PSF QA Meta-Data File (November 30, 2009) [qua12 WSDC D-I178, vsn 1.0] Interface Name: PSF QA Meta-Data File Type of Interface: Table file (WISE Meta-Data format) Written By: PSFGRID _________________________________ J. Fowler Read By: WISE QA Application Framework ___________ D. Kirkpatrick This file is produced by the ops pipeline for each science scan by the PSFGRID module. The file name may be specified via the "-qa" command-line option, otherwise it is constructed from the 1x1 FITS image name (see SIS qua10). Two data lines are included. The first is the uncertainty of the estimated PSF, computed by averaging the uncertainties of each oversampled pixel inside the FWHM (Full Width at Half Maximum). The second line gives the RMS dispersion about the estimated PSF, similarly averaged. Sample File: \ psfgrid Meta-Data (PSF_S/N) file - WISE PSF Mean S/N of 1x1 PSF \ Generated by psfgrid vsn 3.6 A90914 on 14-09-09 at 14:11:05 | name | band | hdrname | type | value | comment | | c | i | c | c | c | c | psfgrid:SNRunc 1 SNRUNC r 1.557096492542940E+01 mean PSF S/N inside FWHM, noise = uncertainty of mean psfgrid:SNRrms 1 SNRRMS r 1.142811625223052E+00 mean PSF S/N inside FWHM, noise = RMS about mean