COG Output Files and & Description (15 Dec 2008) [cog01 WSDC D-I127] Interface Name: COG Output Curve of Growth Sources Table Type of Interface: program I/O Written By: Curve of Growth Module (COG) ______________ T. L. Evans Read By: Database load Description & Caveats: Version 0.1 of COG (dated 081119) Version 1.0 of COG (dated 081219) The output curve of growth sources table is written for each band and PSF bin that contains at least one "clean" source. The table name is determined by the input parameter 'outbase', the band, the total number of PSF bins in X and Y, and this PSF bin location; for example: [outbase]-w[band]-cog-[NpsfX]x[NpsfY]-[thisNpsfX]x[thisNpsfY].tbl or /wise/fops/scans/1b/01301b/wcog-w2-cog-05x05-02x04.tbl ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Specification of output variables: Table Header information: . Title: The title of the file, containing the originating program name (COG) and the PSF bin identifier, which consists of the band and the PSF bin location (XxY). . Version: Version and runtime information. . PSFName: The PSF bin identifier. . Nsrcs: The number of "clean" sources in this PSF bin. Tabular data: col Name Description Units Type Format --- ------- --------------------------------------------------------- ------- ---- ------ 1 nf File number (in order of input filelist) --- int d9 2 id ID of source in input file --- int d9 2 r Aperture radius in arcsec arcsec real e10.3 4 dm 'dm' value of this src (m[i]-m[i+1]) for this aperture mag real e12.3 Example table: \char Title = Aperture COG data: PSF w2-05x03 \char Version = COG v 0.10 081105 SVN:$Id Run at 2008-11-19 17:49:47 \char PSFname = w2-05x03 \int Nsrcs = 929 |nf |id |r |dm | |int |int |real |real | | | |arcsec |mag | 1 66 2.750e+00 8.650e-01 1 102 2.750e+00 8.430e-01 1 106 2.750e+00 9.390e-01 1 168 2.750e+00 7.780e-01 1 176 2.750e+00 8.470e-01 1 222 2.750e+00 7.810e-01 1 270 2.750e+00 8.430e-01 1 353 2.750e+00 9.070e-01 2 18 2.750e+00 8.580e-01 2 135 2.750e+00 8.840e-01 2 183 2.750e+00 1.350e+00 2 193 2.750e+00 8.160e-01 2 207 2.750e+00 8.010e-01 ....