DBPREP Output File Specification and Description  (19 Nov 2009)
[arc06 WSDC D-I143 version 3.2]

Interface Name:     Level 1b Solar System Object Match Data Table Archive DB 
                    Interface Specification
Type of Interface:  program I/O

Written By:         DBPREP _________________________ T. L. Evans
Read By:            Database load utility


Version 3.2 of DBPREP (dated 11-20-2009)

The output level 1b solar system object match data table includes concatenated 
data for all frames included in the DBPREP run.  The table name follows the
WISE/IRSA DB table naming convention and is determined by the input parameters
'out_dir' and 'out_base', the access type ('i' for internal), data type
('a_mch'), data level ('1b'), DB table version number, load ID number, output 
format (bar-delimited or IPAC table), and the scan ID string.  For example:


The data dictionary defining the IPAC table format and the database table
structure is below.

\ Default Data Dictionary
\ Date: 11-11-2009
\fixlen = T
\alias = none
\longitude = ra
\latitude = dec
\primary = cntr
\spt_ind = spt_ind
\x = x
\y = y
\z = z
|cntr| name             | original_name    | description                                                                    | units    | intype  | format          | dbtype          |nulls|tableflg|groupid|irsadef| sel |indx| notes  |
| i  | c                | c                | c                                                                              | c        | c       | c               | c               | c   | i      | i     | c     | c   | c  | c      |
    1 idnum              IDNum              WISE source number in frame, 0 if no association made                                       i         6d                integer           y            1       1 n       n     n             
    2 source_id          source_id          source ID (scan ID, frame num, and source number)                                           c         16s               character(16)     y            2       2 y       y     y             
    3 frame_id           frame_id           frame number                                                                                i         03d               integer           y            1       3 n       n     y             
    4 scan_id            scan_id            scan ID                                                                                     c         6s                character(6)      y            1       4 n       n     y             
    5 w1nois             W1nois             noise in W1 from associated WISE src data, avg over frame if no association      DN         r         6.2f              decimal(5,2)      y            1       5 n       n     n             
    6 w2nois             W2nois             noise in W2 from associated WISE src data, avg over frame if no association      DN         r         6.2f              decimal(5,2)      y            1       6 n       n     n             
    7 w3nois             W3nois             noise in W3 from associated WISE src data, avg over frame if no association      DN         r         6.2f              decimal(5,2)      y            1       7 n       n     n             
    8 w4nois             W4nois             noise in W4 from associated WISE src data, avg over frame if no association      DN         r         6.2f              decimal(5,2)      y            1       8 n       n     n             
    9 mconf              MConf              match confidence: 2-D chi-square parameter, max 99.99, -9.99 if no association              r         6.2f              decimal(4,2)      y            2       9 y       y     n             
   10 n                  N                  # of WISE point sources within assoc. threshold (max 9), 0 if no association                i         1d                integer           y            2      10 n       n     n             
   11 dra                dRA                RA distance (WISE - SSO)                                                         arcsec     r         6.1f              decimal(4,1)      y            2      11 y       y     n             
   12 ddec               dDec               Dec distance (WISE - SSO)                                                        arcsec     r         6.1f              decimal(4,1)      y            2      12 y       y     n             
   13 ra                 RA                 predicted Right Ascension (J2000)                                                deg        r         10.6f             decimal(9,6)      y            2      13 y       y     n             
   14 dec                Dec                predicted Declination (J2000)                                                    deg        r         10.6f             decimal(8,6)      y            2      14 y       y     y             
   15 objid              ObjID              Solar System object ID                                                                      c         36s               character(36)     y            2      15 y       y     y             
   16 t                  T                  type of Solar System object: A,Y,C,P,S,T,X                                                  c         1s                character(1)      y            2      16 y       y     n             
   17 rhelio             RHelio             heliocentric distance                                                            AU         r         9.5f              decimal(8,5)      y            2      17 y       y     n             
   18 rtopo              Rtopo              topocentric (spacecraft) distance                                                AU         r         9.5f              decimal(8,5)      y            1      18 y       y     n             
   19 phase              Phase              phase angle                                                                      deg        r         7.3f              decimal(6,3)      y            2      19 y       y     n             
   20 vmag               VMag               visual magnitude                                                                 mag        r         6.3f              decimal(5,3)      y            2      20 y       y     n             
   21 mu                 Mu                 proper motion                                                                    arcsec/s   r         7.3f              decimal(6,3)      y            2      21 y       y     n             
   22 theta              Theta              direction of proper motion (E of N)                                              deg        r         5.1f              decimal(4,1)      y            2      22 y       y     n             
   23 emj                EMj                semimajor axis of error ellipse                                                  arcsec     r         4.1f              decimal(3,1)      y            2      23 n       n     n             
   24 emn                EMn                semiminor axis of error ellipse                                                  arcsec     r         4.1f              decimal(3,1)      y            2      24 n       n     n             
   25 erang              ErAng              direction of EMj axis (E of N)                                                   deg        r         5.1f              decimal(4,1)      y            2      25 n       n     n             
   26 perdist            PerDist            perihelion distance                                                              AU         r         10.7f             decimal(9,7)      y            1      26 n       n     n             
   27 ecc                Ecc                orbital eccentricity                                                                        r         9.7f              decimal(8,7)      y            1      27 n       n     n             
   28 incl               Incl               orbital inclination                                                              deg        r         12.8f             decimal(11,8)     y            1      28 n       n     n             
   29 pv1                PV1                P vector (unit vector of Sun toward perihelion) X component                                 r         11.8f             decimal(9,8)      y            1      29 n       n     n             
   30 pv2                PV2                P vector (unit vector of Sun toward perihelion) Y component                                 r         11.8f             decimal(9,8)      y            1      30 n       n     n             
   31 pv3                PV3                P vector (unit vector of Sun toward perihelion) Z component                                 r         11.8f             decimal(9,8)      y            1      31 n       n     n             
   32 qv1                QV1                Q vector (unit vector orthog to P in orb plane, rt-handed abt ang mom) X comp.              r         11.8f             decimal(9,8)      y            1      32 n       n     n             
   33 qv2                QV2                Q vector (unit vector orthog to P in orb plane, rt-handed abt ang mom) Y comp.              r         11.8f             decimal(9,8)      y            1      33 n       n     n             
   34 qv3                QV3                Q vector (unit vector orthog to P in orb plane, rt-handed abt ang mom) Z comp.              r         11.8f             decimal(9,8)      y            1      34 n       n     n             
   35 pertime            PerTime            perihelion passage time, modified Julian date                                    mJD        r         13.5f             decimal(12,5)     y            1      35 n       n     n             
   36 err                Err                orbital element quality estimate                                                            r         4.1f              decimal(3,1)      y            1      36 n       n     n             
   37 amag               Amag               absolute magnitude                                                               mag        r         5.2f              decimal(4,2)      y            2      37 y       y     n             
   38 slope              Slope              slope parameter for computing phase-dependent term in visual mag                            r         5.2f              decimal(4,2)      y            2      38 n       n     n             
   39 w1mpro             w1mpro             associated WISE source W1 profile-fit magnitude                                  mag        r         7.3f              decimal(5,3)      y            2      39 y       y     n             
   40 w1sgmp             w1sgmp             associated WISE source W1 profile-fit magnitude uncertainty                      mag        r         5.3f              decimal(4,3)      y            2      40 y       y     n             
   41 w2mpro             w2mpro             associated WISE source W2 profile-fit magnitude                                  mag        r         7.3f              decimal(5,3)      y            2      41 y       y     n             
   42 w2sgmp             w2sgmp             associated WISE source W2 profile-fit magnitude uncertainty                      mag        r         5.3f              decimal(4,3)      y            2      42 y       y     n             
   43 w3mpro             w3mpro             associated WISE source W3 profile-fit magnitude                                  mag        r         7.3f              decimal(5,3)      y            2      43 y       y     n             
   44 w3sgmp             w3sgmp             associated WISE source W3 profile-fit magnitude uncertainty                      mag        r         5.3f              decimal(4,3)      y            2      44 y       y     n             
   45 w4mpro             w4mpro             associated WISE source W4 profile-fit magnitude                                  mag        r         7.3f              decimal(5,3)      y            2      45 y       y     n             
   46 w4sgmp             w4sgmp             associated WISE source W4 profile-fit magnitude uncertainty                      mag        r         5.3f              decimal(4,3)      y            2      46 y       y     n             
   47 bond               Bond               Bond albedo                                                                                 r         5.3f              decimal(4,3)      y            1      47 y       y     n             
   48 sgbnd              SgBnd              Bond albedo uncertainty                                                                     r         5.3f              decimal(4,3)      y            1      48 y       y     n             
   49 diam               Diam               diameter                                                                         km         r         7.2f              decimal(6,2)      y            2      49 y       y     n             
   50 sigdm              SigDm              diameter uncertainty                                                             km         r         5.2f              decimal(4,2)      y            2      50 y       y     n             
   51 beam               Beam               beaming parameter                                                                           r         5.3f              decimal(4,3)      y            1      51 y       y     n             
   52 sgbem              SgBem              beaming parameter uncertainty                                                               r         5.3f              decimal(4,3)      y            1      52 y       y     n             
   53 tss                Tss                sub-solar temperature                                                            K          r         7.2f              decimal(6,2)      y            1      53 y       y     n             
   54 sgtss              SgTss              sub-solar temperature uncertainty                                                K          r         5.2f              decimal(4,2)      y            1      54 y       y     n             
   55 scan               scan               scan ID                                                                                     c         6s                character(6)      y            1      55 n       n     y             
   56 frame              frame              frame number                                                                                i         03d               integer           y            1      56 n       n     y             
   57 obsepoch           obsepoch           Epoch of observation (frame)                                                     JD         r         18.9f             decimal(17,9)     y            1      57 n       n     n             
   58 jul_date           jul_date           modified Julian date of the mid-point of the observation of the frame            mjdate     r         12.6f             decimal(11,6)     y            1      58 y       y     n             
   59 load_id            load_id            unique load ID number                                                                       i         4d                integer           n            2      59 n       n     n             
   60 cntr               cntr               unique entry counter (key) number                                                           i         12d               serial8           n            2      60 n       n     y             
   61 x                  x                  unit sphere (x,y,z) position x value                                                        r         19.16f            decimal(17,16)    n            2      61 h       h     n             
   62 y                  y                  unit sphere (x,y,z) position y value                                                        r         19.16f            decimal(17,16)    n            2      62 h       h     n             
   63 z                  z                  unit sphere (x,y,z) position z value                                                        r         19.16f            decimal(17,16)    n            2      63 h       h     n             
   64 spt_ind            spt_ind            spatial (x,y,z) index key                                                                   i         9d                integer           n            2      64 h       h     y