CalS File & Description (June 12, 2008) Interface Name: FPCal Interface Type of Interface: program input - reference file Read By: Frame Photometric Calibration System (FPCal ) __________ S. Wheelock Description & Caveats: File contains all Primary Calibration stars within the Southern hemisphere. This file is created off-line and modified as calibrators are selected. The specific Cals file used depends on the location of the WISE frame. Version 0.1 of FPCal, single-frame processing by PCal. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Specification of input variables: Header comments: Tabular data: cols Name Description Units Type Format ---- ---- ----------------------------------------------- ------- ---- -------- 1 calname calibration source ID -- char s*15 2 spt calibrator spectral type -- char s*8 3 ra position RA (J2000) deg double f15.7 4 dec position Dec (J2000) deg double f15.7 5 cat catalog source located -- char s*10 6 band WISE bands -- char s*7 7 w1mag WISE band 1 mag mag real f9.4 8 ew1mag WISE band 1 mag error mag real f9.4 9 w2mag WISE Band 2 mag mag real f9.4 10 ew2mag WISE Band 2 mag error mag real f9.4 11 w3mag WISE Band 3 mag mag real f9.4 12 ew3mag WISE Band 3 mag error mag real f9.4 13 w4mag WISE Band 4 mag mag real f9.4 14 ew4mag WISE Band 4 mag error mag real f9.4 ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Example table: \ WISE Band1,2,3 calibration Stars in the WISE NEP CVZ | calname |spt | ra | dec | cat | band | w1fx | ew1fx | w2fx | ew2fx | w3fx | ew3fx | w4fx | ew4fx | | char | char | double | double | char | char | real | real | real | real | real | real | real | real | KF03T4 K1III 345.9262100 28.1160900 2MASS 1,2,3 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.810000E+06 0.277000E+0 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 KF05T1 K1III 346.2549500 28.2361500 2MASS 1,2,3 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.810000E+06 0.277000E+0 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00