WISE Software Interface Specification; QAoutput_icl03; (WSDC D-I160) Written by F. Masci, version 1.0, 07/13/2009 Interface Name: Metadata for tempcal calibration products Type of Interface: QA metadata written to ASCII file in IPAC table format Read By: WISE QA Application Framework __________ H. Brandenburg D. Kirkpatrick C. Gelino S. Fajardo-Acosta Written By: dynacal/wtempcal _______________________ H. Brandenberg with some computations from: tempcal (module) _______________________ J. Fowler F. Masci DESCRIPTION: The dynacal pipeline calls the wtempcal wrapper which in turn executes the tempcal module to generate sky-offset calibration products and tag bad pixel transients in frame masks. This pipeline shall generate a table storing metrics to support Quality Assurance (QA) downstream. The table shall be in the IPAC standard format. Dynacal shall generate one of these tables for all segments and bands in a (half-orbit) scan. A segment is defined as a partition of a single scan, containing enough frames to ensure robust sky-offset estimation. We expect anywhere from 3 to 5 segments per scan. EXAMPLE TABLE: Below is an example of an output QA metadata table file. The metrics are not necessarily realistic. Specific algorithms and a description of the not-so-obvious metrics will be described in the tempcal Subsystem Design Specification (document WSDC D-D011: http://wise2.ipac.caltech.edu/staff/fmasci/sds-tempcal.pdf). See below for notes on the orgin of some metrics. \ WISE QA metadata for tempcal products \ Generated by dynacal, v.1.0 on 2009-07-13 at 10:04:55 \ \ location of sky-offset products: \ /wise/fops/scans/5a/00435a/cal/ \ | name |band |hdrname |type |value |comment | | c | i |c |c |c |c | | | | | | | | dynacal:MinInFrames 1 - i 70 Minimum number of frames desired for segment creation dynacal:MinInFrames 2 - i 70 Minimum number of frames desired for segment creation dynacal:MinInFrames 3 - i 70 Minimum number of frames desired for segment creation dynacal:MinInFrames 4 - i 70 Minimum number of frames desired for segment creation dynacal:MinGoodFrames 1 - i 60 Minimum number of frames required for sky-offset creation dynacal:MinGoodFrames 2 - i 60 Minimum number of frames required for sky-offset creation dynacal:MinGoodFrames 3 - i 60 Minimum number of frames required for sky-offset creation dynacal:MinGoodFrames 4 - i 60 Minimum number of frames required for sky-offset creation dynacal:NumSegments 1 - i 4 Number of segments in scan dynacal:NumSegments 2 - i 4 Number of segments in scan dynacal:NumSegments 3 - i 4 Number of segments in scan dynacal:NumSegments 4 - i 4 Number of segments in scan dynacal:SegNumFrames 1 - i 70 Number of input frames in segment dynacal:SegNumFiltFrames 1 NUMINP i 70 Number of frames used in segment , post filtering dynacal:SegNumFrames 2 - i 70 Number of input frames in segment dynacal:SegNumFiltFrames 2 NUMINP i 70 Number of frames used in segment , post filtering dynacal:SegNumFrames 3 - i 70 Number of input frames in segment dynacal:SegNumFiltFrames 3 NUMINP i 68 Number of frames used in segment , post filtering dynacal:SegNumFrames 4 - i 70 Number of input frames in segment dynacal:SegNumFiltFrames 4 NUMINP i 58 Number of frames used in segment , post filtering dynacal:Segutcsbgn 1 UTCSBGN r 1277216277 Earliest UTCS in frame stack of segment [sec] dynacal:Segutcsend 1 UTCSEND r 1277216816 Latest UTCS in frame stack of segment [sec] dynacal:Segutcsbgn 2 UTCSBGN r 1277216279 Earliest UTCS in frame stack of segment [sec] dynacal:Segutcsend 2 UTCSEND r 1277216815 Latest UTCS in frame stack of segment [sec] dynacal:Segutcsbgn 3 UTCSBGN r 1277216270 Earliest UTCS in frame stack of segment [sec] dynacal:Segutcsend 3 UTCSEND r 1277216810 Latest UTCS in frame stack of segment [sec] dynacal:Segutcsbgn 4 UTCSBGN r 1277216278 Earliest UTCS in frame stack of segment [sec] dynacal:Segutcsend 4 UTCSEND r 1277216815 Latest UTCS in frame stack of segment [sec] dynacal:SegSkyOffMean 1 - r 0.412345 Mean pixel value in sky-offset for segment [DN] dynacal:SegSkyOffMean 2 - r 0.212345 Mean pixel value in sky-offset for segment [DN] dynacal:SegSkyOffMean 3 - r 1.512345 Mean pixel value in sky-offset for segment [DN] dynacal:SegSkyOffMean 4 - r 0.712345 Mean pixel value in sky-offset for segment [DN] dynacal:SegSkyOffMedian 1 - r 0.412345 Median pixel value in sky-offset for segment [DN] dynacal:SegSkyOffMedian 2 - r 0.212345 Median pixel value in sky-offset for segment [DN] dynacal:SegSkyOffMedian 3 - r 1.512345 Median pixel value in sky-offset for segment [DN] dynacal:SegSkyOffMedian 4 - r 0.712345 Median pixel value in sky-offset for segment [DN] dynacal:SegSkyOffStdDev 1 - r 0.412345 Unbiased pixel standard dev. in sky-offset for segment [DN] dynacal:SegSkyOffStdDev 2 - r 0.212345 Unbiased pixel standard dev. in sky-offset for segment [DN] dynacal:SegSkyOffStdDev 3 - r 1.512345 Unbiased pixel standard dev. in sky-offset for segment [DN] dynacal:SegSkyOffStdDev 4 - r 0.712345 Unbiased pixel standard dev. in sky-offset for segment [DN] dynacal:SegSkyOffSig 1 - r 0.412345 Pixel sigma in sky-offset from 0.5*(84%-16%) for segment [DN] dynacal:SegSkyOffSig 2 - r 0.212345 Pixel sigma in sky-offset from 0.5*(84%-16%) for segment [DN] dynacal:SegSkyOffSig 3 - r 1.512345 Pixel sigma in sky-offset from 0.5*(84%-16%) for segment [DN] dynacal:SegSkyOffSig 4 - r 0.712345 Pixel sigma in sky-offset from 0.5*(84%-16%) for segment [DN] dynacal:SegSkyOffUnc 1 - r 0.412345 Median pixel uncertainty in sky-offset for segment [DN] dynacal:SegSkyOffUnc 2 - r 0.212345 Median pixel uncertainty in sky-offset for segment [DN] dynacal:SegSkyOffUnc 3 - r 1.512345 Median pixel uncertainty in sky-offset for segment [DN] dynacal:SegSkyOffUnc 4 - r 0.712345 Median pixel uncertainty in sky-offset for segment [DN] dynacal:SegMinPersist 1 - i 15 Minimum run length to diagnose transients in segment dynacal:SegMinPersist 2 - i 13 Minimum run length to diagnose transients in segment dynacal:SegMinPersist 3 - i 17 Minimum run length to diagnose transients in segment dynacal:SegMinPersist 4 - i 11 Minimum run length to diagnose transients in segment dynacal:SegNumTransients 1 - i 189 Number of bad-pixel transients tagged in segment dynacal:SegNumTransients 2 - i 89 Number of bad-pixel transients tagged in segment dynacal:SegNumTransients 3 - i 41 Number of bad-pixel transients tagged in segment dynacal:SegNumTransients 4 - i 95 Number of bad-pixel transients tagged in segment dynacal:SegNumDecays 1 - i 6 Number of significantly decaying transients tagged in segment dynacal:SegNumDecays 2 - i 7 Number of significantly decaying transients tagged in segment dynacal:SegNumDecays 3 - i 3 Number of significantly decaying transients tagged in segment dynacal:SegNumDecays 4 - i 1 Number of significantly decaying transients tagged in segment dynacal:SegMedTrans 1 - r 6 Median transient run length in stack in segment dynacal:SegMedTrans 2 - r 7 Median transient run length in stack in segment dynacal:SegMedTrans 3 - r 3 Median transient run length in stack in segment dynacal:SegMedTrans 4 - r 1 Median transient run length in stack in segment dynacal:SegMedDrops 1 - r 6 Median number of pairwise pixel drops in segment dynacal:SegMedDrops 2 - r 7 Median number of pairwise pixel drops in segment dynacal:SegMedDrops 3 - r 3 Median number of pairwise pixel drops in segment dynacal:SegMedDrops 4 - r 1 Median number of pairwise pixel drops in segment dynacal:SegMedFdropLat 1 - r 6 Median of ratio: num 'drops/run length for decays' in segment dynacal:SegMedFdropLat 2 - r 7 Median of ratio: num 'drops/run length for decays' in segment dynacal:SegMedFdropLat 3 - r 3 Median of ratio: num 'drops/run length for decays' in segment dynacal:SegMedFdropLat 4 - r 1 Median of ratio: num 'drops/run length for decays' in segment NOTES: * The refers to the input segment number. * If a sky-offset product could not be created, e.g., minimum number of frames not satisfied after filtering, the SegNum* metrics should still be generated. "null" for the statistics-like metrics on the sky-offset products (i.e., the SegSkyOff*) should then be inserted. * The MinInFrames and MinGoodFrames are respectively the "minframes (mfr)" and "mingood (mgd)" input parameters to dynacal. * The Segutcsbgn and Segutcsend are directly from the sky-offset product FITS headers. * The SegSkyOffMean, SegSkyOffMedian, SegSkyOffStdDev metrics can be computed using one PDL call: ($mean,$stddev,$med,$min,$max) = $skyoff_pdl->stats(); * The SegSkyOffSig can be computed using the PDL call: $sigma = 0.5*(pct($skyoff_pdl,0.8413)-pct($skyoff_pdl,0.1586)); * The SegSkyOffUnc are medians of the sky-offset uncertainty images, i.e., computed off the: -w<>-skyoffsetunc-seg.fits * The MinPersist, NumTransients, NumDecays, MedTrans, MedDrops, and MedFdropLat metrics correspond to respectively the statistics: MinPersist, Ntrans, Nlat, MedTrans, MedDrops, and MedFdropL in the tempcal output summary file: "tempcal-stats.tbl" for a single segment and band. This is generated if the -qa switch is specified on the tempcal command-line. FILE NAME: Since dynacal shall generate one metadata table per scan for all bands, a suggested filename shall be for example: 00435a-meta-dynacal.tbl, where "00435a" is the scan ID.