WASSOC Output File Specification and Description (15 Jun 2009) [arc09 WSDC D-I153 version 1.0] Interface Name: 2MASS PSC Association Matches File Interface Specification Type of Interface: program I/O Written By: WASSOC _________________________ T. L. Evans Read By: QA Description: The output 2MASS associations matches file contains match cross-reference data, 2MASS PSC source data, and minimal WISE source data for the closest matches between the WISE and 2MASS PSC sources contained in a certain image. The table name is: /-assoc-2mass_mch.tbl where and are WASSOC input parameters. col Name Description Units Type Format --- ----------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- ----- ------ 1 source_id WISE unique source ID (scan ID, frame num, and source number) -- char 17s 2 ra WISE source right ascension (J2000) deg real 11.7f 3 dec WISE source declination (J2000) deg real 11.7f 4 x_dist angular separation between WISE source and closest 2MASS match arcsec double 8.7f 5 x_posang position angle between WISE source and closest 2MASS match (E of N) deg double 8.7f 6 x_dtheta true angular separation in RA between WISE source and closest 2MASS match arcsec double 8.7f 7 x_dphi true angular separation in dec between WISE source and closest 2MASS match arcsec double 8.7f 8 x_nm total number of possible 2MASS source matches to this WISE source -- int 6d 9 x_a_nm total number of possible WISE source matches to this 2MASS source -- int 6d 10 a_cntr 2MASS source cntr number -- int 10d 11 a_ra 2MASS source right ascension (J2000) deg double 10.6f 12 a_dec 2MASS source declination (J2000) deg double 10.6f 13 a_designation 2MASS source designation formed from sexigesimal coordinates -- char 17s 14 a_j_m 2MASS source J band selected "default" magnitude mag double 6.3f 15 a_j_msigcom 2MASS source combined (total) J band photometric uncertainty mag double 6.4f 16 a_h_m 2MASS source H band selected "default" magnitude mag double 6.3f 17 a_h_msigcom 2MASS source combined (total) H band photometric uncertainty mag double 6.4f 18 a_k_m 2MASS source K band selected "default" magnitude mag double 6.3f 19 a_k_msigcom 2MASS source combined (total) K band photometric uncertainty mag double 6.4f 20 a_ph_qual 2MASS flag indicating photometric quality of source -- char 3s 21 a_rd_flg 2MASS source of JHK "default" mags (AKA "read flag") -- char 3s 22 a_bl_flg 2MASS flag indicating # JHK components fit simultaneously to source -- char 3s 23 a_cc_flg 2MASS flag indicating JHK artifact contamination and/or confusion -- char 3s 24 a_gal_contam 2MASS flag indicating if src is contaminated by extended source -- int 7d 25 a_mp_flg 2MASS flag indicating if src is associated with an asteroid, comet, etc -- int 7d 26 a_jdate modified julian date of 2MASS source measurement to +/- 30 sec mJd double 12.5f Example table: |source_id |ra |dec |x_dist |x_posang|x_dtheta|x_dphi |x_nm |x_a_nm|a_cntr |a_ra |a_dec |a_designation |a_j_m |a_j_msigcom|a_h_m |a_h_msigcom|a_k_m |a_k_msigcom|a_ph_qual|a_rd_flg|a_bl_flg|a_cc_flg|a_gal_contam|a_mp_flg|a_jdate | |char |real |real |double |double |double |double |int |int |int |double |double |char |double|double |double|double |double|double |char |char |char |char |int |int |double | |-- |deg |deg |arcsec |deg |arcsec |arcsec |- |- | |deg |deg | |mag |mag |mag |mag |mag |mag | | | | | | | | |-- |-- |-- |null |null |null |null |null |null |null |null |null |null |null |null |null |null |null |null |null |null |null |null |null |null |null | 41495b001-000387 347.3829346 29.1531754 0.661 -147.277 -0.357 -0.556 1 1 340712616 347.382821 29.153021 23093187+2909108 13.452 0.0251 12.88 0.0258 12.774 0.0273 AAA 222 111 000 0 0 2451087.6422 41495b001-002038 347.4034424 29.1624622 0.941 136.362 0.649 -0.681 1 1 340731857 347.403649 29.162273 23093687+2909441 15.325 0.0514 14.691 0.0678 14.53 0.0852 AAA 222 111 000 0 0 2451087.6504 41495b001-002103 347.4068298 29.1744385 2.910 -18.960 -0.945 2.752 1 1 340731879 347.406529 29.175203 23093756+2910307 16.312 0.1138 15.48 0.1281 15.464 0.238 BBD 222 111 000 0 0 2451087.6504 41495b001-001153 347.4042358 29.1763630 1.925 -165.168 -0.493 -1.861 1 1 340731883 347.404079 29.175846 23093697+2910330 15.173 0.0504 14.377 0.0589 14.207 0.0831 AAA 222 111 000 0 0 2451087.6504 41495b001-000641 347.4045105 29.1820831 0.929 -147.322 -0.501 -0.782 1 1 340731893 347.404351 29.181866 23093704+2910547 14.561 0.0321 13.819 0.0372 13.706 0.0461 AAA 222 111 000 0 0 2451087.6504 41495b001-006997 347.3572083 29.1832962 1.835 -149.276 -0.938 -1.578 1 1 340712554 347.35691 29.182858 23092565+2910582 16.444 0.129 15.748 null 15.557 0.224 BUD 202 101 000 0 0 2451087.6422 41495b001-005357 347.3353882 29.1876888 1.591 -133.977 -1.145 -1.104 1 1 340712542 347.335024 29.187382 23092040+2911145 16.656 0.1651 15.88 null 15.654 null CUU 200 100 000 0 0 2451087.6422 41495b001-000919 347.4306641 29.1923599 1.141 -143.856 -0.673 -0.921 1 1 340731915 347.43045 29.192104 23094330+2911315 14.269 0.0298 13.878 0.046 13.83 0.0559 AAA 222 111 000 0 0 2451087.6504 41495b001-002364 347.4515381 29.1950340 0.937 -174.590 -0.088 -0.932 1 1 340731921 347.45151 29.194775 23094836+2911411 15.609 0.064 15.035 0.0937 14.718 0.1048 AAA 222 111 000 0 0 2451087.6504 41495b001-000563 347.3640137 29.1959724 0.670 -139.427 -0.436 -0.509 1 1 340712525 347.363875 29.195831 23092733+2911449 13.761 0.0236 13.266 0.0301 13.13 0.0358 AAA 222 111 000 0 0 2451087.6422 ....