PCal Outfile Files and & Description (Sept 17, 2008) SPCal_sis v1.0 pcl05 - WSDC D-I115 Interface Name: SPCal Interface Type of Interface: program i/o Written By: Scan Photometric Calibration System (SPCal) __________ S. Wheelock Read By: Description & Caveats: File contains scan level zero point calculation one value for each WISE band. Version 0.1 of SPCal, scan processing by PCal. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Specification of output variables: Header comments: Tabular data: cols Name Description Units Type Format ---- ---- ----------------------------------------------- ------- ---- -------- 1 scan extracted source ID counter - from WPHOT file -- int I8 2 zppsfw1 zero point computed from the psf mag Band 1 mag R*8 e20.10 3 zppsfw2 zero point computed from the psf mag Band 2 mag R*8 e20.10 4 zppsfw3 zero point computed from the psf mag Band 3 mag R*8 e20.10 5 zppsfw4 zero point computed from the psf mag Band 4 mag R*8 e20.10 6 ezppsfw1 zero point error computed from the psf mag Band 1 mag R*8 e10.4 7 ezppsfw2 zero point error computed from the psf mag Band 2 mag R*8 e10.4 8 ezppsfw3 zero point error computed from the psf mag Band 3 mag R*8 e10.4 9 ezppsfw4 zero point error computed from the psf mag Band 4 mag R*8 e10.4 ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Example table: |scan |zppsfw1 |zppsfw2 |zppsfw3 |zppsfw4 |ezppsfw1 |ezppsfw2 |ezppsfw3 |ezpps fw4 | |int |double |double |double |double |double |double |double |doubl e | | |mag |mag |mag |mag |mag |mag |mag |mag | 10 -2.0000000000e-03 0.0000000000e+00 0.0000000000e+00 0.0000000000e+00 9.1731e-16 0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00 0.000 0e+00