WISE Software Interface Specification; icl02; (WSDC D-I123) Written by F. Masci, version 1.0, 03/09/2009 Interface Name: Intermediate Instrumental Calibration (ICAL) output products: "int", "unc" and "msk" (level-1a frames) Type of Interface: FITS-Formatted 32-bit frames from ICAL pipeline Read By: EXEC _____________________________ T. Conrow Written/Updated By: ICAL _____________________________ F. Masci (Instrumental Calibration script: "instruframecal") EXEC _____________________________ T. Conrow (Instrumental Calibration wrapper: "wsfical") DESCRIPTION: The ICAL pipeline generates three FITS image products per band: an intensity image, uncertainty image, and bit-mask image (see generic filenames below). A description of these products is given in the ICAL Subsystem Design Specification (document WSDC D-D018). The intensity pixel values correspond to intrumentally calibration data, and are ready for the first round of source extraction to support single frame position reconstruction (SFPRex). These products correspond to level-1a frames in the WSDS processing hierarchy and are purely used for internal processing. Their FITS headers are updated by the "wsfical" wrapper in the executive (EXEC) sub-system and the majority of keywords are propagated from input level-0 frames created by the Ingest sub-system. It's important to note that the WCS pointing keywords in the level-1a frames (as shown below) correspond to that generated by raw ADCS telemetry. They are accurate to a few arcminutes. Astrometrically calibrated frames are defined as "level-1b" and described in a separate specifications document. FITS HEADER: Below is an example of a level-1a FITS image header. Keyword values are not realistic. Note that each product ("int", "unc" and "msk") contains the same basic header structure and the filenames (FRMFILE) always point to the master intensity image (int). Also, band 4 frames will have NAXIS1 = NAXIS2 = 508; with pertinent WCS keywords updated. Mask (msk) images have BITPIX = 32 (4 byte integer format). SIMPLE = T / file does conform to FITS standard BITPIX = -32 / number of bits per data pixel NAXIS = 2 / number of data axes NAXIS1 = 1016 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 1016 / length of data axis 2 EXTEND = T / FITS dataset may contain extensions COMMENT FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in 'Astronomy and Astrophysics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A...376..359H LONGSTRN= 'OGIP 1.0' WRELEASE= 'NONE ' RAWFILE = './09348161859-1.fits' L0FILE = '/wise/fops/l0/5b/40005b/fr/001/40005b001-w1-int-0.fits' BAND = 1 DATE_OBS= '2009-12-14T16:19:03' DTANNEAL= -1 UTANNEAL= 0 SCAN = '40005b ' SCANGRP = '5b ' FRNUM = 1 UNIXT = 1260807543 DATIME = '091214T161903Z' EPHEMT = 314122743 UTC = '2009-348T16:19:03.000' EXPTIME = 8.8 TSAMP = 1.1 SCLK_OBS= 1260807543 UTCS_OBS= 1260807543 MJD_OBS = 55179.67989583 CRDER1 = 0.017 CRDER2 = 0.017 UNCRTPA = 0.017 CSDRADEC= 0 UNCRTS1 = 3.0E-06 UNCRTS2 = 3.0E-06 CRPIX1 = 508.5 CRPIX2 = 508.5 CRVAL1 = 346.62027 CRVAL2 = 24.723413 CTYPE1 = 'RA---SIN-SIP' CTYPE2 = 'DEC--SIN-SIP' WCDELT1 = -0.000763212454038847 WCDELT2 = 0.000763212454038847 WCROTA2 = 295.960723145433 PA = 64.0392768545668 PXSCAL1 = -2.74756483453985 PXSCAL2 = 2.74756483453985 CD1_1 = -0.0003341 CD1_2 = 0.0006862 CD2_1 = 0.0006862 CD2_2 = 0.0003341 RA0 = 346.62027 DEC0 = 24.723413 ELON0 = 358.283464375023 ELAT0 = 27.861506700888 GLON0 = 94.5642062217685 GLAT0 = -32.3030368943585 A_0_2 = 0. A_0_3 = 0. A_1_1 = 0. A_1_2 = -1.72715E-08 A_2_0 = 0. A_2_1 = 0. A_3_0 = -1.7339E-08 A_DMAX = 4.772 A_ORDER = 3 AP_0_2 = 0. AP_0_3 = 0. AP_1_1 = 0. AP_1_2 = 1.77752256E-08 AP_2_0 = 0. AP_2_1 = 0. AP_3_0 = 1.77752256E-08 AP_ORDER= 3 B_0_2 = 0. B_0_3 = -1.7339E-08 B_1_1 = 0. B_1_2 = 0. B_2_0 = 0. B_2_1 = -1.72715E-08 B_3_0 = 0. B_DMAX = 4.772 B_ORDER = 3 BP_0_2 = 0. BP_0_3 = 1.77752256E-08 BP_1_1 = 0. BP_1_2 = 0. BP_2_0 = 0. BP_2_1 = 1.77752256E-08 BP_3_0 = 0. BP_ORDER= 3 SKEW = 0. FRMFILE = '/local/wise/fops/scans/5b/40005b/fr/001/work/ 40005b001-w1-int-1a.fits' HISTORY instruframecal, v.3.5 on 2009-03-05 at 12:34:24 END FILE NAMES: The generic names for the three FITS image products are: -w-int-1a.fits -w-unc-1a.fits -w-msk-1a.fits where angle brackets indicate information whose literal content depends on actual execution circumstances and "int" = main intensity image frame with pixel values in reduced DN "unc" = corresponding 1-sigma uncertainty image frame with pixel values in reduced DN "msk" = corresponding bit mask indicating status of processing for each pixel [see specification document WSDC D-I101]