279; faint LSB gal; 2MASS position peaked slightly to the E on either a foreground star or a piece of the galaxy
J0212062+313522 ; 2MASXJ02120621+3135225; blue galaxy; 2MASS position peaked to the N on a star or a piece of the galaxy
J0216318+281212 ; 2MASXJ02163175+2812129; very faint LSB gal; 2MASS position to the SW
J0222329+422053 ; 2MASXJ02223290+4220539; big edge-on NGC 891, LGA galaxy; 2MASS position is good
J0223070+412222 ; 2MASXJ02230698+4122227; disturbed galaxy; no obvious nucleus; 2MASS position to the W of the object centroid, peaked on bright foreground stars
J0225502+182956 ; 2MASXJ02255022+1829561; nice face-on spiral; 2MASS position slightly to the NW, peaked on a foreground star
J0228124-012056 ; 2MASXJ02281237-0120563; faint LSB gal; 2MASS position is good
J0231596+005435 ; 2MASXJ02315956+0054357; nice face-on gal; 2MASS position is good< (beware of bright star near the nuke)/font>
J0236460+020301 ; 2MASXJ02364604+0203015; nice face-on gal; 2MASS position is good (beware of nearby foreground stars)
J0245264+180803 ; 2MASXJ02452637+1808031; double galaxy; 2MASS position is centered on one of the nukes
J0249106+182017 ; 2MASXJ02491061+1820173; star+galaxy; 2MASS position peaked up on star
J0249448+380406 ; 2MASXJ02494481+3804062; double galaxy; 2MASS position peaked up on one of the nukes
J0250595+033124 ; 2MASXJ02505949+0331248; nice galaxy; 2MASS position is good
J0256227+060918 ; 2MASXJ02562270+0609186; nice edge-on galaxy; 2MASS position is good (beware of nearby star, sitting on the disk
J0257415+060137 ; 2MASXJ02574155+0601371; double galaxy; 2MASS position is good (centered on
northern nucleus)
J0258208-020239 ; 2MASXJ02582084-0202394; faint LSB gal; 2MASS position peaked up on
faint blue star to the W
J0302087+290630 ; 2MASXJ03020871+2906304; flocculent LSG gal; 2MASS position slightely offcenter to the SW? (ill-defined center from this odd looking galaxy)
J0318453+431426 ; 2MASXJ03184533+4314269; disturbed galaxy?; 2MASS position is good
J0326147+380350 ; 2MASXJ03261474+3803504; barred face-on gal; 2MASS position peaked up on a star to the W
J0328303+364100 ; 2MASXJ03283026+3641007; double galaxy; 2MASS position is good, centered on
western nucleus
J0339364+384139 ; 2MASXJ03393640+3841398; faint LSB gal; 2MASS position peaked up on star to the N
J0348207+700758 ; 2MASXJ03482073+7007583; LGA galaxy UGC2855; 2MASS position is good
J0349089+010946 ; 2MASXJ03490891+0109465; irregular galaxy; 2MASS position is good (ill-defined center)
J0350431+740735 ; 2MASXJ03504306+7407352; double galaxy? 2MASS position centered on fainter component to the W
J0400489+350049 ; 2MASXJ04004891+3500496; edge-on galaxy; 2MASS position slightly offcenter to the SW?
J0418587+052604 ; 2MASXJ04185865+0526046; LSB gal; 2MASS position slightly offcenter to the W (although nucleus ill-defined)
J0419537+020535 ; 2MASXJ04195369+0205358; LSB gal; 2MASS position peaked up on a southern emission knot
J0436010+195700 ; 2MASXJ04360101+1957008; nice bright gal; 2MASS position is well offcenter to the S (appears to be peaked up on an artifact)
J0440259-020112 ; 2MASXJ04402593-0201122; faint LSB; 2MASS position? (ill-defined nucleus)
J0443089+004456 ; 2MASXJ04430889+0044560; double galaxy? 2MASS position is good, centered on northern nucleus
J0506385+084033 ; 2MASXJ05063851+0840335; LSB gal; 2MASS position slightly offcenter to the SW
J0514153+623447 ; 2MASXJ05141534+6234479; very faint face-on LSB gal; 2MASS position is good
J0517443+533304 ; 2MASXJ05174435+5333048; faint LSB gal; might be centered on faint star to the W
J0552355+664911 ; 2MASXJ05523547+6649117; nice galaxy; 2MASS position slightly offcenter to the S
J0639363+301815 ; 2MASXJ06393630+3018157; bright spheroidal galaxy; 2MASS position corrupted by bright star diff spike to the SE
J0655273+155615 ; 2MASXJ06552728+1556154; faint LSB gal; 2MASS position peaked up on foreground star to the NE
J0708013+151042 ; 2MASXJ07080127+1510423; large but faint spiral; 2MASS position is good
J0708365+324059 ; 2MASXJ07083649+3240592; faint galaxy; 2MASS position peaked up on faint star to the N
J0709181+203809 ; 2MASXJ07091808+2038092; beautiful face-on spiral; 2MASS position is good
J0711225+715010 ; 2MASXJ07112254+7150109; nice large edge-on galaxy with flared disk; 2MASS position is good
J0711297+715020 ; 2MASXJ07112972+7150207; piece of edge-on galaxy;
J0711380+291015 ; 2MASXJ07113795+2910152; bright galaxy; 2MASS position is peaked on either star or piece of galaxy to the N
J0711418+495200 ; 2MASXJ07114179+4952003; bright galaxy; 2MASS position is peaked on star to the N
J0714203+732824 ; 2MASXJ07142032+7328242; piece of galaxy
J0715296+232534 ; 2MASXJ07152956+2325344; galaxy with stellar contamination to the nucleus; 2MASS position peaked to the SE?
J0718395+594018 ; 2MASXJ07183948+5940188; nice double galaxy
J0727145+854516 ; 2MASXJ07271448+8545162; nice face-on spiral; 2MASS position is good
J0727145+525655 ; 2MASXJ07271454+5256550; double galaxy
J0729174+275345 ; 2MASXJ07291741+2753451; LSB galaxy cutoff by scan edge; 2MASS position peaked on a star or piece of galaxy to the S
J0729242+720740 ; 2MASXJ07292419+7207404; double galaxy
J0741502-024113 ; 2MASXJ07415021-0241130; nice galaxy; 2MASS position is good
J0750252+301333 ; 2MASXJ07502522+3013330; nice galaxy; 2MASS position is peaked on star to the E
J0751176+501045 ; 2MASXJ07511761+5010459; bright galaxy; 2MASS position is good
J0753292+143645 ; 2MASXJ07532924+1436455; faint LSB galaxy; 2MASS position is good
J0753441+210252 ; 2MASXJ07534411+2102521; star
J0755063+432902 ; 2MASXJ07550635+4329026; Star(s) plus galaxy; 2MASS position peaked on the fainter component (nature unknown)
J0755230+264445 ; 2MASXJ07552302+2644459; nice galaxy; 2MASS position is shifted to the N
J0802239+093555 ; 2MASXJ08022391+0935559; centered on star
J0804248+843829 ; 2MASXJ08042480+8438291; nice galaxy; 2MASS position is good
J0813146+455923 ; 2MASXJ08131464+4559232; NGC2537 -- the "Bears Paw; 2MASS position is good (peaked up on central bright emission knot)
J0814435+575727 ; 2MASXJ08144353+5757270; nice galaxy; 2MASS position is good
J0815229+284357 ; 2MASXJ08152294+2843574; faint LSB galaxy; 2MASS position is peaked on a star to the SW
J0819205+500035 ; 2MASXJ08192055+5000351; very faint LSB galaxy; 2MASS position is good
J0822399+561945 ; 2MASXJ08223994+5619455; nice galaxy (star just south of galaxy); 2MASS position is good
J0823295+270805 ; 2MASXJ08232953+2708053; chaff, artifact
J0826118+023551 ; 2MASXJ08261175+0235510; nice galaxy; 2MASS position is good
J0830317+181221 ; 2MASXJ08303169+1812219; nice spiral; 2MASS position is good
J0832072+033807 ; 2MASXJ08320719+0338072; nice galaxy; 2MASS position is peaked on star to the S
J0832139+193712 ; 2MASXJ08321387+1937120; star
J0838028+075326 ; 2MASXJ08380278+0753261; nice galaxy, with another to the NE, 2MASS position is good
J0842555+133835 ; 2MASXJ08425551+1338350; double galaxy; 2MASS position peaked on NW nucleus
J0845596+123711 ; 2MASXJ08455957+1237118; nice galaxy; 2MASS position is good
J0849023+411210 ; 2MASXJ08490234+4112104; nice galaxy; 2MASS position is good
J0851379-022157 ; 2MASXJ08513789-0221578; faint asymmetric galaxy; 2MASS position is good(?)
J0852413+332518 ; 2MASXJ08524134+3325184; beautiful galaxy; 2MASS position is good
J0852563+091905 ; 2MASXJ08525626+0919051; galaxy; 2MASS position is offcentered to E
J0859189+004746 ; 2MASXJ08591891+0047465; artifact
J0902445+174236 ; 2MASXJ09024445+1742366; galaxy; 2MASS position is good
J0903173+100124 ; 2MASXJ09031734+1001244; large edge-on galaxy, with companion galaxy to the S; 2MASS position is good(?)
J0904349+143535 ; 2MASXJ09043486+1435354; galaxy; 2MASS position is good
J0909209+545434 ; 2MASXJ09092085+5454349; artifact
J0910018+225117 ; 2MASXJ09100181+2251177; nice galaxy; 2MASS position is good
J0916022+525023 ; 2MASXJ09160219+5250239; artifact
J0918232+694841 ; 2MASXJ09182322+6948410; nice galaxy; 2MASS position is offcentered to the NE
J0921596+032242 ; 2MASXJ09215963+0322429; nice galaxy; 2MASS position is good
J0924152+763153 ; 2MASXJ09241520+7631531; artifact
J0924549+555346 ; 2MASXJ09245487+5553469; galaxy; 2MASS position peaks up on star to the E
J0925110+682259 ; 2MASXJ09251100+6822590; very faint LSB; 2MASS position is peaked on a bluish source to the W
J0927501+682436 ; 2MASXJ09275012+6824369; nice galaxy; 2MASS position is good
J0931110+762754 ; 2MASXJ09311097+7627540; nice galaxy, with a star immediately to the W; 2MASS position is good
J0934576+214218 ; 2MASXJ09345756+2142189; nice galaxy; 2MASS position is good
J0938272+172512 ; 2MASXJ09382716+1725127; centered on star, with the galaxy to the N
J0939180+321839 ; 2MASXJ09391803+3218392; galaxy; 2MASS position is good
J0940497+113310 ; 2MASXJ09404974+1133108; galaxy; 2MASS position is offset to the NW
J0942534+092939 ; 2MASXJ09425338+0929395; lumpy disk galaxy; 2MASS position is offset to the NE on a piece of the galaxy; center is ill-defined
J0946204+054130 ; 2MASXJ09462043+0541308; galaxy; 2MASS position is good
J0946540+003016 ; 2MASXJ09465397+0030167; star
J0948193-034403 ; 2MASXJ09481930-0344034; very strange galaxy? center is ill-defined
J0948594+022747 ; 2MASXJ09485944+0227477; faint galaxy; 2MASS position is good
J0952178-013759 ; 2MASXJ09521777-0137592; faint disk galaxy; 2MASS position is good(?)
J0954225+682004 ; 2MASXJ09542252+6820046; galaxy; 2MASS position is offset to the N
J0955332+690354 ; 2MASXJ09553318+6903549; M81; 2MASS position is good
J0956057+750051 ; 2MASXJ09560573+7500516; galaxy; 2MASS position is good
J0956474+530908 ; 2MASXJ09564743+5309084; galaxy; 2MASS position is good
J0957529+362057 ; 2MASXJ09575286+3620576; double galaxy; 2MASS position is good
J0958551+474407 ; 2MASXJ09585508+4744076; galaxy; 2MASS position is good
J1001072+222410 ; 2MASXJ10010717+2224109; artifact
J1001579+554048 ; 2MASXJ10015792+5540480; NGC3079; 2MASS position is good
J1005498+003800 ; 2MASXJ10054983+0038001; double galaxy; 2MASS position is good
J1007202+102140 ; 2MASXJ10072018+1021401; galaxy; 2MASS position peaks on artifact to the W
J1008101+530500 ; 2MASXJ10081007+5305005; UGC5459; 2MASS position is good
J1010025+320405 ; 2MASXJ10100254+3204055; bright galaxy; 2MASS position peaked on a star to the W
J1015310+140228 ; 2MASXJ10153100+1402281; galaxy; 2MASS position offset to the W
J1024244+280143 ; 2MASXJ10242438+2801438; galaxy; 2MASS position is good
J1025049+170949 ; 2MASXJ10250486+1709492; faint, bizarre LSB-looking galaxy; center is ill-defined
J1025340+700432 ; 2MASXJ10253399+7004323; galaxy; 2MASS position is good
J1028211+223410 ; 2MASXJ10282110+2234109; galaxy; 2MASS position peaks on artifact to the SW
J1028235+682443 ; 2MASXJ10282348+6824437; LGA galaxy IC2574
J1029053+544305 ; 2MASXJ10290532+5443052; LSB galaxy; 2MASS position offset to the NW
J1046457+114911 ; 2MASXJ10464574+1149117; M96; 2MASS position is good
J1047388+261754 ; 2MASXJ10473877+2617549; nice galaxy; 2MASS position offset to the NE
J1049123+275539 ; 2MASXJ10491227+2755396; LSB galaxy; 2MASS position is good
J1050521+010955 ; 2MASXJ10505208+0109554; nice galaxy; 2MASS position is good
J1052015+084649 ; 2MASXJ10520151+0846496; double galaxy; 2MASS position centered on SE nucleus
J1052044+553606 ; 2MASXJ10520436+5536066; faint LSB galaxy; 2MASS position centered on star to the E
J1058278+242224 ; 2MASXJ10582781+2422241; nice galaxy; 2MASS position is offset to the NE
J1059259+460725 ; 2MASXJ10592591+4607252; nice galaxy; 2MASS position is offset to the NE
J1103433+285313 ; 2MASXJ11034335+2853135; nice galaxy; 2MASS position is good
J1107132+650606 ; 2MASXJ11071324+6506063; nice double galaxy; 2MASS position is good
J1108020+533706 ; 2MASXJ11080199+5337069; faint galaxy; 2MASS position peaks on object to the NE
J1109355+505532 ; 2MASXJ11093551+5055328; faint galaxy; 2MASS position offset to the SE
J1110056+032835 ; 2MASXJ11100559+0328359; nice double galaxy; 2MASS position is good
J1110133+365759 ; 2MASXJ11101328+3657596; nice double galaxy; 2MASS position is good
J1111252+265749 ; 2MASXJ11112519+2657491; nice galaxy; 2MASS position is good
J1113567+121809 ; 2MASXJ11135671+1218097; nice galaxy; 2MASS position offset to the NW
J1116346+291516 ; 2MASXJ11163458+2915166; nice galaxy; 2MASS position is good
J1116511+174753 ; 2MASXJ11165108+1747537; nice galaxy; 2MASS position is good
J1117402+380309 ; 2MASXJ11174025+3803095; galaxy; 2MASS position is good
J1120170+133522 ; 2MASXJ11201701+1335221; NGC3628; 2MASS position is good
J1120464+564157 ; 2MASXJ11204642+5641577; double galaxy; 2MASS position is good
J1120567+193802 ; 2MASXJ11205670+1938024; nice galaxy; 2MASS position offset to the NW
J1122032+424916 ; 2MASXJ11220325+4249168; galaxy; 2MASS position offset to the NW
J1122083+693754 ; 2MASXJ11220830+6937543; galaxy; 2MASS position offset to the SW
J1124242+031929 ; 2MASXJ11242425+0319299; faint LSB galaxy; 2MASS position is good
J1124560+131331 ; 2MASXJ11245604+1313315; nice galaxy; 2MASS position offset to the S
J1126086+433509 ; 2MASXJ11260858+4335093; NGC3675; 2MASS position is good
J1128313+583341 ; 2MASXJ11283132+5833417; NGC3690; 2MASS position is good
J1133434+323809 ; 2MASXJ11334342+3238099; nice galaxy; 2MASS position offset to the NE
J1133586-033618 ; 2MASXJ11335860-0336183; double galaxy; 2MASS position is good
J1133586-033618 ; 2MASXJ11335860-0336183; double galaxy; 2MASS position is good
J1136265+581121 ; 2MASXJ11362650+5811217; nice galaxy; 2MASS position is good
J1139202+581601 ; 2MASXJ11392024+5816015; LSB galaxy; 2MASS position peaks on star to the SE
J1140067+455634 ; 2MASXJ11400671+4556342; very faint LSB galaxy; 2MASS position is good (?)
J1143595+194644 ; 2MASXJ11435954+1946443; nice galaxy; 2MASS position is good
J1156104+603130 ; 2MASXJ11561045+6031300; nice spiral galaxy; 2MASS position is good
J1156229+320214 ; 2MASXJ11562287+3202144; LSB galaxy; 2MASS position peaks on star to the S
J1157305+322003 ; 2MASXJ11573046+3220030; galaxy; 2MASS position is good
J1157541+362340 ; 2MASXJ11575411+3623409; galaxy; 2MASS position is good
J1158380+471540 ; 2MASXJ11583799+4715407; nice edge-on galaxy; 2MASS position is good
J1158462-012756 ; 2MASXJ11584622-0127562; nice galaxy; 2MASS position is good
J1158569+302449 ; 2MASXJ11585693+3024490; nice galaxy; 2MASS position offset to the NW
J1159102+374737 ; 2MASXJ11591024+3747372; galaxy; 2MASS position peaks on artifact
J1159503+393606 ; 2MASXJ11595027+3936067; nice galaxy; 2MASS position offset to the SE
J1201101-011734 ; 2MASXJ12011013-0117340; LSB galaxy; 2MASS position peaks on star to the NE
J1202542+184504 ; 2MASXJ12025425+1845049; nice galaxy; 2MASS position is good
J1203595+091259 ; 2MASXJ12035954+0912596; nice galaxy; 2MASS position is good
J1207595+253305 ; 2MASXJ12075952+2533051; nice galaxy; 2MASS position is good
J1208310+693241 ; 2MASXJ12083100+6932414; galaxy; 2MASS position is good
J1208415+364808 ; 2MASXJ12084151+3648082; LSB galaxy; 2MASS position is good
J1209212+261242 ; 2MASXJ12092124+2612427; double galaxy? 2MASS position peaked to the E of the brighter galaxy component
J1209288+530613 ; 2MASXJ12092879+5306133; faint LGB galaxy; 2MASS position peaked to the W of the LSB center
J1209586+462725 ; 2MASXJ12095860+4627258; NGC4144; 2MASS position is good
J1210555+394524 ; 2MASXJ12105546+3945243; star plus faint galaxy; 2MASS position peaked on star to the E
J1211044+502904 ; 2MASXJ12110436+5029048; NGC4157; 2MASS position is good
J1211552+161400 ; 2MASXJ12115516+1614007; galaxy; 2MASS position offset to the N
J1212096+361014 ; 2MASXJ12120964+3610148; LSB galaxy; 2MASS position peaks on an artifact
J1212464+105157 ; 2MASXJ12124644+1051575; galaxy; 2MASS position offset to the NW
J1213442+363752 ; 2MASXJ12134415+3637525; LSB galaxy; 2MASS position is good
J1217079+034056 ; 2MASXJ12170789+0340563; galaxy; 2MASS position offset to the E
J1218576+471813 ; 2MASXJ12185761+4718133; M106; 2MASS position is good
J1219128+492127 ; 2MASXJ12191278+4921271; nice galaxy; 2MASS position is good
J1220276+012812 ; 2MASXJ12202762+0128121; edge-on galaxy; 2MASS position is good
J1220359+304757 ; 2MASXJ12203587+3047571; LSB galaxy; 2MASS position offset to the N
J1221409+112944 ; 2MASXJ12214093+1129448; LSB galaxy; 2MASS position offset to the S
J1221425+143551 ; 2MASXJ12214247+1435519; NGC4302; 2MASS position is good
J1223372+173215 ; 2MASXJ12233719+1732150; nice galaxy; 2MASS position offset to the S
J1223445+122842 ; 2MASXJ12234449+1228420; faint LSB galaxy; center ill-defined
J1223591+074657 ; 2MASXJ12235912+0746578; galaxy; 2MASS position offset to the SE
J1224145+083208 ; 2MASXJ12241453+0832088; galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J1225507+273336 ; 2MASXJ12255066+2733367; faint LSB galaxy; center ill-defined
J1225590+032538 ; 2MASXJ12255896+0325383; nice edge-on galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J1225588+154017 ; 2MASXJ12255880+1540172; nice galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J1228436+114526 ; 2MASXJ12284362+1145261; nice edge-on galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J1231380+145124 ; 2MASXJ12313803+1451241; LSB galaxy; 2MASS position peaks on star to the S
J1232280+424219 ; 2MASXJ12322795+4242197; LSB galaxy; 2MASS position peaks on star to the W
J1232456+000654 ; 2MASXJ12324558+0006541; NGC4517; 2MASS position looks good
J1234319+093734 ; 2MASXJ12343187+0937347; LSB galaxy; 2MASS position peaks on star to the NW
J1234306+133002 ; 2MASXJ12343057+1330028; galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J1234390+070926 ; 2MASXJ12343901+0709260; galaxy; 2MASS position offset to the S
J1235087+721352 ; 2MASXJ12350873+7213521; galaxy; 2MASS position peaks on artifact to the E
J1235454+741433 ; 2MASXJ12354538+7414334; galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J1238359+012409 ; 2MASXJ12383591+0124097; galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J1239046+144345 ; 2MASXJ12390464+1443456; galaxy; 2MASS position peaks on star to the S
J1240230+081034 ; 2MASXJ12402299+0810344; double galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J1242311+035737 ; 2MASXJ12423114+0357372; galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J1243038+302255 ; 2MASXJ12430380+3022557; galaxy; 2MASS position peaks on artifact to the NW
J1243325+113456 ; 2MASXJ12433254+1134568; NGC4647; 2MASS position looks good
J1243576+321013 ; 2MASXJ12435764+3210130; galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J1244460+122105 ; 2MASXJ12444599+1221052; galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J1245059+030320 ; 2MASXJ12450595+0303204; beautiful galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J1245318+132004 ; 2MASXJ12453177+1320041; galaxy; 2MASS position peaks on star to the NE
J1247203+120959 ; 2MASXJ12472028+1209595; galaxy; 2MASS position peaks on artifact to the E
J1248100+540127 ; 2MASXJ12480997+5401271; galaxy; 2MASS position peaks on artifact to the W
J1248137-031958 ; 2MASXJ12481367-0319585; nice galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J1249390+150955 ; 2MASXJ12493895+1509557; NGC4710; 2MASS position looks good
J1251460+254638 ; 2MASXJ12514596+2546383; galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J1254487+191042 ; 2MASXJ12544868+1910420; galaxy; 2MASS position offset to the NW
J1256437+214057 ; 2MASXJ12564369+2140575; NGC4826; 2MASS position looks good
J1256483+481748 ; 2MASXJ12564828+4817485; nice double galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J1258182+290743 ; 2MASXJ12581821+2907437; galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J1258217+280855 ; 2MASXJ12582169+2808557; double galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J1259023+345133 ; 2MASXJ12590234+3451339; NGC4861; LGA galaxy
J1307284+264331 ; 2MASXJ13072837+2643319; double galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J1309232+065946 ; 2MASXJ13092316+0659468; large galaxy heavily contaminated by very bright star; 2MASS position looks good
J1309595+300223 ; 2MASXJ13095955+3002230; beautiful galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J1311525+601449 ; 2MASXJ13115248+6014498; faint galaxy; 2MASS position peaked slightly to the E
J1316171+252424 ; 2MASXJ13161713+2524241; beautiful galaxy; 2MASS position offset to the NW
J1321250+574150 ; 2MASXJ13212499+5741501; disk galaxy; 2MASS position offset to the NE
J1321253+383210 ; 2MASXJ13212526+3832109; galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J1322535+703036 ; 2MASXJ13225349+7030363; double galaxy; 2MASS position peaked on fainter southern nucleus
J1329527+471142 ; 2MASXJ13295269+4711429; M51; 2MASS position looks good
J1329596+471558 ; 2MASXJ13295958+4715580; M51B; 2MASS position looks good
J1330397+311709 ; 2MASXJ13303965+3117093; galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J1338245+330704 ; 2MASXJ13382455+3307044; galaxy; 2MASS position offset to the E
J1339381+060916 ; 2MASXJ13393810+0609169; LSB galaxy; 2MASS position offset to the NW
J1339523+005022 ; 2MASXJ13395227+0050224; galaxy; 2MASS position offset to the E
J1342236+294929 ; 2MASXJ13422356+2949293; nice galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J1344492+371002 ; 2MASXJ13444917+3710028; galaxy; 2MASS position peaks on artifact to the N
J1348148+152549 ; 2MASXJ13481477+1525497; double galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J1348411+281423 ; 2MASXJ13484110+2814237; double galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J1353009+021543 ; 2MASXJ13530087+0215436; galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J1354044+333456 ; 2MASXJ13540441+3334562; faint galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J1355387+045905 ; 2MASXJ13553867+0459050; galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J1402336+143302 ; 2MASXJ14023356+1433025; galaxy; 2MASS position offset to the SE
J1406007+124704 ; 2MASXJ14060074+1247048; galaxy; 2MASS position offset to the E
J1410595+164022 ; 2MASXJ14105947+1640229; galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J1413465+081315 ; 2MASXJ14134649+0813153; double galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J1414523+251903 ; 2MASXJ14145230+2519034; nice galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J1417595+050409 ; 2MASXJ14175945+0504096; galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J1417595+250812 ; 2MASXJ14175951+2508124; nice galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J1419370+173845 ; 2MASXJ14193705+1738458; galaxy; 2MASS position offset to the NW
J1425133+134445 ; 2MASXJ14251333+1344453; galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J1426595+265150 ; 2MASXJ14265954+2651502; galaxy, with another nearby; 2MASS position looks good
J1428028+211814 ; 2MASXJ14280275+2118143; galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J1432435+095325 ; 2MASXJ14324347+0953254; galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J1434455+484003 ; 2MASXJ14344551+4840039; galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J1437305+513329 ; 2MASXJ14373050+5133290; beautiful galaxy; 2MASS position peaks on artifact to the S
J1437595+142705 ; 2MASXJ14375953+1427050; galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J1444189+000231 ; 2MASXJ14441893+0002312; galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J1445555+283136 ; 2MASXJ14455554+2831360; galaxy; 2MASS position offset to the NE
J1451244+064804 ; 2MASXJ14512435+0648048; wow! strange double galaxy CGCG 048-028; 2MASS position looks good (peaked on northern nuke)
J1452438+065422 ; 2MASXJ14524385+0654225; galaxy; 2MASS position peaks on star to the N
J1453265+520440 ; 2MASXJ14532646+5204402; galaxy; 2MASS position offset to the E
J1456199+492400 ; 2MASXJ14561988+4924007; galaxy, with nearby star; 2MASS position offset to the NW
J1456398+062738 ; 2MASXJ14563983+0627381; double galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J1458303+235719 ; 2MASXJ14583032+2357190; double galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J1501341+490641 ; 2MASXJ15013411+4906416; galaxy; 2MASS position offset to the W
J1511563+053333 ; 2MASXJ15115633+0533331; galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J1517010+394144 ; 2MASXJ15170105+3941442; faint LSB; 2MASS position looks good
J1520350+792945 ; 2MASXJ15203501+7929456; double galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J1520566+454305 ; 2MASXJ15205657+4543053; double galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J1525446-033928 ; 2MASXJ15254460-0339289; double galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J1529291+260026 ; 2MASXJ15292909+2600264; faint galaxy; 2MASS position looks good(?)
J1540557+324653 ; 2MASXJ15405574+3246535; galaxy; 2MASS position peaks on artifact to the E
J1541595+004247 ; 2MASXJ15415955+0042476; galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J1543232+142608 ; 2MASXJ15432319+1426088; faint LSB galaxy; 2MASS position peaked to the SW
J1543348+224439 ; 2MASXJ15433479+2244395; double galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J1549595+001207 ; 2MASXJ15495954+0012074; beautiful galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J1603265+190944 ; 2MASXJ16032652+1909443; galaxy; 2MASS position offset to the NE
J1603539+250041 ; 2MASXJ16035392+2500416; galaxy; 2MASS position offset to the NE
J1604358+174317 ; 2MASXJ16043575+1743172; double galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J1611130+265219 ; 2MASXJ16111299+2652195; double galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J1613470+634232 ; 2MASXJ16134702+6342327; galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J1614222+631540 ; 2MASXJ16142217+6315400; double galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J1616112+422359 ; 2MASXJ16161122+4223593; double galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J1621280+283820 ; 2MASXJ16212796+2838203; galaxy; 2MASS position offset to the SE
J1625159+301927 ; 2MASXJ16251588+3019270; galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J1629581+403743 ; 2MASXJ16295808+4037432; double galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J1631208+201107 ; 2MASXJ16312081+2011077; galaxy; 2MASS position offset to the NE
J1633472+285901 ; 2MASXJ16334718+2859019; galaxy; 2MASS position peaks on star to the SE
J1633502+071210 ; 2MASXJ16335023+0712103; double galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J1646220+702131 ; 2MASXJ16462197+7021319; LSB galaxy; 2MASS position offset to the NE
J1648429+355649 ; 2MASXJ16484289+3556490; bright galaxy; 2MASS position offset to the NE on a star projected against the disk of the galaxy
J1650234+555018 ; 2MASXJ16502344+5550187; galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J1653342+195523 ; 2MASXJ16533415+1955238; galaxy; 2MASS position offset to the SE
J1654480+363003 ; 2MASXJ16544796+3630031; galaxy; 2MASS position offset to the W
J1700438+101643 ; 2MASXJ17004375+1016436; nice galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J1703346+312143 ; 2MASXJ17033457+3121430; galaxy; 2MASS position offset to the S
J1708112+633740 ; 2MASXJ17081118+6337400; double galaxy; 2MASS position peaks on smaller galaxy
J1724097+432710 ; 2MASXJ17240974+4327102; galaxy; 2MASS position peaks on star to the E
J1724285+245831 ; 2MASXJ17242855+2458313; LSB galaxy; 2MASS position peaks on star to the N
J1725224+584919 ; 2MASXJ17252239+5849193; nice galaxy; 2MASS position offset to the SE
J1727268+583059 ; 2MASXJ17272678+5830598; double galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J1729156+160927 ; 2MASXJ17291562+1609275; galaxy; 2MASS position peaks on star to the SE
J1733208+364453 ; 2MASXJ17332077+3644538; nice galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J1735158+632303 ; 2MASXJ17351584+6323033; LSB galaxy; 2MASS position peaks on star to the SW
J1746219+263237 ; 2MASXJ17462187+2632373; beautiful galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J1750061+564033 ; 2MASXJ17500607+5640334; galaxy, with another nearby; 2MASS position looks good
J1757356+230144 ; 2MASXJ17573558+2301442; galaxy; 2MASS position offset to the N
J1758164+145841 ; 2MASXJ17581640+1458410; galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J1759583+445114 ; 2MASXJ17595832+4451143; galaxy; 2MASS position offset to the S
J1802249+260225 ; 2MASXJ18022485+2602250; galaxy; 2MASS position offset to the SW
J1813007+294143 ; 2MASXJ18130074+2941434; galaxy; 2MASS position peaks on star to the E
J1813233+460730 ; 2MASXJ18132334+4607303; galaxy; 2MASS position peaks on what appearts to be an artifact to the N
J1818555+233920 ; 2MASXJ18185554+2339201; nice galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J1825371+315955 ; 2MASXJ18253708+3159558; bright galaxy; 2MASS position peaked on a star to the W
J1828019+530637 ; 2MASXJ18280187+5306377; double galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J1831075+222424 ; 2MASXJ18310747+2224245; LSB galaxy; 2MASS position offset to the W
J1831114+191214 ; 2MASXJ18311135+1912145; galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J1835062+303730 ; 2MASXJ18350617+3037301; faint LSB galaxy and foreground stars; 2MASS position peaked on star to the W
J1836595+303709 ; 2MASXJ18365955+3037091; galaxy; 2MASS position peaks on star to the N
J1838593+231737 ; 2MASXJ18385929+2317375; galaxy; 2MASS position peaks on star to the W
J1839271+733441 ; 2MASXJ18392710+7334419; galaxy; 2MASS position offset to the SW
J1840576+230506 ; 2MASXJ18405758+2305067; galaxy; 2MASS position peaks on star to the S
J1850446+335735 ; 2MASXJ18504456+3357353; nice galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J1908422+701702 ; 2MASXJ19084225+7017020; faint LSB galaxy; non-symmetric; 2MASS position looks good(?)
J1910472+520839 ; 2MASXJ19104724+5208395; galaxy; 2MASS position peaks on what appears to be an artifact to the S
J1916412+635823 ; 2MASXJ19164116+6358238; LSB galaxy; 2MASS position peaks on star to the N
J1929562+720646 ; 2MASXJ19295625+7206461; nice edge-on galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J1941463+503601 ; 2MASXJ19414630+5036019; bright galaxy; MASS position peaked on star to the N
J1941549+640416 ; 2MASXJ19415488+6404160; double galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J1943267+413934 ; 2MASXJ19432669+4139340; bright galaxy; 2MASS position peaked to the NE
J1945348+053351 ; 2MASXJ19453483+0533514; galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J1948173+462527 ; 2MASXJ19481729+4625272; galaxy; 2MASS position peaks on star to the S
J1957114+043520 ; 2MASXJ19571141+0435203; galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J2023583+601133 ; 2MASXJ20235832+6011334; LSB galaxy; 2MASS position peaks on star to the E
J2024058+154524 ; 2MASXJ20240579+1545240; double galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J2030353+012241 ; 2MASXJ20303528+0122411; galaxy; 2MASS position peaks on star to the N
J2052005+132950 ; 2MASXJ20520052+1329502; galaxy; 2MASS position peaks on star to the NW
J2057154+255753 ; 2MASXJ20571538+2557534; galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J2057155+255735 ; 2MASXJ20571552+2557354; piece of large galaxy
J2111520+111634 ; 2MASXJ21115201+1116340; nice galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J2113547+023348 ; 2MASXJ21135465+0233487; double galaxy; 2MASS position peaked on W nucleus
J2119142+060103 ; 2MASXJ21191417+0601035; LSB galaxy; 2MASS position peaks on star to the S
J2119268+140326 ; 2MASXJ21192677+1403267; nice galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J2129596+022451 ; 2MASXJ21295963+0224517; galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J2141293+005335 ; 2MASXJ21412930+0053356; LSB galaxy; 2MASS position peaks on star to the E
J2145588+075218 ; 2MASXJ21455876+0752180; galaxy; 2MASS position offset to the N
J2146370+081732 ; 2MASXJ21463696+0817329; galaxy; 2MASS position peaks on star to the SE
J2146381+081740 ; 2MASXJ21463810+0817407; galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J2146595+014245 ; 2MASXJ21465950+0142457; galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J2207020+101400 ; 2MASXJ22070199+1014004; double galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J2209157+142136 ; 2MASXJ22091566+1421363; faint galaxy; 2MASS position offset to the SW
J2211493+022623 ; 2MASXJ22114930+0226238; galaxy; 2MASS position peaks on star to the NW
J2215595+140729 ; 2MASXJ22155947+1407298; nice galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J2216540+403008 ; 2MASXJ22165396+4030083; galaxy; 2MASS position offset to the SW
J2219277+292344 ; 2MASXJ22192770+2923448; interacting galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J2221172+343508 ; 2MASXJ22211720+3435085; faint galaxy; 2MASS position peaks on star to the S
J2222406+361140 ; 2MASXJ22224060+3611404; galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J2223595+085410 ; 2MASXJ22235950+0854106; galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J2228458+390511 ; 2MASXJ22284584+3905110; star
J2235579+335756 ; 2MASXJ22355791+3357562; NGC7318; 2MASS position looks good
J2235579+335756 ; 2MASXJ22355791+3357562; NGC7318; 2MASS position looks good
J2237041+342457 ; 2MASXJ22370410+3424573; NGC7331; 2MASS position looks good
J2237469+234712 ; 2MASXJ22374688+2347120; nice edge-on galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J2241477+360622 ; 2MASXJ22414774+3606222; double galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J2249092+345924 ; 2MASXJ22490920+3459245; galaxy; 2MASS position offset to the SE
J2253204+320752 ; 2MASXJ22532041+3207529; galaxy; 2MASS position offset to the N
J2255081+311832 ; 2MASXJ22550813+3118320; galaxy; 2MASS position offset to the NW
J2255317+191733 ; 2MASXJ22553169+1917333; double galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J2258452+243823 ; 2MASXJ22584516+2438239; double galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J2259595+175335 ; 2MASXJ22595955+1753357; galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J2306148+315307 ; 2MASXJ23061476+3153078; galaxy; 2MASS position offset to the NE
J2316103+155059 ; 2MASXJ23161029+1550596; galaxy; 2MASS position offset to the N
J2333081+161221 ; 2MASXJ23330813+1612214; galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J2334478+165102 ; 2MASXJ23344783+1651020; galaxy; 2MASS position peaks on star to the S
J2334499+261841 ; 2MASXJ23344990+2618413; galaxy; 2MASS position offset to the W
J2336306+210849 ; 2MASXJ23363057+2108498; galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J2338294+270152 ; 2MASXJ23382938+2701526; double galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J2340595+253621 ; 2MASXJ23405952+2536214; galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J2350330+020420 ; 2MASXJ23503305+0204205; double galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J2352107+112813 ; 2MASXJ23521071+1128132; double galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J2353477+272509 ; 2MASXJ23534770+2725096; galaxy; 2MASS position offset to the E
J2355299+175516 ; 2MASXJ23552986+1755164; faint galaxy with bright star contamination; 2MASS position peaked to the NW
J2359138+255633 ; 2MASXJ23591376+2556333; galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
J2359363+144820 ; 2MASXJ23593630+1448200; galaxy; 2MASS position looks good
Macri;s CfA code is as follows: 22=star, 25=plate flaw, 26/27=star cluster, 30=planetary nebula, 32=HII region, 33=reflection nebula, 40=piece of galaxy.
00524844-2637078 22 2MASXJ00524844-2637078; stellar; piece of globular cluster
00525061-2635148 22 2MASXJ00525061-2635148; stellar; piece of globular cluster
00525389-2635418 22 2MASXJ00525389-2635418; stellar; piece of globular cluster
01081982-7252599 27 2MASXJ01081982-7252599; globular cluster NGC419; 2MASS position is good
01240782-7309037 26 2MASXJ01240782-7309037; fuzzy blob; galaxy?
04323204+2257262 22 2MASXJ04323204+2257262; very red fuzzy blob; AGN? YSO?
04391389+2553206 22 2MASXJ04391389+2553206; very red YSO and nebula emission
04393517+2541446 22 2MASXJ04393517+2541446; very red fuzzy blob; YSO?
04492734-6912056 22 2MASXJ04492734-6912056; Galactic fuzzy; PN?
04515371-6923286 22 2MASXJ04515371-6923286; PN? YSO? red and blue emission w/ source
04540214-6911511 33 2MASXJ04540214-6911511; HII region? red and blue emission
04542617-6911025 22 2MASXJ04542617-6911025; fuzzy blob; YSO?
04590950-6744370 27 2MASXJ04590950-6744370; piece of cluster
05005871-6933562 22 2MASXJ05005871-6933562; confused red star
05225451-6804199 33 2MASXJ05225451-6804199; nebula; shock front?
05304266-6717108 27 2MASXJ05304266-6717108; stellar cluster
05350810-0453318 33 2MASXJ05350810-0453318; very red nebula emission
05351251-0456029 33 2MASXJ05351251-0456029; HII nebular emission
05370534-0540573 22 2MASXJ05370534-0540573; nice face-on galaxy
05382261-7041134 27 2MASXJ05382261-7041134; double fuzzy source; nature unknown?
05383396-6905457 32 2MASXJ05383396-6905457; piece of the Tarantula Nebula
05383549-6904437 32 2MASXJ05383549-6904437; piece of the Tarantula Nebula
05383796-6903297 22 2MASXJ05383796-6903297; piece of the Tarantula Nebula
05384066-6900218 33 2MASXJ05384066-6900218; piece of the Tarantula Nebula
05385378-6904589 32 2MASXJ05385378-6904589; piece of the Tarantula Nebula
05385471-6905329 32 2MASXJ05385471-6905329; piece of the Tarantula Nebula
05393773-6945410 22 2MASXJ05393773-6945410; nebulosity
05394014-6946193 22 2MASXJ05394014-6946193; PN? HII? spherical fuzzy
05395275-6945178 22 2MASXJ05395275-6945178; nebulosity
05435161-6947178 22 2MASXJ05435161-6947178; fuzzy; galaxy? peaked up on foreground star
05471648+0120075 22 2MASXJ05471648+0120075; galaxy; peaked up on foreground star just to the E
05494563-7012437 27 2MASXJ05494563-7012437; very red fuzzy star embedded in cluster?
05512118-6921328 22 2MASXJ05512118-6921328; stellar cluster
05562386+4606175 30 2MASXJ05562386+4606175; PN IC2149
05573751-6715496 27 2MASXJ05573751-6715496; stellar cluster; globular?
06142300-6950424 27 2MASXJ06142300-6950424; globular cluster
07021384+2513365 25 2MASXJ07021384+2513365; star + artifact
08192941+7043221 32 2MASXJ08192941+7043221; double star
09111950+6001188 40 2MASXJ09111950+6001188; fuzzy near NGC2768 (globular?)
10353610-3941026 22 2MASXJ10353610-3941026; star within artifact
11064602-7722296 33 2MASXJ11064602-7722296; very red fuzz; nature unknown
11070808-7723016 22 2MASXJ11070808-7723016; very red fuzz; HII, YSO ?
11084483-7743421 33 2MASXJ11084483-7743421; spectacular YSO; nebulosity, bipolar jet
11300463-7807296 22 2MASXJ11300463-7807296; faint star, corrupted by bright star
11395069+6813310 25 2MASXJ11395069+6813310; gal? source corrupted by edge flare
12330668+8233506 30 2MASXJ12330668+8233506; beautiful PN IC 3568
12363409+2556109 40 2MASXJ12363409+2556109; piece of big edge-on galaxy: NGC4565
13051669-4925022 22 2MASXJ13051669-4925022; stellar? near NGC4945
13370618-2953185 40 2MASXJ13370618-2953185; piece of M83
15441921-2419204 22 2MASXJ15441921-2419204; galaxy, heavily contaminated by nearby (brighter) star
16125713-3613263 30 2MASXJ16125713-3613263; beautiful PN NGC 6072
16254283-7210527 27 2MASXJ16254283-7210527; piece of stellar cluster NGC6101
16254446-7213207 27 2MASXJ16254446-7213207; piece of stellar cluster NGC6101
16254574-7209017 27 2MASXJ16254574-7209017; piece of stellar cluster NGC6101
16255333-7209479 27 2MASXJ16255333-7209479; piece of stellar cluster NGC6101
16255350-7210568 27 2MASXJ16255350-7210568; piece of stellar cluster NGC6101
16260414-7212240 27 2MASXJ16260414-7212240; piece of stellar cluster NGC6101
16260770-7209400 27 2MASXJ16260770-7209400; piece of stellar cluster NGC6101
16271650-7210378 27 2MASXJ16271650-7210378; piece of stellar cluster NGC6101
16274793-2630396 25 2MASXJ16274793-2630396; nasty artifact
16282913-2611553 25 2MASXJ16282913-2611553; triangle artifact
16323615-1303075 27 2MASXJ16323615-1303075; stellar cluster
16331360-2958570 25 2MASXJ16331360-2958570; PN? YSO?
16470361-0200160 27 2MASXJ16470361-0200160; stellar; piece of cluster M12
17145166+1359537 25 2MASXJ17145166+1359537; source embedded in nasty artifact; nature unknown
17155815+1413467 25 2MASXJ17155815+1413467; horrifying artifact
17274586-0504120 27 2MASXJ17274586-0504120; stellar cluster? high density of stars
17282321-0621522 22 2MASXJ17282321-0621522; galaxy; nearby stars
21021296+6807385 25 2MASXJ21021296+6807385; reddish star
21041082-1121481 30 2MASXJ21041082-1121481; awesome PN J2104-1121
13594914+3811206 2MASXJ13594914+3811206; piece of edge-on NGC5403
13595253+3810356 2MASXJ13595253+3810356; piece of edge-on NGC5403
16564292-6224213 2MASXJ16564292-6224213; piece of LSB ESO138-G007
16564480-6224293 2MASXJ16564480-6224293; piece of LSB ESO138-G007
21463696+0817329 2MASXJ21463696+0817329; peaked on a star just to the west of UGC 11809
21463810+0817407 2MASXJ21463810+0817407; piece of UGC 11809; 2MASS position might be OK; galaxy is cut in half by scan edge -- requires mosaic treatment
2MASXJ01202398+5801226 duplicate of MCG-10-03-001 (which now seems to have disappeared from LGA?)
2MASXJ01475111+6305278 galaxy cut in half?
2MASXJ01575530+5726037 duplicate of 01575636+5726026
2MASXJ03044857+5407413 point source embedded in large galaxy
2MASXJ03124482+5213500 same as 03124522+5213583
2MASXJ03354096+4635530 no postage stamp available (?)
2MASXJ04062549+5321492 star+nebulosity?
2MASXJ04565520+3757166 star cluster?
2MASXJ05112697+3752378 star cluster?
2MASXJ05195636+4249389 star cluster?
2MASXJ05210581+3639365 two stars?
2MASXJ05402025+2500485 two stars?
2MASXJ05404901+3402088 star cluster?
2MASXJ05410633+3608571 star cluster?
2MASXJ05414273+2251159 star?
2MASXJ05511185+0728345 star+nebula?
2MASXJ05562235+0749432 star+nebula?
2MASXJ06044670+3013571 star cluster
2MASXJ06104996+1232461 multiple stars?
2MASXJ06110597+1551441 galaxy cut by scan, duplicate of 06110644+1551489
2MASXJ06123081+1351145 multiple stars
2MASXJ06170474+1437545 multiple stars
2MASXJ06172392+1454325 multiple stars
2MASXJ06181144+1500129 multiple stars
2MASXJ06193289+1722432 multiple stars
2MASXJ06200969+1650483 nebula
2MASXJ06200969+1650483 star+nebula?
2MASXJ06312690+0648115 multiple stars
2MASXJ06390843+0220289 multiple stars
2MASXJ06414659+0147270 star+nebula?
2MASXJ06452386-0301101 stars? postage stamp too big
2MASXJ06570322-0501137 gal peaked up on nearby star
2MASXJ07092302-0048334 nebula?
2MASXJ07310660-0559482 ??? PN, maybe?
2MASXJ09411656+1039029 galaxy cut in half?
2MASXJ09434655+1127225 corrupted by stellar glare?
2MASXJ12461608+0820457 galaxy cut in half?
2MASXJ14034931+0544512 no postage stamp available (?)
2MASXJ15174730+0300458 weird... interacting?
2MASXJ16013398+2614511 postage stamp way too big... real galaxy?
2MASXJ18421925+1742167 gal peaked up on nearby star
2MASXJ18531497-0623155 multiple stars
2MASXJ19385562+2813452 two stars?
2MASXJ20102369+4627398 PN (in NED)
2MASXJ20362143+3634452 multiple stars?
2MASXJ20374765+5138017 postage stamp cut but galaxy seems OK
2MASXJ20491597+5119089 stellar diffraction spike
2MASXJ21070267+4214098 star?
2MASXJ21185980+4401180 stars+ diffuse nebula?
2MASXJ21202103+4519063 star cluster
2MASXJ21255239+4423193 stars+ diffuse nebula?
2MASXJ21460605+4508310 stars+nebula?
2MASXJ22051447+6048418 multiple stars?
2MASXJ22282106+6414125 star?
2MASXJ23460622+6323233 star
2MASXJ23553308+6014324 Irr galaxy peaked up on star?