WASSOC Output File Specification and Description (15 Jun 2009) [arc10 WSDC D-I154 version 1.0] Interface Name: 2MASS PSC Association 2MASS No-Matches File Interface Specification Type of Interface: program I/O Written By: WASSOC _________________________ T. L. Evans Read By: QA Description: The output 2MASS associations 2MASS no-matches file contains the data for the 2MASS PSC sources contained inside a certain image's boundaries that did not find a matching WISE source from that image. The table name is: /-assoc-2mass_nomch.tbl where and are WASSOC input parameters. col Name Description Units Type Format --- ----------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- ----- ------ 1 cntr 2MASS source cntr number -- int 10d 2 ra 2MASS source right ascension (J2000) deg double 10.6f 3 dec 2MASS source declination (J2000) deg double 10.6f 4 designation 2MASS source designation formed from sexigesimal coordinates -- char 17s 5 j_m 2MASS source J band selected "default" magnitude mag double 6.3f 6 j_msigcom 2MASS source combined (total) J band photometric uncertainty mag double 6.4f 7 h_m 2MASS source H band selected "default" magnitude mag double 6.3f 8 h_msigcom 2MASS source combined (total) H band photometric uncertainty mag double 6.4f 9 k_m 2MASS source K band selected "default" magnitude mag double 6.3f 10 k_msigcom 2MASS source combined (total) K band photometric uncertainty mag double 6.4f 11 ph_qual 2MASS flag indicating photometric quality of source -- char 3s 12 rd_flg 2MASS source of JHK "default" mags (AKA "read flag") -- char 3s 13 bl_flg 2MASS flag indicating # JHK components fit simultaneously to source -- char 3s 14 cc_flg 2MASS flag indicating JHK artifact contamination and/or confusion -- char 3s 15 gal_contam 2MASS flag indicating if src is contaminated by extended source -- int 7d 16 mp_flg 2MASS flag indicating if src is associated with an asteroid, comet, etc -- int 7d 17 jdate modified julian date of 2MASS source measurement to +/- 30 sec mJd double 12.5f Example table: |cntr |ra |dec |designation |j_m |j_msigcom|h_m |h_msigcom|k_m |k_msigcom|ph_qual|rd_flg|bl_flg|cc_flg|gal_contam|mp_flg|jdate | |int |double |double |char |double|double |double|double |double|double |char |char |char |char |int |int |double | | |deg |deg | |mag |mag |mag |mag |mag |mag | | | | | | | | |null |null |null |null |null |null |null |null |null |null |null |null |null |null |null |null |null | 340712611 347.383977 29.154913 23093215+2909176 16.628 0.1622 16.19 0.2876 15.325 null CDU 220 110 cc0 0 0 2451087.6422 340712592 347.384427 29.166651 23093226+2909599 15.688 0.07 15.108 0.0992 14.677 0.1067 AAA 222 111 000 0 0 2451087.6422 340731884 347.424634 29.176249 23094191+2910344 15.544 0.0597 15.078 0.0959 14.906 0.121 AAB 222 111 000 0 0 2451087.6504 340731896 347.401823 29.183535 23093643+2911007 16.653 0.1622 15.594 null 15.653 null CUU 266 200 c00 0 0 2451087.6504 340712527 347.355589 29.1952 23092534+2911427 16.48 0.1305 15.943 0.2112 15.456 0.2087 BCC 222 111 pp0 0 0 2451087.6422 340731932 347.417027 29.202379 23094008+2912085 15.837 0.0895 14.999 0.1022 14.59 0.1108 AAB 222 211 cc0 0 0 2451087.6504 340712515 347.348064 29.202612 23092353+2912094 16.498 0.1416 15.829 0.1859 15.461 0.1966 BCC 222 111 000 0 0 2451087.6422 340731951 347.433204 29.209782 23094396+2912352 16.562 0.1471 16.386 null 16.151 null BUU 200 100 000 0 0 2451087.6504 340731961 347.42513 29.215549 23094203+2912559 16.512 0.1339 15.922 0.1964 15.047 null BCU 220 110 000 0 0 2451087.6504 340734930 347.532934 29.224819 23100790+2913293 16.456 0.1244 15.878 0.1693 15.509 0.2157 BCC 222 111 ccc 0 0 2451087.6519 ....