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I. Introduction

I.5. How to Access NEOWISE Data Products


  1. Online Access
    1. Single-exposure Source Database and Other Tables
    2. Single-exposure Images
    3. Moving Object Tracklets
    4. Solar System Object Diameters and Albedos
  2. Application Programming Interface
  3. Electronic Access to the Full Source Databases
  4. Cloud Access to NEOWISE Data Products

The NEOWISE Single-exposure image and tabular science data products are distributed to the community via the online and computer-compatible services of the NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive (IRSA). Moving object tracklet information is available from the services of the IAU Minor Planet Center.

Data products from the first ten years of NEOWISE survey operations have been concatenated into single archives at IRSA so that all data may be queried easily at one time.

I.5.a. Online Access

I.5.a.i. Single-exposure Source Database and Other Tables

The IRSA/WISE/NEOWISE archive contains the NEOWISE Single-exposure Source Database extracted from the Single-exposure Images, Known Solar System Object Possible Association List, and other metadata tables. Logical queries on the NEOWISE Databases and Tables can be made via the IRSA Catalog Query Engine. The Query Engine enables searches on any Table attribute, such as position, brightness, color, quality flags, etc., or combinations thereof. Queries may be submitted using either a simple "Query-By-Table" form or with user-customizable SQL input. For example, one common query type is to search for all detections within a specified sky region, which can be most efficiently achieved using the query panel with spatial constraints.

Note: The Catalog Query Engine is not designed to support very large downloads of the NEOWISE Databases. Specifically, if the return data volume exceeds 2Gb, the query will be truncated. So be cautious when your return table is close to 2Gb in size.

I.5.a.ii. Images

The NEOWISE Single-exposure Image products are accessed using the IRSA WISE/NEOWISE Image Archive Service. This web-based interface enables selection, display and retrieval of full or subsections of the NEOWISE Single-exposures, as well as the image products from the WISE All-Sky and AllWISE Data Releases. Images can be queried by position or time of observation using the information stored in the image metadata. The returned images are in the native pixel format and projection of the image products. Both interactive and batch requests are supported by the image service.

The NEOWISE Data Releases do not include any co-added image products (i.e. Image Atlas), such as those accompanying the earlier AllWISE, WISE All-Sky and WISE 3-Band Cryo releases. However, an interactive image co-addition service that is optimized for WISE and NEOWISE Single-exposure images is available at IRSA. This service enables users to create custom co-adds with specifiable subsets of WISE and NEOWISE Single-exposure images at either stationary or moving positions and with optional resolution enhancement.

I.5.a.iii. Moving Object Tracklets

WISE Moving Object Tracklet information is accessed using the IAU Minor Planet Center MPCCAT-Observation Archive. To extract observations for a particular object reported to the MPC by the WISE Moving Object Pipeline System, use MPC-OBS specifying the WISE/NEOWISE observer code, C51. Note that newly discovered objects of particular interest, like NEOs, comets, and Centaurs, were issued Minor Planet Electronic Circulars (MPECS).

Instructions for retrieving Moving Object Tracklet information from the MPC are given in IV.3.c.iii.

I.5.a.iv. Solar System Object Diameters and Albedos

Diameters, optical albedos, near-infrared albedos and beaming parameters for Solar System small bodies have been derived using measurements made during the first five years of the NEOWISE Reactivation survey by Nugent et al. 2015, Nugent et al. 2016, Masiero et al. 2017, and Masiero et al. 2020. The derived physical parameters for near-Earth and Main Belt asteroids, active Main Belt objects, Hildas, Jupiter Trojans, Centaurs and Jovian and Saturnian irregular satellites from Year 1-3 NEOWISE Reactivation mission, along with those from the WISE 4-Band Cryo, 3-Band Cryo and NEOWISE Post-cryo surveys are available in the NASA Planetary Data System (PDS) Small Bodies Node Asteroid/Dust Archive.

NEOWISE physical parameters taken from the PDS holdings are also reported in search results returned by the JPL Small-Body Database Lookup.

I.5.b. Application Programming Interface

IRSA provides program-friendly interfaces to query and retrieve tabular and image data from the WISE and NEOWISE missions. These URL-accessible services provide query and download functionality that can be accessed directly from a web browser, or by writing and running a simple "wget" or "curl" script on their local Unix system. Documentation on using these services is available on the IRSA site via the following links:

IRSA Catalog Query Engine program interface documentation

IRSA image query service program interface documentation

I.5.c. Electronic Access to the Full Source Databases

The NEOWISE Single-exposure Source Databases from each annual data release are available in compressed bzip2 ASCII form for bulk download at

Be aware that the Database tables are extremely large, even in bzip2-compressed format. Please follow the links for each of the tables to determine how much storage space is required to download and unpack the tables.

I.5.d. Cloud Access to NEOWISE Data Products

IRSA has made the NEOWISE Single-exposure Images and Source Database, along with other WISE data products, available in AWS S3 cloud storage buckets as part of the NASA Open Source Science Initiative and the AWS Open Data Program. The files can be either downloaded or accessed in place. Credentials are not required. See IRSA's Cloud Access description of ways to interact with NEOWISE and other data products, and tools available to facilitate that interaction.

Last update: 24 January 2024

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