SSO Planetary-Satellite Data File (June 2, 2009) [sso06 WSDC D-I151, vsn 1.0] Interface Name: SSO Planetary-Satellite Data Type of Interface: ASCII text file (fixed-width columns) Written By: SSO Prediction CogE______________________ D. Tholen Read By: SSOID (ssoinit, ssoid)___________________ J. Fowler DESCRIPTION: The SSO Planetary-Satellite Data File contains all information needed to compute the heliocentric J2000 position of a selected set of planetary satellites. This file is prepared offline by the SSO Prediction Cognizant Engineer, David Tholen, and updated versions are provided to WSDC on a schedule coordinated with observation opportunities. The file contains ASCII text data arranged in columns of fixed width. The first line contains text labels, and all subsequent lines contain satellite information, one satellite per line. Description of Columns After the First Line: Cols Name Description Units Type Format ------- ------ ------------------------------------- ------- ---- -------- 1-16 Name Standard object ID field - C*16 A16 17-24 Hmag Absolute magnitude mag R*4 3X,F5.2 25-36 Epoch Epoch of state vectors JD R*8 3X,F9.1 37-47 GMsat Grav. Const * satellite mass [1] R*8 3X,F8.2 48-187 Sat(6) Satellite state vector [2] R*8 2X,6F23.0 188-211 GMplan Grav. Const * planet mass [1] R*8 3X,F21.0 212-351 Sun(6) Sun state vector [2] R*8 2X,6F23.0 352-375 GMsun Grav. Const * solar mass [1] R*8 3X,F21.0 Notes: 1.) Units are au^3/day^2 2.) State vector arrays consist of six elements, the three components of the position vector in units of AU and the three components of the velocity vector in AU/day; all vectors are planetocentric. EXAMPLES: Object ID H Epoch GM sat x sat (AU) y sat (AU) z sat (AU) x' sat (AU/day) y' sat (AU/day) z' sat (AU/day) GM planet x sun (AU) y sun (AU) z sun (AU) x' sun (AU/day) y' (AU/day) z' sun (AU/day) GM sun (AU^3/day^2) Himalia JVI 8.14 2455200.5 7.65E-16 3.337530049046429E-02 -4.110599789407288E-02 -5.579877211213875E-02 1.430102469077968E-03 1.237947053440359E-03 2.779462793086169E-04 2.825345840873950D-07 -4.518547977000506E+00 1.931280787038554E+00 9.378171835165749E-01 -3.145461568065706E-03 -6.629839539199737E-03 -2.765203064442216E-03 2.959122082855911D-04 Elara JVII 10.07 2455200.5 7.97E-17 -1.894271202111739E-02 -6.312677002380815E-02 -7.569747392114600E-03 1.866433324821279E-03 -2.691214974263104E-04 -1.156278509209771E-03 2.825345840873950D-07 -4.518547977000506E+00 1.931280787038554E+00 9.378171835165749E-01 -3.145461568065706E-03 -6.629839539199737E-03 -2.765203064442216E-03 2.959122082855911D-04 Pasiphae JVIII 10.33 2455200.5 7.27E-18 3.682022374254096E-02 -1.968630506975959E-01 2.063185542299294E-02 -9.728787798035620E-04 -3.197274148375213E-05 1.120761044842057E-04 2.825345840873950D-07 -4.518547977000506E+00 1.931280787038554E+00 9.378171835165749E-01 -3.145461568065706E-03 -6.629839539199737E-03 -2.765203064442216E-03 2.959122082855911D-04